Updated: Afflock 7.3.2 Antorus - Ready Macro

If your a Troll Warlock Select VERSION 1 as Defualt to have the Troll Racial in your rotation. If not Select VERSION 2. You will never run out of mana either

Sequences['Afflock-7.3.2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="Cacey@The Venture Co",
  Talents = "3113112",
  Helplink = "https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/updated-afflock-7-3-2-antorus-the-burning-throne-ready/",
  Help = [[Affliction - Talents are 3113112]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target  Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Berserking",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Soul Harvest",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target  Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Soul Harvest",

Trying this out now Thanks

Edit: On the Reb Fel Target I get 1-1.3 Mil DPS but I almost always have 0 shards ad my dps starts to go doen to 970k - 1 Mil my stats are Haste 31 Mastery 114 Crit 21.

I have it set to 100ms should it be different?


i have the exact same problem :confused: i start up at 1,4-1,7mil dps also and then it just stops.
i have to aply dots my self to keep it going but i still run out of shards :confused:

i use razer synapse and have slowed it down from 100ms to 0,8 and it is working quite alright.
as long as there are several mobs i can spam the macro all night long. but on ST its no good :confused:

i have 945ilvl. 20% crit/33%haste/125%mastery.

What am i doing wrong?

or else it is a fantastic macro!! :smiley:

Ron and Bro which races are u cuase if ur not a troll u need to be using version 2 or it breaks the macro if you are troll use version 1

Also which Legendarys are you using with this set up u need to be using Power cord of lethtendris and Hood of eternal disdain

Power Cord of Lethtendris refunds soul shards so it is best to allow the unstable affliction dot to fall off so u have the proc from the belt to refund soul shards

Hood Of eternal Disdain ramps up your agony damage quicker

I am a Troll my problem is a run out of shards and cant cast anything then my DPS drops down.

ron U need to be wearing the legendary belt

[quote quote=56795]ron U need to be wearing the legendary belt

I also have the belt should I be running it at 100ms?

ron i truly dont know i run this manually

I am a Belf so i am using #2 :slight_smile:

i have the back and pants lego :confused:

So without the legos you mention the macro is not performaing as well as intended?

yes without those legos it will not perform as well

I think the Macro works fine for me. I’m 928 with only one leggo the Kil’jaeden trinket and the dps ls between 950-1,2mill.
Running with 80ms.

I will try it at 80ms and see if that helps

On single target I still run out of shards and my DPS drops down a ton I have the belt but it is only 25% chance to get a new shard when the target doesn’t have UA already on it. And it just spams UA as long as you have shards so there is no real way to gain them back on single target if you have 3 UA’s on a target only the first one applied has a 25% chance to give a shard back not all 3. I am at iLVL 941 ( can get to 945 but that doesnt help my stats) with 30% Hast 116 Mastery and 21 Crit I can peak to 1.4 mil but then shards run dry and I never get enough to stay on top due to the spamming of UA until I have no shards.

I’ve been using this for about a week now, and then after the update last night it stopped working. It will cast the first go around, but won’t reapply agony or corruption, and I’m getting shard staved because the dots aren’t replying (I’m assuming this). I was also tinkering around a bit to see if I can have this blind cast to a focus target as well (for the The Coven of Shivarra fight). I think I will have to just make something to apply corruption, agony, drain life, drain soul, life tap for the focus macro, and save the shards for the main target macro.

Thanks for the macro. It works quite well, but is it possible to adjust how often Life Tap is cast? I would still be at 100% mana with Life Tap cast half as often, so might be possible to gain some dps there.

I`ve been testing this macro out for a while now and at first i got shard starved and the macro seemed to hang itself up.
after some testing i took out Reap souls from the macro and started timing them myself. also i slowed the macro dowm from 80ms to 30ms. this started to make the macro alot better working for me. went from steady 1,1m-1,3m to an amazing 1,6mill!! after siming i was suppose to 1.3250 so i guess it works for me :stuck_out_tongue:

i still dont have the legendarys that is “required” for this macro. i have the legs and the insignia ring.

i dont have any tier parts on.
my stats are: crit 28% Haste 33% Versa 1,5% Mastery 119%

i am using razer synapse btw.

I just want to say thank you for all the macros out there and it is making the game awsome once more :smiley:

[quote quote=57220]I`ve been testing this macro out for a while now and at first i got shard starved and the macro seemed to hang itself up. after some testing i took out Reap souls from the macro and started timing them myself. also i slowed the macro dowm from 80ms to 30ms. this started to make the macro alot better working for me. went from steady 1,1m-1,3m to an amazing 1,6mill!! after siming i was suppose to 1.3250 so i guess it works for me :stuck_out_tongue:
i still dont have the legendarys that is “required” for this macro. i have the legs and the insignia ring.
i dont have any tier parts on. my stats are: crit 28% Haste 33% Versa 1,5% Mastery 119%
i am using razer synapse btw.
I just want to say thank you for all the macros out there and it is making the game awsome once more ???[/quote]

I have the belt but still end up running dry on shards even after doing as you said you did from the start I hit 1.6M easy then go down to 1.2M and keeps going down. I am now at 31% Hast 120% Mastery and 21% Crit. I am using the belt and bracer legendary’s wish I could figure it out since it starts off so nice.


havent been playing for some days so i have missed you reply.

Cant tell you what is wrong here :frowning: but i also sometimes manage the UA´s on a side button to maximize my dps.after aplying 2 dots i use my reap if i have any to keep dps up. it is still not the best dps but i manage to keep up with better geared locks that do have 4pc´s.

i have watched a ton of youtube vids to also maintain and max my dps. that is all i can recommend to do. i would just like to say i am still VERY new to warlock. but i am lucky to have friends that still play lock and help me out.

youtube is ofc not the answer but it has helped me out a bit.

sry if this is not the answer you wanted but i dont know the class 100% myself.

Truth be told, even without the belt, this is the closest Macro I’ve found to the Priority listing on Lock One Stop Shop, as you never want to use more than 3 UA’s in a UA cycle, and even if you are only using 1 that’s ok.

Still waiting for better lego’s, but I average about 1.5M with this macro at 947

This morning this Macro stopped if u run out of shard, until yesterday worked perfectly…
Some solution?

For the breaking try deleteing it and reimporting it. This macro is highly depenpdent on letting UA fall off so when u reapply on ST fights u will get the have that high chance refund. On add fights like Eronar u neeb to throw though UA out like crazy and get them on as many people as you can. The macro is is also highly dependent on have the two leggos i eluded to earlier