Hi guys this is my WW macro my talents are 3222112.I m new on GS let me know what you think and good game you all. Sry but i dont remember how to paste the macro correctly.For aoe damage target second enemy cast Storm Earth and Fire and nuke again your main target.

Sequences['KEN'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast [combat] !Jab,!Rushing Jade Wind",
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=15 !Tiger Palm,!Expel Harm',
"/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=15 !Rushing Jade Wind,!Jab,!Rising Sun Kick",
'/cast [nochanneling] Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=5 !Jab,!Rushing Jade Wind,!Chi Explosion',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=45 !Zen Sphere,Charging Ox Wave',
"/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=45 !Tigereye Brew,!Charging Ox Wave",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat,nochanneling] !touch of death
/use [combat,nochanneling]13
/use [combat,nochanneling]14
/use [combat,nochanneling]Energizing Brew
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()