⚡ Aerrek's UI: ENHANCEMENT // Tracks Maelstrom Weapon Stacks, Primordial Wave, Ascendance, & MORE! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

That’s great to hear, what did you bind the ‘activation button’ to? I’d imagine the Right trigger? Modifiers on A / B / X / Y?

Enhancement Updated

Essentially deleted and reworked for TWW 11.0.2.

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Thank you so much! I know enhance is a pita.

Now that I’m sticking to talent builds it’s a little less painful, I have two approved builds here so far.

Again, it’s a total rework. I tried the modifier combos multiple different ways, let me know if anything seems buggy :+1:

I’m running it now on the three cleave dummies. When it asks for Hold Alt, which I assume would be Primordial Wave / Sundering / Ascendance DPS, it’s not firing correctly and seems to be running healing surge for lack of doing something good? I did delete the old WA/GSE and import in new.

Yeah, it’s not firing primordial (or Ascendance), I have a WA just to watch that proc (and how many targets). Maybe the Alt verbiage doesn’t have what it should?

Strange, mine is firing Primodial on alt, but not Lightning Bolt on shift.

I hear you, I went ahead and deleted everything GSE related, reloaded and rebinded the hot key. Still same behavior (never fires PW/Ascendance/LB).

What worked for me, was to move the stuff out of the loop. For some reason the cache is getting bugged out and not reading all the lines, therefore, not “pressing” all the sequences.

The new WA import string does not seem to work

ALT is used to fire Primordial and Wave Sundering. When prompted to “HOLD A L T” it is using Windstrike during Ascendance (primarily)

If you are having problems with healing while pressing or holding alt, make sure your mouse is not over an ally.

Ascendance is a manual cast, then you hold ALT to use the Ascendance Damage Priority.

If you are not seeing PW, Sundering or the ALT Alt damage, I’d double check your ALT setup with the link at the top


I would double check that you are keybinded correctly and /reload after you set your keybindings


Moved stuff out of the top of what? I don’t add things I don’t think are important :eyes:

I don’t think I’ve ever run into an instance of bloating up GSE. The most common fix is to /reload after setting your keybindings

I reuploaded the WA string, although it seems to be working for me :thinking:


seems to be working now :woman_shrugging:

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Working good, thank you!

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Thank you for your work.

I already have an UI I lihe the way it is. At least I am used to it and it’s just muscle memory at this point.

What part of your WA I must keep for the prompt ( eg : alt Ctrl Shift) to keep showing when needed ?

So Im using theis enhancment and shift doesnt do anything…I hold it down and just get auto attacks. Ideas?

so I see the issue…im to close to the target…is that normal?


If you’re trying to ‘slim down’ the WeakAura, do not remove “Center Display” or “Cursor HUD”.

Ensure that you’re configured properly with the “New User Help” link.

If SHIFT is not working check:

  1. Are you spamming SHIFT + Activation Key
  2. Do you have an enemy mouseover target?*

*Mouseover + Enemy attempts to Feral Lunge at the enemy. If you are too close, nothing will happen. This are the mechanics of of Feral Lunge, can’t be too close. :+1:

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In WoW (Echap key → Option) type “shift” in the search bar (upper right corner). Check if the shortcut is not alreadu used by the native wow Interface.

Same thing in ElvUI if you use ElvUI of course.

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