8.2 Macro with Petrified Ebony Scale / Crucible of Flames v1.51 EN/US Version

Hello Friends,
I installed now the english client, and see now the problems. He wouldn´t translate the Blood fury, that could perhabs happens that i exported the macro with my non orc hunter. Then he wouldn´t translate the pet commands well, i deleted them now and let only the one exist that works.

One Macro was totally fucked up in german, i didn´t know why that was, becaus it was only a copy of an other version, that was fine in english. Anyway, here are now the hopefully working english versions:

deK1jaqEkrRNsq2pWSKk3IsPY0Quk9lQmmcDmPSmepdvttLUgs2gv5Bi14ubNds3tQsAGQI4GsvLfsj9qkLmrkbUOuv0gLQsJKsOtkvv9svrDtPk2jr)KsqnucYsPu8ujtfI2QuLySsvkVvv4UQO2R4VQIKbd6Wkwmb8yOMmf5YkTzPQWNvrgnb1PvLEnLQzdb3gcTBv1VPQgUk0XjqlNcphLPt66uuBNsP47QIuJxQs1dRuQ60cYiBP6NfUpFkR9TFpLTQijbzkKdc7xzPA8EJ3BTwQESuf(fhjjvpd2WVxwd2R)NfKr2cYiBPC4HPaydLI(gjjLdpmfa5xrIxK8uo8WuaK0OjIIrEt5WdtbqckfNMhjvkhEykBf08(Xlas8U8oaKFfjEDaifNiI2bGeukonpsVuo8WuaSHsrFJKoLdpmfaP4er0ipKYHhMYwbnVF8cGeVlVda5xrIxhasXjIODaibLItZJenLdpmfajnAIOyKnXuo8WuaK4D5r2APC4HPai)ks8ISrs5WdtzRGM3pEbqI3L3bG8RiXRdaP4er0uc5Z0EgSHFqgnLf3XuSMsUy7XAkRlcAeiLnV)tTynfsJ3V9vBrGupVwAZIWoSniJSLYHhMcGnuofxmsskhEyka24TdO3i5PC4HPaydLI(g5nLdpmfaBOu00rtzZ7)ejwtH049BFvseivP7X(A(J1x)FQAf08(13bHupVwkKXYybzKTuoDmoT6(xeTeaF89fEmq88dt7y6CKKuUJRoQoy7rYt5WdtbWhF)JR299nTJPZa4Hd8iVPC4HPa4dDmoTAV2h(yZSoaC79xMY6aWVVPDmDU7HogNwTxpUAhaU9(ltzDa4330oModG87LMosQuoMog6O6GThPxk3XvhvhSDa8Xt0X40QDcpgiEos6uo8WuaS5DGqh5HuUJRoQoy7rtjKX2ZGn8dYiBPC4HPai6bsKKuo8WuaKGsXP5rYt5WdtbWgkf9nAkB5JOaJgRrJKeKr2s5WdtbWgkf9nsskhEykaYVIeVi5PC4HPaiPrtefJ8MYHhMcGeukonpsQuo8Wu2kO59JxaK4D5Dai)ks86aqkoreTdajOuCAEKEPC4HPaydLI(gjDkhEykasXjIOrEiLdpmLTcAE)4fajExEhaYVIeVoaKIter7aqckfNMhjAkhEykasA0erXiBIPC4HPaiX7YJS1s5Wdtbq(vK4fzJKYHhMYwbnVF8cGeVlVda5xrIxhasXjIOPeYNP9myd)GmAklUJPynLCX2J1uwxe0iqkBE)NAXAkKgVF7R2IaPEET0MfHDyBqgzlLdpmfaBOCkUyKKuo8WuaSXBhqVrYt5WdtbWgkfnDK3uo8WuaSHsrFJMYM3)jsSMcPX73(QKiqQs3J918hRV()u1kO59RVdcPEETuiJLXcYiBPC4HPa4JV)Xv7((M2X0za8aNCjrss50X40Q7Fr0sa8X3x4XaXZpmTJPZrYt5y6yOJQd2EK3uUJRoQoy7a4JNOJXPv7eEmq8CKuPC4HPayZ7aHosVuUJRoQoy7rtjKX2ZGn8dYiBPC4HPaibLItZJKKYHhMcGnuk6B0u2YhrbgnwJgjpiJSLYHhMcGnuk6BKKuo8WuaKFfjErYt5WdtbqsJMikg5nLdpmLTcAE)4fajExEhaYVIeVoaKIter7aqckfNMhjvkhEykasqP408i9s5Wdtbqkorens6uo8Wu2kO59JxaK4D5Dai)ks86aqkoreTdajOuCAEKhs5WdtbqsJMikgjAkhEykas8U8iBIPC4HPai)ks8IS1s5WdtzRGM3pEbqI3L3bG8RiXRdaP4er0uc5Z0EgSHFqgnLf3XuSMsUy7XAkRlcAeiLnV)tTynfsJ3V9vBrGupVwAZIWoSniJSLYHhMcGercnkDKKuo8WuaSHYP4IrYt5WdtbWgVDa9g5nLdpmfaBOu03iPs5WdtbWgkfnD0u28(prI1uinE)2xLebsv6ESVM)y91)NQwbnVF9Dqi1ZRLczSmwqgzlLdpmfaF89pUA3330oModGh4KlpsskNogNwD)lIwcGp((cpgiE(HPDmDosEkhthdDuDW2J8MYDC1r1bBhaF8eDmoTANWJbINJKkLdpmfaBEhi0r6LYDC1r1bBpAkHm2EgSHFqgzlLdpmfarpqIKKYHhMcGnukA6i5PC4HPaibLItZJ8MYHhMcGnuk6B0u2YhrbgnwJgnLfxd)xCKKu9mFZdc9)RRHTz)6R)pwtzbM)Nw)FKKuwCr4yQ(53Na4t)QcdG2s4xeN1yaWsyFnLfS9XygbnYwQ64I7VfejHINsOErOi5PSzEnfjjv)X()uP6NzvyFJu93c9T922NSgRPXW2TMJgnbUsage Information
AoE with Chimaera Shot

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.06.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Revive Pet, Bestial Wrath

KeyPress: Claw, Misdirection, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Multi-Shot

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Bestial Wrath

KeyPress: Call Pet 2, Claw

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Multi-Shot

KeyRelease: Bestial Wrath, A Murder of Crows, Intimidation, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Revive Pet, Bestial Wrath, Intimidation

KeyPress: Claw, Call Pet 3

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Multi-Shot

KeyRelease: Bestial Wrath, Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Viper Sting, Aspect of the Wild

de0AjaqEIsRhuLA)iMLk6wuLctRQu0VOYWOuhtrldPNryAQ01OKTrrFdvgNc15OW9uamqfKoOQsSqIQhcQIjQQKUOceBubXibv1jvG6LQk1nPkzNO8tfqnuqPLsu8ujtvv1wvG0xPkLASuLkVvvXDvH2R4VkanyihwQhwvk5Xatgv5YkTzQsvFwfmAfuNgKEnvXSbHBdI2TQ8BQQHRqooOy5e55qnDsxhv12bvjJxbKfdQCM5pSzQVmWdYakFiFzahyV9pSHrZFQ)gI9P4utQ3j8U5mLxYQddfegn1x4Rd7lLAWW7N3YBo0vA51sEJLFk4Vs(qbHrt5v)43qm4NUsWR9Pq9FrEQVY)Dy9FHrt9117B(qOHntb)fIrP(I)GKQgTGb)1WOwIuWoOWgMiLmnuEHrtnyG)lvkVAGK)GUsyO(pC(dBM)WMPCGgReK4AtndJMYbASsq0jh12omrkhOXkbrnSeCIWUPCGgR4fg(7dSee18kojiX1MAEsqudlbNimRuoqJvcAAyXDdZmLd0yLGOMxryCPCGgR4fg(7dSee18kojiX1MAEsqudlbNiSXPCGgReeDYrTTdZiLd0yLGOMxryt7uoqJvcsCTPMHnNPCGgR4fg(7dSee18kojiX1MAEsqwcQTrQFjOppRodCPG)28I8uSf4jYtjFHqdCPKb67WmYtbRpw9Qbs(5pAQVxzLzHyB8M)WMPCGgRe00qyjSdJMYbASsqtXCSXnmrkhOXkbnnS4UHDt5anwjOPHfhx0uYa9DGg5P(LG(8SknWLQ0D0q4)aku)xQAHH)(uOneP(ELfwPfJZFyZuoTLoS6(wiLLG(88hULG84hEBZ7yy0uUrR2Q2apHjs5anwjOpp)rRE(85TnVJe04XIWUPCGgRe0hTLoS6a49(a(4tcAhiOyfFsqpFEBZ745hTLoS6amA1tcAhiOyfFsqpFEBZ7ibjUxoUWSs5WAlPTQnWtyMPCJwTvTbEiOpdvBPdREoClb5XW4s5anwjOP5ykxyJt5gTARAd8enfSsRxnqYp)Hnt5anwjOPHf3nmAkhOXkbzmMgMiLd0yLGOgwcor0uWJpKW1AKhnmA(dBMYbASsquZRimAkhOXkbjU2uZWePCGgReeDYrTTd7MYbASsqudlbNimRuoqJv8cd)9bwcIAEfNeK4AtnpjiQHLGteMzkhOXkbnnS4UHXLYbASsquZRiSXPCGgR4fg(7dSee18kojiX1MAEsqudlbNimJuoqJvcIo5O22HnTt5anwjiQ5ve2CMYbASsqIRn1mSjnLd0yfVWWFFGLGOMxXjbjU2uZtcYsqTns9lb95z1zGlf83MxKNITaprEk5leAGlLmqFhMrEky9XQxnqYp)rt99kRmleBJ38h2mLd0yLGMgclHDy0uoqJvcAkMJnUHjs5anwjOPHfhxy3uoqJvcAAyXDJMsgOVd0ip1Ve0NNvPbUuLUJgc)hqH6)svlm83NcTHi13RSWkTyC(dBMYbASsqFE(Jw985ZBBEhjOXc6LggnLtBPdRUVfszjOpp)HBjip(H328ogMiLdRTK2Q2apHDt5gTARAd8qqFgQ2shw9C4wcYJHzLYbASsqtZXuUWmt5gTARAd8enfSsRxnqYp)Hnt5anwjOPHf3nmAkhOXkbrnSeCIOPGhFiHR1ipAyI8h2mLd0yLGexBQzy0uoqJvcIo5O22Hjs5anwjOPHf3nSBkhOXkEHH)(albrnVItcsCTPMNee1WsWjcZkLd0yLGOgwcoryMPCGgR4fg(7dSee18kojiX1MAEsqudlbNimUuoqJvcIo5O22HnoLd0yLGOMxrygPCGgReK4AtndBANYbASIxy4VpWsquZR4KGexBQ5jbzjO2gP(LG(8S6mWLc(BZlYtXwGNipL8fcnWLsgOVdZipfS(y1Rgi5N)OP(ELvMfITXB(dBMYbASsquBkNbxy0uoqJvcAAiSe2Hjs5anwjOPyo24g2nLd0yLGMgwC3WSs5anwjOPHfhx0uYa9DGg5P(LG(8SknWLQ0D0q4)aku)xQAHH)(uOneP(ELfwPfJZFyZuoqJvc6ZZF0QNpFEBZ7ibnwqVIWOPCAlDy19Tqklb955pClb5Xp82M3XWePCyTL0w1g4jSBk3OvBvBGhc6Zq1w6WQNd3sqEmmRuoqJvcAAoMYfMzk3OvBvBGNOPGvA9Qbs(5pSzkhOXkbzmMggnLd0yLGOgwcoryIuoqJvcAAyXDd7MYbASsqtdloUOPGhFiHR1ipA0OrtaUsage Information

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.06.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Revive Pet, Bestial Wrath

KeyPress: Claw, Misdirection, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Multi-Shot, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Kill Command

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Bestial Wrath

KeyPress: Call Pet 2, Claw

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Multi-Shot, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Kill Command

KeyRelease: Bestial Wrath, A Murder of Crows, Intimidation, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Concentrated Flame, Revive Pet, Intimidation, Bestial Wrath

KeyPress: Claw, Call Pet 3

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, Chimaera Shot, Multi-Shot

KeyRelease: Bestial Wrath, Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Viper Sting, Aspect of the Wild

deunlaqEIuRNuQY(bMLs5wkvuM2sLWVOYWqXXiSmsEguttLUgvTnI4Be14ePoNsUNsL0avrPdQIIfIs9qIKMircxufjBufP(irIgPkcNuPcVKukZuPI0nfrTtunusHLkI8uHPIs2QsL6Tqk3fsAVs)vPIQbd6WkwSkQEmIjlsUSQ2mPu5ZIQgnPKtRcVwuz2qIBdPA3q8Brz4kvDCsrlNu9CKMoLRlcBNuQQVRurmEve9WLkrxrzvUOb7tFMyhCPCNEkwNjjP8uS25snkxvwnswAtRdIgOKGwUQbRbLhXOne4tIpPq0i5bjXGYoqSxx7)i2rgsz3i2)KDifLR84gjlTP1bPCvJKhIE2UFD6rgcTSkxuwLlA4id1aq8LrjPCvdhzOgaQeYkgMYXnCKHA0xZepc5bqXcF9(naeFzus2aqpwXS2aq1YJLXLFB4id1aqpwXSk33WrgQbGcSi96wUKgoYqnauT8yzC5YnCKHAaOyH9yMYt3WrgQbGkHSIHP8vdhzOg91mXJqEauSWxVFdaXxgLKna0JvmRnauT8yzC5cMgoYqnauSWxVVCHOHJmudaflV8TCHQHJmudavmEzv5cCdhzOgaIVmkjLlUnCKHA0xZepc5bqXcF9(naeFzus2aqpwXSAWs)aj3BIYUXj(jvz3G)KCLDd2pkwpVrshi5fLDdnYOwYdrpRSQ1iPdK8QYUH2EPt6r5h6xwLlA4id1aqXc7XmLRA4id1aqbwKEDlh3WrgQbGILx(w(THJmudaflVSCTgS0pqY9MQSBOTxAn0FkTSkx0WzJE(3EKhDPbq0qY0A0rhv0s9tkulx1WrgQbGOHKT)TnKSu)KcvamDAC54goYqnaenB0Z)2UQDzKe0na8p5b1OBaiswQFsH6gA2ON)TDD)BBa4FYdQr3aqKSu)KcvaeFVYYLFB4O2OBJzdjx5(gU9VnMnKCaiAN1g98VTP1OJoQLlPHJmudafssRKlxUHB)BJzdjxTgH97pDceIDKH0iEnt8i2XGsdn0)KhIEwzvUOHJmudafyr61TCvdhzOgakwE5B54goYqnauS8YYLFB4id1aqfJxwvUVHJmudaflShZuUKgoYqnauT8yzCTgsnd9ZhRSRvUQSkx0WrgQbG4lJss5QgoYqn6RzIhH8aOhRywBaOyHVE)gaIVmkjBaOA5XY4YXnCKHAaOsiRyyk)2WrgQbGESIzvUVHJmudafyr61TCjnCKHAaOA5XY4YLB4id1aqXc7XmLNUHJmuJ(AM4ripakw4R3VbG4lJsYga6XkM1gaQwESmU8vdhzOgakw4R3xUGPHJmudaflV8TCHOHJmudavmEzv5cvdhzOgaQeYkgMYf4goYqnaeFzuskxCB4id1OVMjEeYdGIf(69Bai(YOKSbGESIz1GL(bsU3eLDJt8tQYUb)j5k7gSFuSEEJKoqYlk7gAKrTKhIEwzvRrshi5vLDdT9sN0JYp0VSkx0WrgQbGIf2Jzkx1WrgQbGcSi96woUHJmudaflV8Twdw6hi5Etv2n02lTg6pLwwLlA4id1aq0qY2)2gswQFsHkaMgRUQYvnC2ON)Th5rxAaenKmTgD0rfTu)Kc1YXnCuB0TXSHKR8Bd3(3gZgsoaeTZAJE(320A0rh1Y9nCKHAaOqsALC5sA42)2y2qYvRry)(tNaHyhzinIxZepIDmO0qd9p5HONvwLlA4id1aqXYlFlx1WrgQbGcSi96woUHJmudavmEzv53goYqnauSWEmt5(goYqnauT8yzCTgsnd9ZhRSRvoUSkx0WrgQbG4lJss5QgoYqnaujKvmmLJB4id1OVMjEeYdGIf(69Bai(YOKSbGESIzTbGQLhlJl)2WrgQbGESIzvUVHJmudafyr61TCjnCKHAaOA5XY4YLB4id1aqXc7XmLNUHJmuJ(AM4ripakw4R3VbG4lJsYga6XkM1gaQwESmU8vdhzOgaQeYkgMYfmnCKHAaOyHVEF5crdhzOgaQy8YQYfQgoYqnauS8Y3Yf4goYqnaeFzuskxCB4id1OVMjEeYdGIf(69Bai(YOKSbGESIz1GL(bsU3eLDJt8tQYUb)j5k7gSFuSEEJKoqYlk7gAKrTKhIEwzvRrshi5vLDdT9sN0JYp0VSkx0WrgQbG7(y)RdGHDGKVCvdhzOgakwypMPCCdhzOgakWI0RB53goYqnauS8Y3Y9nCKHAaOy5LLR1GL(bsU3uLDdT9sRH(tPLv5IgoYqnaenKS9VTHKL6NuOcGPXQlUCvdNn65F7rE0LgardjtRrhDurl1pPqTCCdh1gDBmBi5k)2WT)TXSHKdar7S2ON)TnTgD0rTCFdhzOgakKKwjxUKgU9VnMnKC1Ae2V)0jqi2rgsJ41mXJyhdkn0q)tEi6zLv5IgoYqnauGfPx3YvnCKHAaOy5LVLJB4id1aqXYllx(THJmudavmEzv5(goYqnauSWEmt5sA4id1aq1YJLX1Ai1m0pFSYUwTgszCQD)60JmKgQlJVXPq0UmDYl1m03p2C(bkhM098gsrcK8Fgs5QgASBnkh34epk7Behi5r5bqB0Z)gaUtomTaqPQ1b6ZRpayOvM14m6pYuoUHu8A3KafRCrJKMJuLRASdsgsJgNjHPvMEJDO9q2L7IZ(6FQrFN9jQvRfaUsage Information
Single target with Chimaera Shot

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.06.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
  • Arenas use version 3
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Wild, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Intimidation

KeyPress: Claw, Misdirection, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Blood Fury, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Aspect of the Wild

KeyPress: Call Pet 2, Claw

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Blood Fury, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Wild, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Intimidation

KeyPress: Claw, Call Pet 3

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Bestial Wrath, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

dueTkaqEQIwVsQQ9d1Kkk0SGOBPOKmTfLu)IudJKogHLrLNHQPPQUMcBdP8nImoQQohKUNIkmqfv6GkQQfIu9qIImrIcUOskTrLu5JkkLrQOkNurHxsuYmvuc3KQu7eLFQOigksQLsvYtLmvK4QkkrBLOO(QIIYyvsvEle6Uij7v8xffvdgXHL6HlP4XGMmvLlRYMvuQ(SIy0qWPvkVwrA2kvDBLk7wv(TsmCLKJtvy5K45atNY1jQ2UII04vurlMOuhrOeMif91n)AgSzBwSwkZ3RzBTuM5ZKzgfQdZfkPO07VNbsjCRhF9eIuZxUHWIsQzS(V1mRN7AvoFTYSATZYuE7PHWgmmxkV90qyds9E5GWCPM3TFvQA7nz)HjwRm5mmjL39tEVFgp7uMP3Z2wEHEkzq(BYT8cZLYREZxyUuYWn7T89wyIuZx5EDy8uulZuhgpvT6GZqgcZn4PMbC5LkL3nuzrMpfW2YdekHjcLWeP0Wgyyc)R6OfMlLg2adtCcjNQAy8uAydmW5H87bpmrGY)JbsmH)vD0qIjo0bxIh2pLg2adteCHF0FyJuAydmmrGYhC1WOLsdBGHjoHKtvnmPuAydmmXHo4s8W8NsdBGbopKFp4Hjcu(FmqIj8VQJgsmXHo4s8WqtPHnWWebk)pgHjutPHnWWeb6q6hMqKsdBGHjo1HKlmHlLg2adt4FvhTWe8uAydmW5H87bpmrGY)JbsmH)vD0qIjfeHTDRrgvUhaIGCaiLmTSt2Tf6PM31(c9uSdon0tr)2Br2P8A7nre6POOS9MEMi0t512BIl0tjRZtVU9xdUqjmrknSbgMiq5dUAyUuAydmmrWf(r)HXtPHnWWeb6q6h2pLg2adteOdjPyPOOS9MEMl0tjRZtQvoaiuctKsBTYKZU3TZtmbX3ccTYoQq031(OkmxknSbgMG4Bz1ziFl(U2hvyIF)8W4P0WgyycIwRm5S5y2xGYbiXKBo3agajM8w8DTpQqIO1ktoBowDgsm5MZnGbqIjVfFx7JkmH))ssH9tPbwRyTznCAyJu6vN1M1WPycIZ1ALjNHeHwzhvHrlLg2adte087KctkLE1zTznCASuLDRwN8h02wEPQZd53Z269POw58UHklHsyIuAydmmrWf(r)H5sPHnWWeb6q6hgpLg2adteOdjPW(P0WgyyItDi5cBKsdBGHjcu(GRggTuAydmmXHo4s8yPOEbyE3qLLqjwSWCHsyIuAydmmH)vD0cZLsdBGbopKFp4Hjcu(FmqIj8VQJgsmXHo4s8W4P0WgyyIti5uvd7NsdBGHjcUWp6pSrknSbgM4qhCjEy0sPHnWWebkFWvdtkLg2adCEi)EWdteO8)yGet4FvhnKyIdDWL4H5pLg2adteO8)yegAknSbgMiqhs)WeQP0WgyyItDi5ctisPHnWWeNqYPQgMWLsdBGHj8VQJwycEknSbg48q(9GhMiq5)XajMW)QoAiXKcIW2U1iJk3darqoaKsMw2j72c9uZ7AFHEk2bNg6POF7Ti7uET9Mic9uuu2Etpte6P8A7nXf6PK15Px3(RbxOeMiLg2adteO8bxnmxknSbgMi4c)O)W4P0WgyyIaDi9JLIIY2B6zUqpLSopPw5aGqjmrknSbgMG4Bz1ziFl(U2hvyIFU77cZLsBTYKZU3TZtmbX3ccTYoQq031(OkmEknWAfRnRHtd7NsV6S2SgoftqCUwRm5mKi0k7OkSrknSbgMiO53jfgTu6vN1M1WPXsv2TADYFqBB5LQopKFpBR3NIALZ7gQSekHjsPHnWWeb6q6hMlLg2adteCHF0Fy8uAydmmXPoKCH9tPHnWWebkFWvdBKsdBGHjo0bxIhlf1laZ7gQSekXIfgpuctKsdBGHj8VQJwyUuAydmmXjKCQQHXtPHnWaNhYVh8Webk)pgiXe(x1rdjM4qhCjEy)uAydmmrWf(r)HnsPHnWWeh6GlXdJwknSbgMiq5dUAysP0WgyGZd53dEyIaL)hdKyc)R6OHetCOdUepm)P0WgyyIti5uvddnLg2adteO8)yeMqnLg2adtCQdjxycrknSbgMiqhs)WeUuAydmmH)vD0ctWtPHnWaNhYVh8Webk)pgiXe(x1rdjMuqe22Tgzu5EaicYbGuY0Yoz3wONAEx7l0tXo40qpf9BVfzNYRT3erONIIY2B6zIqpLxBVjUqpLSop962Fn4cLWeP0WgyyImVT6uWKY2EtcZLsdBGHjcu(GRggpLg2adteCHF0Fy)uAydmmrGoK(HnsPHnWWeb6qskwkkkBVPN5c9uY68KALdacLWeP0WgyycIVLvNH8T47AFuHj(5UppmxkT1kto7E3opXeeFli0k7OcrFx7JQW4P0aRvS2SgonSFk9QZAZA4umbX5ATYKZqIqRSJQWgP0WgyyIGMFNuy0sPxDwBwdNglvz3Q1j)bTTLxQ68q(9STEFkQvoVBOYsOeMiLg2adteCHF0FyUuAydmmrGoK(HXtPHnWWeb6qskSFknSbgM4uhsUWgP0WgyyIaLp4QHrlLg2adtCOdUepwkQxaM3nuzjuIflwSyjaUsage Information
Single target

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.06.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
  • Arenas use version 3
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Wild, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Intimidation

KeyPress: Claw, Misdirection, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Blood Fury, Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Aspect of the Wild

KeyPress: Call Pet 2, Claw

Main Sequence: Blood Fury, Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Wild, Bestial Wrath, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Intimidation

KeyPress: Claw, Call Pet 3

Main Sequence: Bestial Wrath, Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Concentrated Flame, A Murder of Crows, Blood Fury, Aspect of the Wild

KeyRelease: Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of the Wild

Talents 1333211

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.06.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Claw

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Barbed Shot, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot

So thats it, hope that works NOW, and it still works when i set my client back to german…^^

Next i test that against that UBM macro… :wink:

1 Like

hello I’m playing with your macro seems to me quite balanced withuse spell, sometimes does not use correctly beastly wrath and evenwaits 5 6 seconds to use it.
in the guides they say to raise the critic so much, I have statisticslike that:
Critic 33%
haste 13%
mastery 33%
my dps in raid tested at azshara boss is on 17-18k while my sim onraidbots says I should keep 28k.
considering that a boss in raid is enlivened and must be taken intoaccount some variables should be fine say.
only thing that I do not understand and that on several tests is if Icriticize high that low does not change anything with the buildcritical + 2 dances of death

What speed do you guys run this with AHK?

I don´t use AHK at all, i use PunchKey 3 at 50ms delay…

Totay i switched back to the CS Version, i have Raid today and tomorrow, then i get some logs, could you tell me which boss and which gear you have? 17k sounds a little bit low…

Hi there:

Here my findings for what it is worth, I have run the first 5 bosses HC using 3 of the macro’s inthis forum.
Hope this helps you do more work , I love all who do this as I can’t do it but I am a beneficiary of your work!.
Most people are now going with High Crit and One with the Pack Talents…and 3 Dance of Death approach…it scales incredibly and out dps’es the Chimera shot set up.
So I tried using your vs Val’s old modded and even agaisnt UBM …
MY Unbuffed stats are 34% crit , 10 Haste , 37% mastery

On Dummy I am doing 21.5 K with Vals , 22.3 K with UBM and 19.3 with yours…
I think it might be because of it being set up for Chimera shot rotation particularly, however so are Val’s and UBM… not sure why.

Also I noticed that some are using Focussing Iris as Main and Crucible as Secondary (but that is not relevant for my results here…but maybe you might be interested in setting one of those up too as the Iris is great for focussing globules down…as an example)

Anyways, love the work
Here some links to my logs if you need them
and my sim says

I am quite off with yours as you can see.
Any help is greatly guidance greatly appreciated.

I have Raid today, i´ll check that tomorrow… how do you fire that macro, and at which speed?

AHK at 50 MS my Home is 40 MS and world is 40 MS too

Some quick things: as i mentiontend before / often, i dont use AHK, i use a simple Autofire programm called punchkey, since it is no longer aviable, i put it on my google drive:


i play around 35-50 ms delay

The atuall essence dps can you found here, there is the scale the best in every situation, exept you have condensed at rank 3:

I tried out that UBM, it has 1k dps less and didnßt fire any new essence spell and crows, so it´s useless for ne button playing.

Ok so my lack of performance is then AHK related … possibly? I know people always say ‘find your sweetspot’ for the speed at which you fire the sequence.
As to UBM …yeah they do not do the essence which is for raids good I’d say
Example: on a fight like Lady Ashvane you want to have your lazorbeam ready for the bubbles…
I’ll try downloading your punchkey thing.
Thank you.

The English translations seem to be doing good. I removed the orc racial traits as I play Night Elf.
Thank you for the punchkey download. I could never figure out how to get ahk to work and this makes it so much easier.

great macro good mythic parses

Well, i am not sure yet where and if in that raid is any spot to go on a m+/aoe spec. i think the three person with salrbarier i think are not long enough alive to got for aore. in our rathey are even on heroic very fast down, and in that sparetime you do only single target dps. same as the endboss, there are short spots for aoe, but its to early to say more about that. i will give it a test these days at that bosses, and so i can compare that.

my aoe configuration would be that:


I think i fire that essence by hand.

Interesting, that my other Hunter simmed a different essence for now…


Ok i tried at Lady my AOE spec as linked ( Raidbots )

And it was terrible. In that fight there is sometimes not a spot to chanel the spell, andd the three salted player aren´t it wort to keep the spell on cooldown…


If i look my other fights with singletarget as in my posts explained, thats ok for me:


Personally I’ve found this to be the best bm macro on the forums. Macros don’t start to shine until you get 35+ crit rating. Until then I found it’s better to manual cast barbed shot to always maintain 3 stacks. Parsing 85+ on heroic. Still finding way to better it.

1 Like

Is intimidation not firing for anyone else with the CS version?

ive tried every hunter macro on here and none are even close to parsing I don’t get it. uised this last night and parse was 22. ms I run on steel series 50 ms

Still having the problem with getiting Ferocity to stack. MAYBE make a sSeperate macro that leaves Barbed SHot out, but handles all the other stuff? With a crit build and high enough crit macro should be great. Thanks for posting it. Keep working on it! I sim at 30,000 even and do 19,000 on a raid dummy with this, now thats unbuffed, unflasked, etc. BUT ive gotten up to 25k with some of the other macros (if i fudge a bit with keeping kill command up, and manually adjust Barbed shots, and manually adding Concentrated flame and pvp damage when i remember to), i think 25k is probably top i can do without the buffs (25 sustained, have hit 35k spikes when things work together and the moon is blue)

A pvp version with concussive Shot, /cast[@cursor] Tar Trap, Hi-Explosive Trap, and the others would be nice, viper sting, etc.

Sorry, i am lost in Classic, and don´t look any further in retail, so from me there are no new nacros this time…