WW Action Bar swapping

Ok, seeing others putting together some action bar swapping macro’s i’ve taken from those… Shout out to all those working on them and have begun putting one together for WW monks. It’s not perfect but it’s a start. Anyone who knows our rotation since 6.0 please feel free to jump in and tweak this up to a more perfect working macro… And here it is.

Macro 1:
#showtoolkit Jab
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=3 Jab,Jab,Tiger Palm,Jab,Jab
/swapactionbar 1 2

Macro 2:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Rising Sun Kick
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 2 3

Macro 3:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Blackout Kick
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 3 4

Macro 4:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Energizing Brew
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 4 1

Or if anyone wants to tell me what ability should be where i’ll rework the macro’s.

ive got one along the same sort of lines i been testing out . on test dummie in pandaria lvl 90 ones i can push 10k single target will see how it goes tomorrow after more testing . my monk has 572 ilvl so it might be shit dps haha

Would you mind PMing me what you are using so I can update what i’ve been working with? ilvl 560 and having issues getting above 6k dps. Thanks in advance

[quote quote=16340]Ok, seeing others putting together some action bar swapping macro’s i’ve taken from those… Shout out to all those working on them and have begun putting one together for WW monks. It’s not perfect but it’s a start. Anyone who knows our rotation since 6.0 please feel free to jump in and tweak this up to a more perfect working macro… And here it is.

Macro 1:
#showtoolkit Jab
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=3 Jab,Jab,Tiger Palm,Jab,Jab
/swapactionbar 1 2

Macro 2:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Rising Sun Kick
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 2 3

Macro 3:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Blackout Kick
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 3 4

Macro 4:
#showtoolkit Jab
/castsequence reset=target Energizing Brew
/cast !Chi Wave
/cast !Rushing Jade Wind
/swapactionbar 4 1

Or if anyone wants to tell me what ability should be where i’ll rework the macro’s.

Any way in converting this in a one macro?
theres a super duper macro update thats working i would guess…

/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=target Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Tiger Palm,Jab,Jab
/cast [combat] Rising Sun Kick
/cast [combat] Chi Wave
/cast [combat] Rushing Jade Wind
/cast [combat] Energizing Brew

NOW IM NOT A MONK BUT FROM YOUR SWAP BARS I THREW THIS TOGETHER - You will need to set up the castsequence JAB-BLOACKOUT BREW… blah blah blah … to optimize that but this should work in theory as a ONE BUTTON SPAMMER. Find below a working SUPERDUPER 6.0 macro extender

The problem so far is not that a macro extender is not working. Super Duper and KM are both updated. The issue everyone is running into is the ,0,0,0,0, part of the castsequence macros is what is broken. So these action bar swap macros are a work around till something is done (most likely on Blizz’s side) to resolve that issue. I just took that macro and setup the /castsequence and it will not fire off all abilities.

yeh its nto rly firing up everything :C
i would want somethign that resembles :

/run sfx=GetCVar(“Sound_EnableSFX”);
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
#showtooltip jab
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,chi wave
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,rising sun kick
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,jab
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,!rising sun kick
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=8 Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Blackout Kick,Blackout Kick, blackout kick,tiger palm,blackout kick, blackout kick
/use [combat]Energizing Brew
/use !Rising Sun Kick
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run SetCVar(“Sound_EnableSFX”,sfx);

but without the :cthat amcro as 240 characters