Razor Synapse - Autofire? Delay?

I just got a Razor Naga and I’ve seen a bit around here about making a rapid fire macro instead of mashing the buttons. I’ve seen a few that set the delay to REALLY low so it’s 10+ fires a second, that just sounds like asking for trouble (automation?)

If any of you you use an autofire macro, what do you set the delay at? Is this generally considered a safe practice?

Many different people will give you many different answers. I use AHK and have mine set to 200ms. I do that so no matter what, I’m always casting something on the next global. If it is set slow, you may miss alot of globals. Skill 1 and 2 on cooldown? that is 2 key “presses” where nothing is happening. So, IMO, mash it fast. I’ve had much better results at 200ms than anything slower.

[quote quote=35598]Many different people will give you many different answers. I use AHK and have mine set to 200ms. I do that so no matter what, I’m always casting something on the next global. If it is set slow, you may miss alot of globals. Skill 1 and 2 on cooldown? that is 2 key “presses” where nothing is happening. So, IMO, mash it fast. I’ve had much better results at 200ms than anything slower.

Is that the delay between key press and release as well as delay between key press?

.200 sec delay
.200 sec delay


(Not sure if AHK is the same as Razer Synapse)

I need to make a slight alteration to what Spitz has said about globals and spamming too slow.

If you’re a caster or a class which ONLY has globals and NO procs then setting your click speed higher than 1.500 Synapse or 1500 AHK is not worth it as you can’t cast or use any other ability for that period of time, you’re not going to miss any skill.

If you have abilities which can be fired off during a cast or are proc heavy then having a fast macro does make sense so you can fire off those procs over waiting for GCD to finish. Fire Blast, Blink/Shimmer/Ice Floes are small examples of this. The down side to that is your rotation (if you still have one) will go out of whack because you’re trying to cast 10 lines worth of the macro within a 1.67s cast Demonbolt (Unless you are lucky and proc 100% free instants using Shadowy Inspiration)

The above is just used for example!