7.2.0 Outlaw Rogue

Mmmmmmaaaaybe it’s something I’m doing wrong, but I can’t seem to get this to work. It gets hung up on “Run Through” and stops working within the first few seconds.

How do you add these to the new 2.0 GSE?

[quote quote=39793]How do you add these to the new 2.0 GSE?

in game, bring up the addon via /GS, click on the import button will open a blank area
make sure the GSE macro is checked.
then cut and paste the macro from this thread to it and click on import.
select close and then it should be available to drag the icon down to hot bar and enjoy

[quote quote=39784]Mmmmmmaaaaybe it’s something I’m doing wrong, but I can’t seem to get this to work. It gets hung up on “Run Through” and stops working within the first few seconds.

Try importing it again as I have just revised them as while my vanish trick was not working it did cause the macro to trip up at the beginning. but no issue with run through as you described.


How do i get my macro to work in Game???


[quote quote=39800]

How do you add these to the new 2.0 GSE?

in game, bring up the addon via /GS, click on the import button will open a blank area make sure the GSE macro is checked. then cut and paste the macro from this thread to it and click on import. select close and then it should be available to drag the icon down to hot bar and enjoy


Thank you it worked finally.

[quote quote=39760]Another update kind of a Eureka moment faffing about GSE2.0 I went back to the drawing board and came up with what below. this by far outshines my previous work, in the past on my Rogue Alt I would get great burst then fall off to nothing, then switching to Slice and Dice I reduced the fall and improved DPS my new one had less initial burst, a slight ramp up in fact and then levels out (on a training dummy)
so comparison, on my scrub rogue (item level 850) old RTB start at 250k and fall to 140k after 2min. old SnD macro states at 220k burst then down to 170k after 2 min my new one so far started at 190, rose to 220k and stayed there when AR came of CD and fired would climb higher to the 240-260k mark.
so hoping some better rogues can give this one a crack for me.
Something I an trying with the 2.0 tools is the premacro loop what I’m trying to do and sorta works but needs improvement is you start stealth, it will Ambush, vanish, Ambush again, then proceed with the rotation. that opener won’t reset until the end of combat so it only does it once. this part is still WIP. Also, I have pistol shot on a Mod: Alt for procs @.0 is more responsive with this function just tap alt when it procs and it fire off immediately.

[quote quote=39760]Another update kind of a Eureka moment faffing about GSE2.0 I went back to the drawing board and came up with what below. this by far outshines my previous work, in the past on my Rogue Alt I would get great burst then fall off to nothing, then switching to Slice and Dice I reduced the fall and improved DPS my new one had less initial burst, a slight ramp up in fact and then levels out (on a training dummy)
so comparison, on my scrub rogue (item level 850) old RTB start at 250k and fall to 140k after 2min. old SnD macro states at 220k burst then down to 170k after 2 min my new one so far started at 190, rose to 220k and stayed there when AR came of CD and fired would climb higher to the 240-260k mark.
so hoping some better rogues can give this one a crack for me.
Something I an trying with the 2.0 tools is the premacro loop what I’m trying to do and sorta works but needs improvement is you start stealth, it will Ambush, vanish, Ambush again, then proceed with the rotation. that opener won’t reset until the end of combat so it only does it once. this part is still WIP. Also, I have pistol shot on a Mod: Alt for procs @.0 is more responsive with this function just tap alt when it procs and it fire off immediately.

Ilvl 883 Outlaw here with some bad stats, main Assasination.
I am not coming over 300k on single target with just using this and minding the pistol procs.

My two cents on this is that you must use Run Through on 5 points or more. I am seeing the macro using this at 1-2 points some times.

I don’t think you can macro finishers and that roll the bones is still the best talent of choosing for outlaw as the bottom of the RNG still provides more dps.

If you are looking for raiding dps you will have to use the finishers by itself.
Thank you for a good allround macro though

[quote quote=39830]Ilvl 883 Outlaw here with some bad stats, main Assasination. I am not coming over 300k on single target with just using this and minding the pistol procs.
My two cents on this is that you must use Run Through on 5 points or more. I am seeing the macro using this at 1-2 points some times.
I don’t think you can macro finishers and that roll the bones is still the best talent of choosing for outlaw as the bottom of the RNG still provides more dps.
If you are looking for raiding dps you will have to use the finishers by itself. Thank you for a good allround macro though
Thanks for feed back.
intersting though as after tonights raid I got my guilds main rogue who is only 869 but was pulling 440k on the 112 Raid training dummy we ran the macro through its paces trying to find issues some here have been having and solve. though having updated the GSE2 solved some of them. mind you though Her Outlaw is optimized so that could be factor also.

I kind of disagree with roll the bones. on paper possibly in reality not so for a macro standpoint SnD is more efficient as you only need to keep the buff up. with RTB its a hit and miss affair even when done manually you often waste combo points rerolling hoping for something better. or get a great roll at a crap moment and waste it. Kind of me trying to convince the Death Knight community that Soulgorge is great, only when used in a macro… outside that yeah the internet may be correct.

Staggering Run through like I have has a bit of method to my madness, one action efficiency, I always have something to hit and not waiting for energy even more so when alacrity stacks max out. second on anoptimized outlaw rogue, you proc alot of free combo points especially if main gauche procing often.

the second reason is from Sims. Many sim their characters, I do. but few look at the logs to see what was used and when. my rotation is actually based of what the simulators use. I often use this as a starting point and then go from there tuning as I go.

Anyway that should at least provide peeps with how I approached the direction I did. But ultimately yeah i agree Rogues are a tough nut to crack based purely on how the mechanics of the class works and you will never get a decent macro i can get with Dks or Warriors. but hopefully close :slight_smile:

Not tried getting it to work again, but I do want to say, John, that it’s awesome that there are people still dedicated to making these macros for those of us without fast-processing hotkey maneuvering. Thank you very much for your work, and I look forward to continually trying this again; I’m certain I’m screwing something up but I’m not sure what.

Ok after some more testing and trying some LFR, I have made some tuning changes.

First thing addressed was the sequence would hang up if when the macro would try to cast slice and dice
over an existing slice and dice buff and the existing buff was better quality (ie made from more combo points)
so I have made the sequence try to reset itself should this occur. best I have got it to for now is basically would waste 1-2 GCD melee hitting before it self-resets, and now should not just stand there auto attacking forever.

I removed gouge as I noticed, during boss where I was not in front of the target, it would error message
may not have affected macro performance but the red text was just annoying,

Tuned the rotation slightly, this is always the juggle, do I make it efficient with energy or combo points,
so I have tuned to a touch towards more combo point than energy as much as I could without compromising overall dps.

Sequences['out'] = {
  Author="John Metz",  
  Talents = "1111321",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Pistol Shot",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [stealth] Ambush",
        "/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush",
        "/cast [combat] Curse of the Dreadblades",
        "/castsequence  reset=6  Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Ghostly Strike, Slice and Dice",

You’ve got a real talent for writing these macros, John.
Thanx for another well performing one.

I tried Roll the Bones in place of Slice and Dice and got less than 1k difference in DPS at lvl 102 with a GS of 699 on a dummy. The SnD did 45k and the RtB did 44.3k. I like the graphics of the RtB and the variety of the buffs that can come up so I’ll run that one for now, but when I’m chasing numbers, I’ll look at changing it back again.
After about 10 mins of running the macro, I didn’t find any issues with energy or combo points. I added in Crimson Vial as I’m soloing and I find that it’s a cheap price to pay for a shot at living longer. A friend once said, “You cann’t DPS if you’re dead.”.
Thanx again and I’ll look you up if something comes up or I have a chance to get into raids, heroics, mythic, etc with this one.

Thanks, Glad you like it.
Over the weekend I tested 3 variations, RtB SnD and DfA.
Slice and Dice provided the most consistent and highest DPS
Death from Above came in at second (20k less) for DPS but had the smoothest rotation, I wish SnD was the same.
Roll the bones (after a rotation adjustment) was all over the shop, sometimes I pulled large numbers
other times it was the worst by far. Both RTB and DFA have a decent initial burst but then fall away
until everything is of CD again.

After doing EN normal Sunday night taking into account raid mechanics, in moments where I was able to stand still I could pull the numbers I was generating on the Training-dummy so it happy with that.

Yeah Crimson Vial and Garote could go back in for a general build, they get omitted as it often just posting what I’m using at the time and often don’t need them personally.

/castsequence reset=6 Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Ghostly Strike, Slice and Dice

This line is showing as white after import and doesn’t cast for me…Only get ambush and melee in my logs.

Anyone got an idea why?

Hmm could be something going wiggy at your or my end. try the one below

/castsequence reset=6 Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Ghostly Strike, !Slice and Dice

I just copied that from my rogue. if it still does it some other causes are if there is a space at the start before the /castsequence or try replacing commas with your own commas. as this has been the cause when domtimes cut and paste. Finally if there are any double spaces. as I have seen when cut and pasting extra spaces appear or the commas seem different.

I am getting a sequence collision error on import. Anyone else having this problem?

[quote quote=42751]I am getting a sequence collision error on import. Anyone else having this problem?

not that I aware of, what version of GS you running?

Update a slight bit of tuning and a bit of fun… for me.

Sequences['out'] = {
  Author="John Metz",  
  Talents = "1111321",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Pistol Shot",
        "/cast [stealth] Ambush",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [stealth] Ambush",
        "/cast [nostealth] Vanish",
        "/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush",
        "/cast [combat] Curse of the Dreadblades",
        "/castsequence  reset=1  Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Run Through, Ghostly Strike, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Run Through, Saber Slash, Saber Slash, Ghostly Strike, !Slice and Dice",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth",

What has changed well I added some Saber slashes as my energy regen is getting better with gear I can add more in without idle moment, also the ghostly strike buff should be up a little longer before its refreshed.

some were still experiencing some slice and dice hangups so I tuned the Reset function more to 1 second. so now should it stall just let go of the macro for a second or 1 GCD then continue on as it will reset the sequence to the beginning.

Lastly I added vanish\ambush for a bit of burst. so as the rotation proceeds vanish will be on CD and when it fires it follows up with an ambush. feel free to remove if you like to have it on had as an oh crap button but in raid fights etc its just more dps :slight_smile:
also what it does for an opener when you start stealthed, is it should now Ambush, Vanish, Ambush, then contune with rotation

I guess I didn’t have it updated. Logged into curse today saw a new update and now it imports fine. Thanks for the response

I just tried the macro and for some reason I am doing half the dps I normally would and most of the attacks are not going through.

Hmm i ran mine and works fine, but i need more infor by half you mean half of what you did on the last macro revision? attacks not going through not sure what you mean by that