⚡ Aerrek's UI: ENHANCEMENT // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

is there a way to have lava lash used more often it doesnt seem to fire very much same with storm strike and ice strike?

Move the following block higher up in the priority:


Once I level my sham to 80 I’m going to rework this spec :+1:

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Waiting patiently :slight_smile:

  1. i did try this and it did help to a small degree but its roughly half of what single target sim is even with excluding all buffs possible in the sim by removing them.

  2. It seems from what i can tell, all of the melee abilities are not being used enough, lava lash isnt getting used often enough especially when it has a shortened proc or reset, ice strike does not get used for about 6 seconds after its cool down resets.

  3. Flame shock is getting cast too often and overwrites the usage of other more pertinent abilities. However on trash having flame shock fill more often is not a bad thing if you run with fire nova which i do.

  4. Stormstrike even isn’t getting used hardly during ascendance

  5. Crash Lightning not being used often enough either

Overall weakaura and macro are amazing it just seems to need fine tuning of which i have no expertise in this new GSE variant to allow for more uptime on melee abilities. Kudos to what you have done so far as this has been an amazing and refreshing blast to play with. However as i am trying to learn the rotation without the potential need for GSE this is what i have found so far.

Thanks again!

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Tried copying this and I am getting a error its a old version

I added a couple minor things to make it easier to use for me just as a suggestion to anyone else…

I copied the block from the alt mod which casts lighting bolt to also cast stormstrike when held down, to increase stormstrike usage, and to get perk from windstrikes when in ascendance mode. Make sure to add a stopcasting at the end of lightning bolts/chain lightening to avoid hard casts.

i am a noob to the verison of gse with blocks, and i have been struggling to get used to the change seem SL but can walk thro what youre trying to explain here

I did your recommended fixes and that helped quite a bit. I did change a few other things my self and added surging totem as i dont enjoy the tempest play style. Even doing it manually it feels like im playing ele shaman as enhancement and im just spamming lightning bolt or chain lightning due to procs. Simply just not my play style.

So i tried surging totem and i love it however tanks dont have a habit of keeping mobs in it and it still need quite a bit of tuning if it is to perform againt elementalist storm hero set up. However i was able to manage on 5 target cleave 1 million dps however even at i think 570 ilvl its a struggle bus to get their bc its ramping dps and not instaneous.

Once servers come back up ill post the NoMOD sequence i changed and maybe our OG Aerrek can work some magic for us once hes hit 80 and is able to see some of the issues weve run into ^^

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Hey @bellwar @sargis,

This build is still on Pre-Patch. As I level Shaman to 80 I’ll revisit Enhancement first. I’ll remember these comments and see how I can rework the spec when I get there :+1:


Much appreciated @Aerrek !

For some reason I am not getting an import for the enhance talents any advise or help? Thanks again.

i’ve just been using the Delves - Stormbringer + Elementalist from icy veins:


Hey everyone :smiley:

I might have a “dumb” question, but is this kind of a “one” boutton macro ? I saw this on youtube, and was wondering if this might be the “same” ?

I am asking, as i am sometime playing WOW on my Steamdeck, incl an addon that maps the ui and buttons to a controler like gameplay.

And a 1 boutton macro would be a huge advantage for me :slight_smile:

Is this such a Macro :)?

Thank you, and sorry if i might ask noob questions :see_no_evil:

Its a very good macro combined with the WeakAura addon. You have 4 different sequences, but the WeakAura tells you what modifier to press :slight_smile:

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Oh okay okay !

So basicly you have 4 macros and you are told which to press ? :heart_eyes:

Hey @Danitalia1,

Not a dumb question but the YouTube videos are outdated compared to what this is now.

This is not a one-button macro, link at the top will explain it best, t’s the most up-to-date.

Note this is a pre-patch build

You may be able to make it work on steam deck if you bind your Right Tigger to an auto-click and your modifiers to to buttons

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Definitely need to press a few buttons, common sense is the big one. What Aerrek does is automate the backend.

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That is very well put and I’ll need to remember it

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Get to work pal, I have a raid Tuesday night :slight_smile: (in jest, I’ll do alright until you got it nailed).

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Heyy :slightly_smiling_face:

Me again :smiley:
Well i think i made it ! I use steamdeck with gse, weakauras, and consoleport, which allows me to map the bindings to a console like bouttons which actually works pretty nice :)!

I just had a couple of problems, as the deck do not give you the possibility to “copy/paste” while ingane, so it was a bit of a search action to find out how to import the codes for gse and weak auras :smiley: but it seems to work now :smiley: