🐯 Aerrek's UI: BEAST MASTERY // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [Pre-Patch]

I tried this and found it difficult to use WASD for movement along with Ctrl and Alt keys for the macro.

You could bind the sequences to any keys you’d like. They will still say the mod key on them however

The talents say “legacy” what build is this? Havn’t issues with this getting over 125-150k dps with 560 ilvl gear. Where my forst dk is double it seems.

Legacy basically means pre-patch, No hero talents yet. Still working on updating others. If there is a specific capability that you’d like me to add quickly, let me know!

Please be direct and specific, I manage many specializations :grin:

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so basically it would work with any beast master build currently? or was it based off one somewhere

As is, you can use ANY talents at all, even PvP talents. Bot NOT Hero Talents.

This is still a pre-patch build, when I level hunter I’ll start with BM

andddddd now they just released a big re-work of all classes lol :frowning:

That’s ok, I haven’t reworked BM since TWW release, still leveling other specs.