This website dont work actualy for me

Sorry if this isnt the right section for this topic.

I am the only one that have serious troubles at this website the last days ? I need ten attempts to log in at least. And when i edit & save a topic the change dont show up after reloading the website *(1)

When i click edit again i see the new version at my macro on the black box…but not when save & reload. *(2)

Here at this section (News) my edit goes live after one second. But my macro that i did post (and try to edit) on monk section won’t show up after an hour.

That wouldn’t be a big deal and i would just post a new answer, instead of editing my first post. But there is another problem - i have to post my macros in this formation

(not in line, blackbox)

to get it look like this (in line, live)

So i make some spaces, save - reload the site and hope its in line. If not - than i would need to make a 3. or 4. answer, because i cant edit. And i dont like to post shit macros that dont work.

And take a look at the topics at the monk section. My topic is at place two (two days old) and shufangs topic is place one (last answer one week ago). So it must be something wrong.


*(1) Old problem that seems to occur only at some sections. Sometims more worse, someday better.
*(2) I deaktivatet adblock. I dont use proxys. I am using google on two computers at two different locations.
I am also using two forum accounts (couldnt log in once, so made a new account at work) .

If you never noticed this kind of problem - what browser you are using ?

Sorry for my english.

I have noticed problems the last few days as well. Specifically, I have Moderator privileges and can no longer send irrelevant posts to the trash for permanent removal. As well, I have not been receiving Notifications as I normally have in the past, telling me when people have replied to my original post. Lastly, I have had problems logging in at times too. This is quite strange really, because I rarely have issues at this site.

I have noticed that topic updates and last updated are not working correctly on the front page. Now have to go into each subforum to see what the last post was.

Do you moderators have to read each post and than unlock / release it manual, to prevent stupid spam posts like “call india number mairage bla bla” ?
If yes, than maybee it could be a wrong security setting (?)

Couldnt we not just use captcha before relasing / edit a post ? This way we would be save for spamers and could generate some money for the website (there are websites that pay for x solved captchas).

And if this problem lasts longer than i hope, could i post a link to a other site (like imgur, or wago) to chair my macros ? Or is it not needfull for a working macro to have the lines perfect in form ?

Nobody - from his work :slight_smile:

Yes… I have had issues for the last week or so with editing my own posts and updating… getting locked out of post or they just up and disappear…

Yes, I have been having loads of issues with logging in.

Keeps saying wrong password etc, even after resetting multiple times and then locks me out for 60 minutes

Just had to log in with battlenet and lost all my post count etc :stuck_out_tongue:

I updated my Feral macro several days ago yet it does not reflect those changes in the Forums. If I open it to edit again my preexisting edits that don’t show up are there. For now I just posted the revision in a new comment rather than waiting for the OP to update.

Had to log in a different way again as on my first attempt at logging in with my main account I got this

You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in 659 minutes.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

The site seemed to have had a caching issue after updated the backend.

Working on a test site to fix some other bugs and other changes.

I am finally able to log back in using Twitter integration. Not sure how to create a new account.

I am not able to modify some of my original post, although I can create new posts and modify them.

Just a FYI.

I have had to make a new account just cannot log in under old account despite changing passwords etc…

I too continue to have problems logging in unless renew a password each time I hope to log in.
Sometimes renewing a password does still not work.