Press and Don't Release?

How can you do the Press and don’t release ? Because I see some people asking for MS, and wanted to know if I have to click the button every-time, or if I can just hold it in and it will cycle through the spells. Thank You ???

PunchKey 7.0 allows a safe option for keypressing, just set the key you want to repeat to a Green color…
Green is the press and hold option and will do exactly what you asking…
As for the delay you want, it gives you the option of setting a random delay or a Steady delay.
The website gives you instruction for setting it up. Its super Easy to use…

Redirecting... PunchKey HomePage.

Alot of us AHK can get it here

Auto Hot Key

and the script i use for it is this one

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.1_L
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win 64bit
; Script Function:
; Repeatedly presses 0-9 keys while held down, including Alt, Ctrl, and Shift modifiers.
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetBatchLines, -1
; Set delay between key presses. (too fast will break some games)
Delay := 100
; To add a new key to the script, add it to this array:
key_list := ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" ]
; Init lookup array for modifiers
modifiers := {LAlt: 0, LShift: 0, LCtrl: 0}
; only if wow is active
#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
; Build lookup array, declare hotkeys
keys := {}
keys_modded := {}
Loop % key_list.MaxIndex(){
key := key_list[A_Index]
; init array values
keys[key] := 0
keys_modded[key] := 0
; Declare hotkeys for up and down events
hotkey, $*%key%, keydown
hotkey, $*%key% up, keyup
Loop {
; Endless loop - always running
for key, value in keys {
; Loop through each of the keys
if (value){
; If the key is held...
; Detect if any modifiers held
if (modifiers.LAlt || modifiers.LCtrl || modifiers.LShift){
modifier_held := 1
} else {
modifier_held := 0
; Build the list of modifiers to use for the send
s := ""
if (modifiers.LAlt){
s .= "!"
if (modifiers.LShift){
s .= "+"
if (modifiers.LCtrl){
s .= "^"
; Send the key with the modifiers
Send % s "{" key "}"
Sleep %Delay%
; Any of the "keys" (ie not modifiers) being pressed will call this
key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
keys[key] := 1
; Any of the "keys" being released will call this
key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
; Remove " up" from end
key := substr(key, 1, StrLen(key) - 3)
keys[key] := 0
keys_modded[key] := 0
; Modifiers
mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
modifiers[mod] := 1
$*LAlt up::
$*LCtrl up::
$*LShift up::
mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
; Remove " up" from end
mod := substr(mod, 1, StrLen(mod) - 3)
modifiers[mod] := 0
; Quit script on CTRL-ALT-ESC

It will only run when your on the WoW window Also change the daley from 100 to what ever you want to cycle key presses remember its in MS

Thanks guys :slight_smile: appreciate the help

What if I want Mouse Button 5? Is that possible?

what mouse do you use? if its a razor they have a software you can use to key press for you