Survival ST Macro - Parses Linked

Hi Everyone,

Been working on making a consistently solid macro in output. I got some good parses that I am personally pretty happy with. Parses are still gear dependent but my hope is that this macro gives you some benefit as it has for me - which is why I am sharing. I use my 2 min CD separately because you want to line it up with lust. I also use serpent sting separately explained below.

If you are having issues with Wildfire Bomb going off reload your UI I’ll investigate this more to see if I can get this stupid issue fixed.

So for this macro it will work with Viper’s Venom or Alpha Predator as well as bottom talents of Birds of Prey or Wildfire Infusion.

NOTE* Keep Serpent Sting out of the macro no matter what talents you select. It should be refreshed with about 2 seconds until expired. Just follow DPS guides with how to use properly. Just weave it into the macro when needed separately.

Also note for talent selection…
Birds of Prey is only good on some raid bosses and never good for mythic+ dungeons. There is never enough up-time on it to make it worthwhile. especially due to the fact that it is single target and you need more AOE in mythic dungeons. BoP is the highest potential single target but not every boss encounter effectively allows you to maximize this potential. any disruption of your coordinated assault will kill your DPS. If you’re going for high parses I would run a raid week with WFI talent and another raid week with BoP. Some encounters will be higher with one over the other.

Wildfire Infusion is good in pretty much every scenario and is definitely the mythic+ build you will want to use and is also strong in raids. for raid stack Latent Poison azerite trait and for Mythic+ take at least 1 Wildfire cluster trait. You will also always want 1 Wilderness Survival trait.

Always sim your gear with that being said but that is a general guideline that is excepted.

Alpha Predator I personally don’t run this as it usually requires an extremely high amount of haste to beat out Viper’s Venom but if it sims higher for you try it out.

Viper’s Venom The general way to use this talent is to not spend it immediately but to use it as a free refresh. You want to always keep Serpent sting up on the target. Refresh with about 2 seconds remaining. If you have a Viper’s Venom proc hold onto it and use it when you would normally need to refresh unless its about to expire.

I use AHK with 3 assigned as my macro and 4 assigned with my Serpent Sting.

Above are my logs if you want to take a look.

Talents 3121222

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.04.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Kill Command, Bite

KeyPress: Bite, Revive Pet, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Wildfire Bomb, Raptor Strike

My AutoHotKey Script below. My latency is around 70ms so I run the script at 80. I suggest making it about 10ms slow than your latency - whatever that may be. Practice on a target dummy and make adjustments until you are satisfied.

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft { $3:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("3", "P") break Send 3 sleep 80 } return } #ifWinActive World of Warcraft { $2:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("2", "P") break Send 2 sleep 80 } return } #ifWinActive World of Warcraft { $4:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("4", "P") break Send 4 sleep 80 } return }

At the moment I am playing Beast Mastery because my guild is melee heavy but I am also going to write a BM hunter post when I feel happy enough with it.

I’m looking forward to testing out your BM macro!

Your marco works like a charme. I cant wait for yor BM macro <3
What is the best pet too use in your opinion?

Per Icy Veins:
"We recommend Spirit Beasts as your default pet for PvE content. Their Spirit Mend heal is strong in a pinch and they provide increased maximum health and a defensive cooldown from being Tenacity.

For Leveling and Open World content, we recommend Ferocity pets. They provide a Leech bonus that heals you when you do damage, and they allow you to cast Bloodlust/Heroism Icon Heroism every 10 minutes to help you on big pulls and difficult enemies. They are also more handy for world PvP. There are no Ferocity pets that stand out far above the others.

Cunning Pets are useful mostly when there is no need for any defensive ability, such as when you are doing open world content that is trivial for your gear level. Silithid pets have 30% increased movement speed by default, and all Cunning pets provide a small movement speed bonus to you as well."

Can u have a Spirit Beast as SV Hunter?

Spirit Beasts are exotic and can only be used by Beast Mastery Hunters.

And now look on top of this Topic and ask me what kind of macro this is…
Think twice before u post pls.

Sorry for offending you and answering your questions.

I find myself just doing auto attacks. Can´t find where to take it out from macro.

For BoD raid I use a stag by default for the dispel and damage reduction buff, stamina buff, and speed boost between targets.

For healing intensive fight where there is constant damage like King Rastakhan and Mek or Jayna I feel like a pet with leech is good. It provides passive healing through your dps. I use a bat by default because it has Lust/Hero and a dispel and speed to switch to targets faster.

Mostly personal preference but some pets provide better utility than others.

Mmmm I’ll take a look and get back to you. Not sure what would cause this issue.

I get issues myself when trying other people’s macros too sometimes. Might be the addon itself. Try /reload ui

Maybe try also removing some macros from GSE that you know you aren’t using anymore. Not sure but I think when I have too many it causes issues.

[quote quote=69398]Mmmm I’ll take a look and get back to you. Not sure what would cause this issue.
I get issues myself when trying other people’s macros too sometimes. Might be the addon itself. Try /reload ui
Maybe try also removing some macros from GSE that you know you aren’t using anymore. Not sure but I think when I have too many it causes issues.[/quote]

I’ll follow your guidelines. Thanks.

is there a macro for level 20 to use

any updates ?

Any updates for a lower level player to use? I believe you can still use this macro. It will automatically replace mongoose bite for raptor strike for example. The macro is still working very well for me. I was using it this week.

Wildfire Bomb does not fire off with this macro, it doesn’t even recognize it. Most likely because Wildfire Infusion doesn’t recognize the name Wildfire Bomb when that talent is chosen.

Why is no Serpent Sting in this Macro? and what is the best place to put it in?

Wildfire Bomb is the correct name. Wildfire Infusion is the name of the talent. But yes, this is the one issue I find with the macro.

Having the next patch coming out next week i’ll take a look at this macro again and see if I can find a fix for it. For now use the /reloadui or /reload ui command to fix it. I don’t know what causes this issue but it’s annoying to me.

I used this macro on heroic mekk and got top 10 parse out of all survival hunters so it definately works. I also had a parse on bloackade where I didnt notice but wildfire bomb didnt go off like you said. I fixed it with reloading the ui but you can do this in the middle of a fight so I always reload when i enter a raid before combat starts.

I wrote why on the first page. You should only refresh serpent sting as it is about to expire. This maximizes your DPS. I put it on the “4” action key and just use the ability when it is about to expire ~2 seconds left of the duration.

[quote quote=70741]Wildfire Bomb is the correct name. Wildfire Infusion is the name of the talent. But yes, this is the one issue I find with the macro.
Having the next patch coming out next week i’ll take a look at this macro again and see if I can find a fix for it. For now use the /reloadui or /reload ui command to fix it. I don’t know what causes this issue but it’s annoying to me.
I used this macro on heroic mekk and got top 10 parse out of all survival hunters so it definately works. I also had a parse on bloackade where I didnt notice but wildfire bomb didnt go off like you said. I fixed it with reloading the ui but you can do this in the middle of a fight so I always reload when i enter a raid before combat starts.[/quote]

Are you running the latest versions of GSE? Bomb is working fine in my macro, I recently also came back to WoW and working with a slightly modified version of my Bloodshot Macro
Surv is one of those specs where gear etc. heavily affects how the macro will work for you, it’s almost impossible to find a “one size fits all” macro, people will have to tweak it to suit them