Test at Feral GS

Hello. This is the macro I used to get my druid Silver PG soon as I hit 100 (i630). My druid is now up to 2 Hours old @ Lv100. I’ll be testing this macro more tomorrow after work, but it seems to be okish. I don’t really have a bad alt to compare it to and I’m heading to bed before I’ve got a chance to do LFR / Random.

Talents : 3132222 ; It’s what I’m using, but really just Feral Charge is used in the macro.
Major Glyphs : Glyph of Savage Roar, Glyph of Rebirth, Glyph of Cat Form ; Mostly just Roar.
Minor : Glyph of the Treant, Glyph of Travel, Glyph of Grace ; Any

Sequences['FeralST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Wild Charge
/cast [stealth] Shred
/cast [combat] Wild Charge
	'/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Shred, Shred, Rip, Shred, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite, Rake, Shred, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred',
	'/console autounshift 0',
	'/cast [@player,combat] Healing Touch',
	'/console autounshift 1',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
Sequences['FeralAoE'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Wild Charge
/cast [stealth] Shred
/cast [combat] Wild Charge
	'/castsequence reset=combat Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Ferocious Bite, Swipe, Thrash, Swipe, Savage Roar',
	"/console autounshift 0",
	"/cast [@player,combat] Healing Touch",
	"/console autounshift 1",
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

I just have Large CDs in a basic macro:

/castsequence reset=11/combat Tiger's Fury, Berserk
/cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)

Feel free to Use, Change and/or Post these anywhere. I don’t care if it gets stolen, just post some updates here if you find em. =P

I can’t seem to get these macro’s to work.

Hi , I think there is something about the reset ! because its not repeating the macro rotation

none of this shit on here is working.

I am only getting ~25K @ start and then it levels off to ~15-17K on average. This is with gear that has been chosen to follow the bloodtalons single target priority on Icy-veins.com. My ilvl is also @ 678 with a 660 weapon and nearly all crit enchants are applied, with exception to the legendary ring. The macro provided by Sethedon(Sp?) is a swap bar setup and provides a 4-5K dps increase, but it’s much more annoying if you use Bartender4 like I do. Not trying to bum you out or anything, just making observations. I’d much rather have a one button with hot key setups than a swap bar setup any day. Also, this may make a difference, but I’m using an MMO mouse with button macro capabilities. I have the button set to continuously press @ a rate of every 50 milliseconds. This works perfectly fine for the rest of my GS macros and I’m not sure if that would be too fast for this macro to make a difference since I haven’t tested that yet.