9.2 Havoc Venthyr Dual Legendaries - Cocaine

Depends on whether the glaive tempest cast doesnt have a nochanneling tag.
If it doesnt it wont cast it.

“Really you should play with higher because its safer (250 ms - havent tested that yet)”

I definitely recommend going with way higher than what I am running, been doing 30ms for years with no issues. But im not going to pretend that it is not an offense to do so.

You are completely right - problem with DH rotation is that it can somewhat benefit from being “totally random” (which it is not).

anyone can put a bunch of spells and abilities in and call it a “macro”.” - Yes, same goes for the printing out the rotation in a specific loop with 250+ms.

It isnt just a bunch of random abilities thrown in the macro - and it works just fine using 200ms or 250ms (hitting 8.1k on dummy, no trinkets or buffs - no meta either).

I simply just found more success using a lower ms, that being said you are completely correct in everything you said, other than it being random. And if this werent a DH or warrior it would have been a different story.

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evrything work flawless but cant meta with shift all other mod work perfect

have you tried to reset in options just incase the key is being used elsewhere

Hi dude, have been using your macro for sometime really good. just wondering “Version 2: 1121121 (needs updating - Easy fix)” would you tell me what the easy fix is?