99% Heroic Uldir Parses BM Single Target and AOE Macros + UI

I made a slight variation of this macro (its a great macro btw). During combat my pet will periodically stop attacking and run back to me then back to the target. Is there any way to correct this?

Talents 1313211

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Revive Pet, Spirit Mend, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, A Murder of Crows, Ancestral Call, Bestial Wrath, Claw, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild

[quote quote=67583]I made a slight variation of this macro (its a great macro btw). During combat my pet will periodically stop attacking and run back to me then back to the target. Is there any way to correct this?
dGZScaWsLk2LsbBJGztOMVku3uf5xO42Qu2Ps2R0Uf1(rAya(nKgOkOHQs1GHA4q0bvkvVMqCmuDoszHkvAPQqwmrSCs8qLI6PkEmONJyIkv1uPktwf10fUmLdRQNjY7ukLnssTvLcTzLsA7kf54a1SOQMgkDnIACa5UePrRc8wsYjvQY3GWPvjNNq66KQ1PuILrLlVEDX7C8MvRwTAbbbHnC8rD5QxhVxSLdshEINCCEN9TT(6IJU4D2UECaQsNXe5GodsdU3(D5KtDo9qf0nAkKl0mPEDXRxx8omWNeuSki6njFiLI5AYiy7Y1Hb(KGIvbrVj5dPumxljNa6k1Hb(KGIvbrVj5dPuSdblIeOUy7WaFsqX8ehKgBxYDyGpjO4elGtOlHomWNeedSULHgfZ1sSYY(umxlXkl3fIomWNeedSULHgfNybCc(uSJJWba0fOomWNeedSULHgfNybCc(uSCYbO1Lwhg4tcIbw3YqJItSaobFkMRLyLL7Id0Hb(KGyG1Tm0O4elGtWNILtoaTU48omWNeedSULHgfNybCc(uSJJWba0f31Hb(KGI5cGCi6SJj6DfJqQxx8omWNeuSQmksl8ZONT)SukgeO02OyvhI0c)Z2FwkfRbY1LRdd8jbfRcIEtYh(iTyldYlLRGI31Es4FisXVOMIukwdijWB0Xt5klIf8kPJNYvwelCvsN7OK40dvqRxJotyivRNHXfAUZyG1TCC9I7CxXo9qf061OZoMOhzITNy1RrJgDo9z9x8E5Wu2KLJl0C3TrJw. Talents 1313211
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.
Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential KeyPress: Revive Pet, Spirit Mend, Call Pet 1 Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, A Murder of Crows, Ancestral Call, Bestial Wrath, Claw, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild

If you are too far, pet will stop attacking to run back and cast Spirit Mend. It does that each 30 seconds.

Hey, just want to say I’ve been using this thing for a few months now. It’s still one of the most effective GSM’s out there. Being BM and at the bottom of the DPS spectrum and all, I think its important to SIM everything, and constantly check your stats/traits, to ensure good performance. I use AMR for that, though I’m told there are better sims out there. I haven’t tried any other of the BM macros out there, but this one works well for me. Also, one crucial step, pop BW and your Aspect of the wild and your prepot seconds before each boss fight and save your post pot for the hero phase. All in all, just wanted to say thanks for helping me stay relevant in raid progression. Great work.

You macro is the best. period, none come close to keeping up ferocity stacks. could you update it to include Concentrated Flame? Replacing chimera shot with it and changing talents was the only way i could do it, but im sure you could do better.

This is my first time on Wowlazymacros. so sorry if this is a dumb question but I swear the comment behind it is true. @sekhh

Can you adjust the macro to a current meta?
if this has been done disregard.

OwtP and TotH it mainstream as long as you have 32% crit or more.

question 2: Is it possible to have the Barbed shot built in so it is allowed to fire every 7/8 seconds?

Hello all. I have a noob question. I am not able to get the AHK script provided with the macro to work :frowning:

I have succesfully set up GSE and Macro on my action bar and spamming it using keyboard (bound it to r key) works. I have also installed AHK and pasted the script above on Windows 10. When I run the script, the little green icon shows up for AHK in the task/status bar in Windows notification area.

Now, I expect I will just hit r in the game, once for it to start spamming the macro, but pressing r does nothing. If I hold shift while pressing r (I think it bypasses AHK that way) then macro triggers once and not on repeat.

Can someone please help an AHK noob out? I will be eternally grateful.

there is a google drive file for punchkey3 another user posted in 8.2 Macro with Petrified Ebony Scale / Crucible of Flames v1.51 EN/US Version - #7 by Volker_Olbrich
pretty easy to use hope it helps

i think this is the best, stack 3 barbed shoot for some secs,is nice