A Hermits Fury 8.2

Single Target

This macro will attempt to allow you to maintain a high DPS with this highly mobile class. Unfortunately Fury Warriors can go from not being able to keep everything on cool down, to everything being on cool down very fast. Because of this Whirlwind is needed as a filler but its a dps loss to use it anytime you have other abilities off cool down. The best solution I could find to this problem is to use two macros.

Made to be used at 30ms
This macro tries to maintain the highest up time possible on Execute, Bloodthirst, Raging blow, and Rampage. It should be used as an opener, during Recklessness, during Lucid Dreams, and during the execute phase.

While it is possible to just use this it will lock up for several seconds at a time if you have low rage and everything is on cool down.

daKIfaalu1UiLk)cWWivht0YKYZiAAOY1OITrL(gugNW5OiRdOkhei1cPQ4HaHMiqKlskzJOO8rQkPrcu5KOqVKIQzcKCtPIDsPFcemuQQokvLYsjepvYuPkxvQeBLukFLuQ6SuvQERujDxPs1Ev(lfLbd6WKSyGOEmstgO0Lv1Mrr1OLkLttHxdumBsXTjK2nu9BuA4OGJtOwobphX0v56svBNQs8DGQ68Oi7hYlN3S5kqBg40sKom6vMXSUiIVBgi4xlRwImBBER8uAE8JSQLnz2AR6OOcSA7figS4K5nBoVzZvauf5qWm4KUyZ2wbqvKJ8I7FC6JGzWjDX4rqhPEWJGnzejpcgoTiMvUcGQih5f3)40hbDK6bpcMbN0fJhbBYiYz5wbqvKdbBMcPd2SoRaOkYHGzWjDXM1DfavroYlU)XPpcMbN0fJhbBYiYzXwbqvKdbtS00SXkaQICKxC)JtFemdoPlgpc6i1dEeSjJi5rWWPfXSMwbqvKJ8I7FC6JGos9GhbBYisEemdoPl2SP(kaQICiygCsxSzZCfavroYlU)XPpc2KrK8iy40Iy2STcGQihcMyPPzt5kaQICiyMHUU(Q6Egywpo9myXx5xWGvW4yAfOyzzaugIACRwz(ZKiVMxr(5TBLNGboy(RnFw5jyGdM)Y5ZkZFM8l8eY8MnxbqvKdb7QOSGf8uAUUJGPjDUm3TYVW3rrfyN3S5kaQICiydJdtg7w5NLCDuub25nBUcGQihcMM05YC3UzBZB2CfavroemdoPl2STvauf5qqhPEmRCfavroeSjJiNLBfavroYlU)XPpcMbN0fJhbDK6bpc2KrK8iy40IywNvauf5iV4(hN(iOJup4rWm4KUy8iytgroR7kaQICiygCsxSzXwbqvKdbtS00SXkaQICiyZuiDWM10kaQICiygCsxSzt9vauf5iV4(hN(iygCsxmEeSjJi5rqhPEmBMRaOkYrEX9po9rWm4KUy8iOJup4rWMmIKhbdNweZMTvauf5qWm4KUyZMYvauf5iV4(hN(iOJup4rWMmIKhbZGt6InBYTcGQih5f3)40hbBYisEemCArmB6ScGQihcMyPPzt3vauf5qWmdDD9v(zjxhfvGDE7wbkwwgaLHOg3QvM)mjYR5vKFE7wv3ZaZ6XPNbl(k)cgScghtR8emWbZF58zL5pt(fEczEZMRaOkYHGDvuwWcEknx3rW0KoxM7w5x47OOcSZB2CfavroeSHXHjJDR8emWbZFT5ZUDR81slT9cedw8vnoD3vDu49knmIFVGV84Nbl(8zf4EnmScCSAalccAnhcYCwbeu77MHGgW3ahSA3kTWzoRa9brwrzqDkq2qJXX0a5vG0ZCvVMB22QIHNYiinlwBfJuw8vmA1MzDySarZ8TUOv5Xiiy7aArmFfO7VUXkScCVGOg3UDBUsage Information
Hold Alt for Whirlwind.

Made to be used at 35ms.
This is your filler macro, use it anytime it is not one of the situations you would use the Hermits_Fury_Opener for.

If you are looking for a one button macro this works well. However it losses a lot of potential dps during the execute phase.

d4tZdaqyqVuf1UikyBkQNPKzsI6XqMTk8wsKUju1Vu42qHttKDsyVIDtQ2ps)KOO(ljXVvQNdmuQIbJYWvKoivjhLOqhtQZbLwOkILcfnmsz5Q0djkPNszzQQ1ruPjsuvtfrtMKY0LCrIsDvIkUmvUovvBKQuBLeyZKG2Uks9nvzwKKMgcFxfjJKKQXHQrtc5ReL4KuvolrrUgu58kI7sc1Xjr8AIQC6qgrhZlvux2yI3hPPI3YbtzkIFiJPU7yAm13hQrzEDuuMc3xktwuK094us6QjdXiHho9ce73)v))XKVtHq)hveDmV8xkAFJPU7IHufdpeD3kWDbsBDqiJOdzeDSbcckkR5eR5xe)ydeeuugULgpIvSbcckkR5eR5xeeXgiiOOS)IZ7iWfBGGGc4uIFNoYrz)fN3QszCCFoxvkRXQr0DeZXgiiOOSMtSMFr8Inqqqrz9RXgbp2abbfL1CI18lcSXgiiOOmClnEeTwSbcckkRBUMMweDhBGGGIYAoXA(f7SBINRdaczeDSbcckktPySvtUWJsXuwJvJO7uXuEVNQSegsvSyE2GcpeD3HmvmYRKU8C1pNe7SBcMUdhe4czQyw5M6TFDujT1J55kTVs1KyEUo8q0DhYi6ydeeuu2)r8w8uXiVs6YZvDojve)qgrhBGGGIYAoXA(fXp2abbfLHBPXJyfBGGGIYAoXA(fbrSbcckk7JLVW9IaxSbcckk7V48oI5ydeeuaNs870rok7V48wvkJJ7Z5QsznwnIUJ4fBGGGIYAoXA(fbp2abbfL1VgBeyJnqqqrznNyn)IO1Inqqqrz4wA8i6o2abbfL1nxttlI(hBGGGIYAoXA(ft59EQYsyivXI5zdk8q0DhYuXSYn1B)6OsARhZZvAFLQjXo7MGP7WbbUqMkMNRdpeD3HmIo2abbfL9FeVfpvSZUjEUoaiKr0XgiiOOmLIXwn5cpkftznwnIUtLkvmBQd5t(r8(X8H26X8juGk49zYQkYOCKTr6tMf49cZZXWd19dp8PxU7PD6L0wpNKkvcUsage Information
Hold Alt for Whirlwind.

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Ancestral Call

KeyPress: Whirlwind

Main Sequence: Recklessness, Bloodthirst, Dragon Roar, Execute, Raging Blow, Whirlwind, Rampage


  • Endless Rage -Default talent in this tier, it allows more casts of Rampage meaning a higher up time on Enrage.
  • Double Time – More time on the boss.
  • Sudden Death – Allows you to get Execute procs. Highest single target choice and is useful in aoe as well.
  • Warpaint – With the high up time on enrage this becomes a near 10% flat damage reduction.
  • Carnage – Yet another go to talent. This helps prevent being fury capped, gives you more Rampages that deal 15% more damage and results in more Enrages.
  • Dragon Roar – Is a good filler for single target and is up for most M+ pulls.
  • Anger management – Recklessness gets cast a whole lot more.

Known Issues
None so far.

If you wish to see further development give a like. That way I know I’m not wasting my time putting it here to collect dust.



I’ve found it impossible to macro fury’s aoe properly. So instead I have made it so that you hold alt whenever you lose your whirlwind buff. I use a weak aura to track the buff as it can become hard to find in the huge amount of buffs you generally have while raiding. When you hear the ping hold alt till the icon below lights up.


This is my WA2 for whirlwind.


I’ve noticed a lack of AHK scripts so decided to include this one for completion.

; Disable Alt+Tab

; Disable Windows Key + Tab

^F1::Suspend ; ctrl + F1 ; Activate or deactivate script
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; Only run if window ‘World of Warcraft’ is active
$2:: ; If 2 is pressed
$^2:: ; If 2+control is pressed
$+2:: ; If 2+shift is pressed
$!2:: ; If 2+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“2”, “P”) ; If 2 is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+2
Send ^e
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+2
Send +e
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+2
Send !2
Send 2 ; If 2 is pressed with no other modifiers send 2
sleep 35 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats
$3:: ; If 3 is pressed
$^3:: ; If 3+control is pressed
$+3:: ; If 3+shift is pressed
$!3:: ; If 3+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“3”, “P”) ; If 3 is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+3
Send ^e
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+3
Send +e
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+3
Send !3
Send 3 ; If 3 is pressed with no other modifiers send 3
sleep 30 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

here are some .ahk

hi, really nice macro :slight_smile: can you tell me what addon are you using that display abbilites used on target?

It comes as part of DuffedUI.

macro fantastic good

Included an Opener/Execute macro.

Made to be used at 30ms
This macro tries to maintain the highest up time possible on Execute, Bloodthirst, Raging blow, and Rampage. It should be used as an opener, during Recklessness, during Lucid Dreams, and during the execute phase.

While it is possible to just use this it will lock up for several seconds at a time if you have low rage and everything is on cool down.

daKIfaalu1UiLk)cWWivht0YKYZiAAOY1OITrL(gugNW5OiRdOkhei1cPQ4HaHMiqKlskzJOO8rQkPrcu5KOqVKIQzcKCtPIDsPFcemuQQokvLYsjepvYuPkxvQeBLukFLuQ6SuvQERujDxPs1Ev(lfLbd6WKSyGOEmstgO0Lv1Mrr1OLkLttHxdumBsXTjK2nu9BuA4OGJtOwobphX0v56svBNQs8DGQ68Oi7hYlN3S5kqBg40sKom6vMXSUiIVBgi4xlRwImBBER8uAE8JSQLnz2AR6OOcSA7figS4K5nBoVzZvauf5qWm4KUyZ2wbqvKJ8I7FC6JGzWjDX4rqhPEWJGnzejpcgoTiMvUcGQih5f3)40hbDK6bpcMbN0fJhbBYiYz5wbqvKdbBMcPd2SoRaOkYHGzWjDXM1DfavroYlU)XPpcMbN0fJhbBYiYzXwbqvKdbtS00SXkaQICKxC)JtFemdoPlgpc6i1dEeSjJi5rWWPfXSMwbqvKJ8I7FC6JGos9GhbBYisEemdoPl2SP(kaQICiygCsxSzZCfavroYlU)XPpc2KrK8iy40Iy2STcGQihcMyPPzt5kaQICiyMHUU(Q6Egywpo9myXx5xWGvW4yAfOyzzaugIACRwz(ZKiVMxr(5TBLNGboy(RnFw5jyGdM)Y5ZkZFM8l8eY8MnxbqvKdb7QOSGf8uAUUJGPjDUm3TYVW3rrfyN3S5kaQICiydJdtg7w5NLCDuub25nBUcGQihcMM05YC3UzBZB2CfavroemdoPl2STvauf5qqhPEmRCfavroeSjJiNLBfavroYlU)XPpcMbN0fJhbDK6bpc2KrK8iy40IywNvauf5iV4(hN(iOJup4rWm4KUy8iytgroR7kaQICiygCsxSzXwbqvKdbtS00SXkaQICiyZuiDWM10kaQICiygCsxSzt9vauf5iV4(hN(iygCsxmEeSjJi5rqhPEmBMRaOkYrEX9po9rWm4KUy8iOJup4rWMmIKhbdNweZMTvauf5qWm4KUyZMYvauf5iV4(hN(iOJup4rWMmIKhbZGt6InBYTcGQih5f3)40hbBYisEemCArmB6ScGQihcMyPPzt3vauf5qWmdDD9v(zjxhfvGDE7wbkwwgaLHOg3QvM)mjYR5vKFE7wv3ZaZ6XPNbl(k)cgScghtR8emWbZF58zL5pt(fEczEZMRaOkYHGDvuwWcEknx3rW0KoxM7w5x47OOcSZB2CfavroeSHXHjJDR8emWbZFT5ZUDR81slT9cedw8vnoD3vDu49knmIFVGV84Nbl(8zf4EnmScCSAalccAnhcYCwbeu77MHGgW3ahSA3kTWzoRa9brwrzqDkq2qJXX0a5vG0ZCvVMB22QIHNYiinlwBfJuw8vmA1MzDySarZ8TUOv5Xiiy7aArmFfO7VUXkScCVGOg3UDB Usage Information
Hold Alt for Whirlwind.

So while the original macro did very well on the target dummies it did poorly in raids due to not having a high execute up time. This should solve that problem. I have not tested it outside of target dummies however and it may be a week before I can. If anyone tries it let me know what you think.

I moved the original DPS numbers here because they give a false sense of what the macro can obtain in a raid.

DPS Numbers
Giving my numbers, in most cases, is not helpful. You will have different gear or different buffs. Instead, I sim my character and attempt to get my macros as close to those sims as possible, which should translate accurately for everyone. Right now, this macro is performing at 97% of Raidbot sims on target dummies!

Runs: 26.1k, 24.8k, 26.1k, 25.2k, 25.6k
Average: 25.56k
Sim: 26.3k
Total: 97.18%

Do i use the new one just as opener and then spam the other one?

So its a bit of a judgment call. The opener does far better dps in bursts (33k vs 22k during the execute for the other macro) but you quickly run out of abilities as they are all on CD. This is were it tends to stall out.

I would use the opener macro under the following conditions.

  • Opener
  • Recklessness
  • Memory of Lucid Dreams
  • Lust
  • Execute phase

The other macro is a filler between these. It does far less burst but won’t lock up as it will use Whirlwind. Its still an ok macro and I’ve used it for M+ for a while but it tends to parse poorly while raiding. I’m hoping this new combination will work out better.

I’m also thinking of moving Lucid Dreams to the premacro so it uses it once on pull and then having it under the ctrl modifier so that you can use it during the execute phase. This should be a fairly large dps increase.

hello I’m trying your macro and it seems great I think it is quiteconstant the dps and rotation without excessive blocks of the spell.
could you however insert azerite essences and maybe even the chargethat are great? I’m running the macro with mouse corsair software atconstant delays of 50 ms what do you think?

Hell yeah thets the macro i waited for. I just melt Bosses like ice in fire. Well donw dude with this macro!
Could u maybe release a Tank warry macro too?

for now this is the best macro,fresh 110 boosted doing 1,8k

Hermit wat´s about parse with your macro?

A more lazy single target macro modified from Elfy’s macro. His macro is version 1 mine is version 2 Alt mod for recklessness. It works well for anything your not trying to push the highest parses possible. I’d say about 50-60% parses over all though it might be much higher at the beginning of a raid tier.

dmuQfaqiLO0SqIDHKYVKQggeDmuTmq9mszAsLRbsTnGQVrsghGZHuADuv8oLQ09arheryHkPhcumrsQCrQQAJaL(ijv1irQCsevRejvVujYmruUjiSte(jsrdLKYrjPklfK8uftLexvPk2kIOZQefVLQs3LQk7v1FrkmyjhgQfdHhtLjJKCzInJu1NvcJwPQonKETsXSjv3MQSBP8BrnCePJRuz5I8CuMoLRdKTRevNxP0(f(8RCc(NrHgGDpqTmNa(kFuW6sZyFG5WACyTpqGDPmjLedn3yx5e8RCc(NEhMzmzhiP5KO81ltLpyDZVOsctmiDzpeylQOguzHGij4nsIsuCoasKi3BudQSqqKe8gjDc4p9omZyYoqsZjrfvsyIbPl7HaBrffxfNwkrXb60aV7eAF6DyMXKDGKMtIYxVmv(G1n)IkjmXG0L9qGTOIcwdaGtjkoTi74CkrbanmaaLO40ISJZ3BurLeMyq6YEiWwurbRbaWPefa0WaaNO7tVdZSO4aDAGR6eq)P3HzwuqRHe4dz5mPKH6HAF4FusOTnIX)6h6emvF9dH4281pRIU91pqH2wW)6h1YmdcSlLVYTpljBHs0fmtUYTpqH2wa)1pkj02gXG)6NLKTQLeg7kNG)P3WPfM0eVTr5BlVpo553TpJjKcwqnNHMBFgzhiPzOy9pQLeiWUu(kNG)P3Hzgt2bsAojQOsctminCAHyrffhjskr1aPRFc4p9omZIsRRdg42hWK9qGTVE7eWx5e8p9omZyYoqsZjrfvsyIbPl7HaBrffhOtdCvuIcwdaGtjkohajsKuIId0PbUQta)P3Hzgt2bsAojQOsctmiDzpeylQO4aDAGRIsuqRHeGsuWAaa8tO9P3Hzgt2bsAojQOsctmiDzpeylQOG1aa4uIItlYooNsuaqddaCIUp9omZIId0PbUQta9NEhMzrbTgsGpKLZKsgQhQ9H)rTmZGa7s5RC7dDcMQV(HqCB(6Nvr3(6hOqBl4F9dyYEiW2x)afABb8x)SKSfkrxWm5k3(OKqBBed(RFgtifSGAodn3(mYoqsZqX6Fws2QwsySRCc(NEdNwyst82gLVT8(4KNFNa(tVdZSO81ltLpyDZVO4Q40E7JAjbcSlLVYj4F6DyMffSQovAaNa(tVdZSOGPfCyKaNq7tVdZSO066Gbor3NEhMzrXb60ax1Tpkj02gX4F92TpQ)4pjLedn3(atToQXv9bcCdewN8MjPLlndn3oIpQtOhds3ob8h)B0NtobmzpsXggbQoQT9RFOt0j9dCukyeSG6kyeCFIIoAsM6IAOJCWQef95uuKGM(huxbJa2NOA5O8YuHspQKyrrcYilk0wuPSHn0CJAb1hXIIkHEmiDlQLljgAUfLLJABgukkD0nOTfrH11JYW6sZyrHtsu2(sumSNSSFgsfh5Q7eQG)qUl3(qobjPbeKpGHgQ3E8FuiNMeqqcOw6djaz7NtF8xN(Tr1hfDsYd1UD7haUsage Information
2 Tabs
Tab2: no modifiers ALL in rotation.
Set default version to your liking all talents are the same!

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.25.

  • The Default macro is 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Victory Rush, Charge

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Raging Blow, Recklessness, Dragon Roar, Rampage, Execute, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Enraged Regeneration

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Rampage, Victory Rush, Heart Essence, Ancestral Call

KeyPress: Recklessness

Main Sequence: Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Execute, Dragon Roar, Whirlwind, Rampage

Could u ask me where i can add Siegebreaker in your macro? Because i cant find it in Version 2.

Anywhere in the first line of the main macro. you can either just add it to the cast sequence or replace one of the abilities there.

Missed your asking about parse and I’m not sure. I haven’t raided in a bit, my guild is pretty casual and my ilvl is pretty low. During the next raid cycle I’ll try to post it. I think it was high blue to purple so 60% to 75%.

As far as a tank macro I use Roars_Prot - #59 by roarinknight
I made three modified versions an aoe that uses revenge and a single target that uses devastate with revenge as an alt mod, finally a third one that uses no tank cd’s I use this for low difficulty content and off tank raiding (If the other tank taunts I swap to it so I dont blow mitigation cd’s and have better dps) I was able to time +12 last season and was able to get AOTC week 6 (would have had it week 4 but the myridon on azshara was causing me problems, I couldn’t taunt fast enough and he would one shot our healers) I think. But again I have pretty crappy gear. I’m still using a 415 weapon and 410 trinkets. But this typical parses 70-90% for healing/mitigation and 60-80% damage. With several 95%+ and one 100%

Just started playing my warrior and using this macro and I love it - great job! Hoping this keeps getting attention as the days go by.

Okay, so this is the best macro for Fury Warrior here (for me).
ilvl 444 Warrior, I sim for 37.5 k DPS (5 min fight), doing 36.5 k DPS w/o War mode and BS.
I just advise manually pressing Recklessness and Charge before the encounter, and after leave the macro to work for you
Thank you!

Whats the right spot too put Siegebreaker in Macro Tab 2?