🍺 Aerrek's UI: BREWMASTER // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.0]

My best advise for users in other languages is to use idTip to help you convert the English spells into their spellIDs or spell names.

Perhaps in the future as GSE advances there will be a better fix for this.

What about a Talent import for Monks?

Hey @Ara,

I use [known:XXXXXX] conditionals in my sequences that alter the way the macro performs. I’m just using the talents from Wowhead and Icy Veins :+1:

I am not level 70. i am a level 60 char, and i just found this macro to try and well play the game. i will eventually level this char to be a tank. So, i have a question: when using this macro, i noticed that the speed it uses to apply a ‘‘keystroke’’ so using abilities it seems to be slow. while using my own fingers on the keyboard using the same abilities goes way faster. Is there a way to change this and increase the speed of the button smashing? I tried to use my Icue app to change the speed of the keybind, but i am not able to find it and change it

Similar to iCue, I use Razer Synapse.

I use a side mouse button to ‘run’ the sequences and simply click the modifiers as they appear. You’ll have to find the right software for your keyboard / mouse

The video near the top explains how I do it :+1:

Yeah, i use one of the buttons as well. I have my side button bind to number 1 on the keyboard. And it works. Just the speed is lacking. Would i be able to use razer synaps for my corsair as well? Or would it be for razer only.

Its so weird, i am able to do everything. Just not program the ms. While i remember i used to be able to do it before ot was Icue. It was corsair scimitar program.

Yes, speed clicking is required, I run mine at 20 times / sec.

I don’t have corsair but I believe speed clicking is possible with iCue :thinking:

Hey Aerrek! Awesome work on this I’m really enjoying it, the macroworks great but my WA for both your Feral and Brewmaster dont pop up with anything after combat beginning and I hold shift like it tells me to, after that no prompts show up, any help would be appreciated!

Hey @Renegade,

I’m away from comp right now but will look at it soon.

Since it’s both feral and brew, double check that your keybinging are set properly.

For feral, you hold SHIFT to run the single target rotation. (The weakaura should remind you of this)

EDIT: Are you seeing the weakaura at all?

Hey @Aerrek, Thank you for the reply!

Yes everything is showing up except for the recommendations on what modkey to hit.

Brewmaster it looks like everything is showing up when I get into combat in the world not at the training dummy.

But Feral after holding shift for the initial opening of combat it does not recommend anything past that.

My first thought is that the load conditions are not working properly, try reinstalling the WeakAura and see if that fixes it.

You said you’re not seeing mod key recommendations, are you seeing any other ‘Center Display’ buttons? image? image?

For reference (Feral), image should pop up when 1 target is within 5m, you have 5 combo points, and Rip debuff is on the target.

Thanks :+1:

Okay! I reinstalled the WA and it didn’t fix it, and no after Shift it will sit on Berserk and if I pop

berserk there is nothing in that space until I go to grab the next mob it will show shift again… I feel

like it might be me not doing something right since I am so new to all of this :confused: Sorry!

It’s no problem and thanks for helping me figure it out,

It sounds like the SHIFT you’re seeing is the ‘Enter Combat’ SHIFT. It’s like a having ‘safety button’ on the damage output.

I want to double back to make sure that your keybindings are setup properly for both specs:

Put auto click on the button you want to run the sequences; call that the “On Button”.
I use my side mouse.

Use /gse > Keybindings to bind the sequences as follows.

..._NOMOD | On Button
..._SHIFT | SHIFT + On Button
 ..._CTRL | CTRL + On Button
  ..._ALT | ALT + On Button

For brew, most of the modifiers are healing abilities so you won’t see them on a standard target dummy.

For feral many of the modifiers are combo point based, so if you were not casting albitites, you won’t get the combo point needed to activate the modifier.


That did it thank you so much! Working as intended lol I changed it to my mouse and reset my Keybindings and getting the prompts now! Thank you again for your hard work!

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I am getting an error when trying import. Its telling me NOMOD was unable to be programmed. This macro will not fire until errors in the macro are corrected.

then saying Interface/Addons/GSE/API/Storage.lua:881: bad argument #1 to ‘pairs’ (table expected, got nil)

I am getting this same message on other macros, trying to figure it out too

Hey @crrypticarsenal

First, try updating GSE and reimporting the GSE sequences from Wago. This sounds like an error that has been fixed.

If that did not fix it, I updated both import strings, lmk :+1:

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awesome thanks Aerek!

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@Aerrek , Thanks! I did what you suggested and after doing that it is now working like a charm. Wowup didnt seem to show an update but curse did and that one worked.

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@crrypticarsenal Please, if you have any question or suggestions let me know. This is a big project and I’m trying to iron out the kinks lol