Leveling and beyond GS-E 3-button macros (Possible HP contenders?)

Balance seems like a pretty straightforward spec, so I made a three button macro which I’ve been using while leveling my Balance Druid. One macro is for Single Target DPS, one macro is for Multi-Target DPS, and the third is for applying the Moonfire and Sunfire DoTs. However, to achieve maximum DPS, you’ll want to switch between ST and MT macros at the appropriate times.

USAGE: In a ST scenario, first spam the DOT macro so both DOTs are applied. Then spam the ST macro until you have three charges of Lunar Empowerment. Then spam MT macro until all three charges of Lunar Empowerment are spent and switch back to the ST macro. Repeat until you win.

In a MT scenario, first spam the DOT macro on ALL targets so both DOTs are applied to all targets (could be simplified by just using Moonfire and Sunfire on separate keys since Sunfire applies its DOT AOE style). Then start spamming the MT macro on your primary target. When you have three charges of Solar Empowerment, spam the ST macro on your primary target, and switch back to the MT macro when all three charges are spent. Repeat until you win.

You could get even more granular with the Lunar and Solar empowerment charges and when you spend them, but the most important thing is to remember that you can only stack THREE charges of each, so try not to waste your Empowerments.

For talents, nothing is set in stone except that Feral Affinity is REQUIRED for the DOT macro. This is because the castsequence lines in the DOT macro has Mangle at the end, which causes Moonfire and Sunfire to ONLY reset upon targeting a new target. This little trick is thanks to Raze48 and his Balance macro. This works well while leveling, since by the time the DOTs would have worn off the target should be dead. However, you will need to manually reapply Moonfire and Sunfire for targets that live longer than their duration, such as Dungeon bosses and Elites.

I use a Razer Naga, and have the kepresses set to spam 10 times per second.

Here’s the DOT macro.

Sequences['BoomDOTs'] = {
specID = 102,
author = "Renic – Moon Guard",
helpTxt = "3,X,1,X,1,X,3",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
'/castsequence reset=target Moonfire, Mangle',
'/castsequence reset=target Sunfire, Mangle',
PostMacro = [[

Here’s the Single Target macro:

Sequences['BoomST'] = {
specID = 102,
author = "Renic - Moon Guard",
helpTxt = "3,X,1,X,1,X,3",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
/cast Celestial Alignment
"/cast Solar Wrath",
"/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge",
"/cast New Moon",
"/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge",
PostMacro = [[

Here’s the Multi-Target macro:

Sequences['BoomMT'] = {
specID = 102,
author = "Renic - Moon Guard",
helpTxt = "3,X,1,X,1,X,3",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
/cast Celestial Alignment
"/cast Lunar Strike",
"/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge",
"/cast New Moon",
"/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge",
PostMacro = [[

I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I feel that these macros could possibly be a contender for the High Performance macros that TimothyLuke is looking for. Please test these out and give feedback!

NOTE: This isn’t meant to be a One Button macro, doing all the thinking for you. I do admit that as a player who has max level toons of every class, I much prefer single button macros for the classes that I don’t really enjoy playing. But for my favorite classes, i.e, Druid and Paladin, I prefer a more granular amount of control over my spells while at the same time automating the things that don’t provide interesting gameplay.
In this example, New Moon should be cast ASAP always, but there are varying times when Solar Wrath should be cast over Lunar Strike, and vise versa, so both the ST and MT macros incorporate New Moon and the appropriate spell, either Solar Wrath or Lunar Strike.

huh , i see no Lunar Strike ???

[quote quote=33961]huh , i see no Lunar Strike ???

i am casting it on a seperat button as you only cast it when you got the extra damage buff

At least with blessing of the ancients once you get rolling in order to not let a charge of lunar empowerment be wasted you end up casting lunar strike as often or nearly as often as solar wrath. adding in lunar strike should up your DPS for anything that lives more than half a minute.

Lunar Strike is in the MT macro. The MT and ST macros are identical, except for Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath.

It’s true that in a fight against a boss, you do not want to waste a single charge of either Empowerment, so I’ll switch from the ST macro to the MT macro once I have three charges of Lunar Empowerment, basically just to burn them out. In a Single Target scenario, you’ll always be better served by burning a charge of Solar Empowerment over Lunar Empowerment, so you do have to watch your charges. By switching from ST macro to MT macro to burn your charges, you still get New Moon and it’s derivatives casting first at every opportunity.

In summation, in a ST scenario, first spam the DOT macro so both DOTs are applied, then spam the ST macro until you have three charges of Lunar Empowerment, then spam MT macro until all charges of Lunar Empowerment are spent. Repeat until you win.

In a MT scenario, do the reverse, except spam the DOT macro on ALL targets first.

This isn’t meant to be a One Button macro, doing all the thinking for you. I do admit that as a player who has max level toons of every class that I much prefer that for the classes that I don’t really enjoy playing. But for classes like Druid and Paladin, i.e., my favorite classes, I prefer a better amount of control over my spells while at the same time automating the things that don’t provide interesting gameplay. In this example, New Moon, et all should be cast ASAP always, but there are varying times when Solar Wrath should be cast over Lunar Strike, and vise versa, so both the ST and MT macros incorporate New Moon, et all and the appropriate spell, either Solar Wrath or Lunar Strike.

I’ll edit the OP to add this info.

Sequences[‘DangerChicken’] = {
specID = 102,
author = “Bearz – Eonar”,
helpTxt = “3223133”,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
“/castsequence reset=target Moonfire, Sunfire, null”,
“/castsequence reset=10 Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, Moonfire, Sunfire”,
“/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge”,
“/cast New Moon”,
“/cast [nochanneling] Starsurge”,
PostMacro = [[

it doesn’t cast new moon for me - go thru sequence once then stops at sunfire, what am i doing wrong?

Well… That’s not even my macro. I’d suggest you ask Bearz about it, since he wrote that one.

Cant get this to work properly.

If i only have 1 target… Then it wont reapply DOTS for example.

That mean’s it is working correctly. The DOT macro is designed to only cast them once per target. I have found that this is a bit annoying in longer fights though, since you have to untarget and retarget your target to get the DOTs to fire again. If you don’t want this functionality, you can simply remove the “reset=target” part and it should work fine, though depending on how fast you’re spamming the macro it might cast Moonfire a few times before you get Sunfire to cast.