1 Button Lightsmith Holy Paladin - Melee Wings [M+/Heroics/Delves/Dungeon Leveling]

OMG i’m so dumb :smiley: i thought it will convert in any language :smiley: THX it work

If you make it using spell ids I’ve read that it’ll work in any language. But I haven’t seen many do it that way because it takes longer to do

Hi there!
Unfortunately, the import string is outdated.
Could you please put a current string and perhaps a screenshot of the talents online?
Thank you very much!
Best regards

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Thanks for the update - but I am struggling learning this so looking for some advice. The sequences are working fine BUT I am using cell - when using the healing seq do you hover over the player them self or can you over over the frame - been running TW and leveling and I just cant seem to keep up - not to mention my DMG output is really bad currently, add into the learning curve and this is my struggle - Thanks in advance

It should not require mouseover, because it is designed to to “splash” healing. I could imagine that scaling issues exist in leveling dungeons