Sub Rogue Lazy Macro

This is my Sub rogue macro’s both ST and AOE.

Please provide feedback, suggestions and if possible numbers (ilvl, DPS etc) Many thanks!


And AOE:

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Great job! This suits me better then one button macro. I am currently testing it as my sustain macro. I do have other macros but currently, these two seem to be working best for the sustain. I had all in one macro for everything but it did not spend the combo points well and got stuck really often. The other one was basically just backstab/shadowstrike based on stance and you had to spend combo points manually. I also have two burst PvP macros but they are done in WoW UI, not GSE. One is full burst and the second one is, if you have only one shadow dance available etc. They are from Legion expansion but I made them work again.

Anyways, we are currently missing good PvP macros for sub, which is shame. Sub has a rough time at the moment but it is not that bad. I will post my talents and macro chain and would love you or someone else to help me. I do not think, it can be done, so you can have true one-button macro for PvP but efficient burst one and then second sustain one would be great. In legion, I was able to kill most players in one burst with either of those two macros. Now it leaves them on 20% and they heal back or the sustain transmission is not great. Any help by anyone would be appreciated. I mostly play PvP.

Talents working in PvP best for me: 2131331 + Cold Blood + Dagger in the Dark + Maneuverability + Gladiator’s Medallion
All in macro: /castsequence reset=5 shadow dance, cold blood, symbols of death, cheap shot, nightblade, shadowstrike, kidney shot, shadow dance, marked for death, eviscerate, shadowstrike, shadowstrike, eviscerate
Half-burst: /castsequence reset=target Shadowstrike, Nightblade, Shadow Dance, Cheap Shot, Symbols of Death, Shadowstrike, Eviscerate, Marked For Death, Eviscerate

I will think on it!! Alot of people want PVP so I promise I will have a look into it, but no dates lol I have alot I am working on at the moment.

hello ^^ Builde talent ? :smiley: for macro ^^