šŸ¦ Aerrek's UI: FERAL // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

hello aerrek
Iā€™m not using an English client. Every time I import a new GSE string, I need to translate the skill name myself, not all of it, but part of it, which is weird.
do you know why

Hey @wower.cy,

Using /cast for macros should make the macro translatable. It stores the SpellID, not the name.

I very recently when through and updated every system to use /cast. Try updating both the GSE and WA :+1:

Why does the macro have to start running when entering the combat state, otherwise it will do nothing?

It is designed so that you donā€™t accidently pull enemies immediately after your current mob dies. Also, having a ā€˜start combat buttonā€™ allows me the freedom to use the modifiers on other abilities when the player is not in combat.

The talents tab for these macros does not show a macro code. I checked all of them even the tank druid macro doesnā€™t have a talent string under the talents tab. Itā€™s empty

Hey @Victor_Palumbo,

With the way the sequences are developed at the moment, you can use any talents that you want.

Moving forward, Iā€™m going to start adding the talents to the talents page :+1:

Another big update to FERAL

Complete rework of GSE and WA. No more ā€œHold for Single Target Damageā€

Hello, where is the sequence ? I would like to give a try but Wago asking asking for a password.

@Aerrek Please stop linking those password protected links until they are ready and import them as weak aura embeds when they are live with this wrapper code:

[wrap wago=Slug_URL][/wrap]

Get the slug from URL https://wago.io/Slug_URL


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Hey @lutechi,

Wrapper code is a great idea to the ā€˜portalā€™ issue. Also, I combed through many of my posts and removed unnecessary links (I tend to add more than I need).

I revisited and reformatted the posts you edited. ā€˜Additional Featuresā€™ will permanently be password protected, a Patron feature. My issue is, wrapper code is not functional for Password protected Slug_URLs*.

As you can tell, making an update to every post is difficult and time consuming (several hours). If there is another solution that maintains the encryption concept, I can swap to that method, all at once.


URL: https://wago.io/o5pYOAX67
Slug_URL: o5pYOAX67

Oh ok, got ya.

Then it would be best to just keep it in your Patreon then, so it is not confusing for others.

And link here to your Patreon post (name the link ā€œAdditional Features for Patreons Only,ā€ or something like that) with that private link.

That way if something changes on your end (maybe have other links), you have it centralized in 1 place.

Hopefully that helps you streamline it a bit.

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GSE sequence link is missing

Aerrek had the private one instead twice, it should be there now.

Hey Aerrek Love the new druid stuff no longer having to hold shift is going to save my pinky. However there are just a couple things that I think should be tweaked:

Currently feral casts moonfire regardless of whether lunar inspiration is taken or not and both builds listed in the nomod of feral dont have this talent selected so this can probably just be taken off completely or modified in someway to where it only casts if lunar inspiration is taken.

-Frenzied Regeneration(Feral)
In the weakaura frenzied regeneration in cat form is set to ā€˜spell knownā€™ and should probably be set to ā€˜hero talentā€™ Wildshape Mastery. I was thinking that maybe in PvP you would want this up as ā€˜spell knownā€™ but all PvP ferals seem to be taking Wildshape Mastery anyways.

thanks again for all your hard work

Hey @Wilson,

Firstly thank you fur such a detailed comment. Too often I have to trouble shoot from ā€œit dosenā€™t workā€ lol.

Moonfire (Feral):

I use this macro for Moonfire,

/castsequence [known:155580,combat,nochanneling] reset=target Moonfire, null

It shouldnā€™t cast Moonfire unless Lunar Inspiration (155580) is talented. This macro only casts Moonfire once, resetting every target swap.

Perhaps Convoke the Spirits is applying Moonfire?

Frenzied Regeneration (Feral)

After reading about Wildshape Mastery and thinking about it, Iā€™m going to leave as is. If there are any PvP talent build / sequences you want me to add, I could do that

No problem I apologize if Iā€™m bugging you at all I just love the way you have all this setup its been awesome to play with.

I totally understand about the Frenzied Regen I almost didnt even say anything because its so situational but thought Iā€™d mention it.

As far as the moonfire goes the macro does work perfectly in block path 4.1.1 of nomod however I think whats causing the unshifting into moonfire is actually located in block path 4.3

As always thanks for your all your hard work!

Youā€™re not bothering lol

I missed the 4.3 Moonfire /castsequence casts. I didnā€™t consider Lunar Inspiration there.

Updated 4.3 & 4.4:

/castsequence [known:155580,group:party,combat,nochanneling] Brutal Slash, Shred, Moonfire
/castsequence [known:155580,combat,nochanneling] Shred, Shred, Brutal Slash, Moonfire
/castsequence [group:party,combat,nochanneling] Brutal Slash, Brutal Slash, Shred
/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] Shred, Shred, Brutal Slash

I cant find out where this error comes from. It from AERREK_FERAL_NOMOD sequence

5107x SendChatMessage(): Invalid escape code in chat message
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SendChatMessage'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:5155: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:3308: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua:3302>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UseAction'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:342: in function `handler'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:667: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua:649>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:681: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua:674>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:723: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua:707>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua"]:266: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:263>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua"]:296: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:279>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

(*temporary) = "|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff88bbdd|cff55cc55[nopet][@pet,dead]|r |cff88bbddRevive Pet|r|r"
(*temporary) = "SAY"
(*temporary) = nil

I donā€™t know lua or bugs but SendChatMessage() is not something that NOMOD does. It but be the WeakAura.

I have my bugs turned off, in the future I plan to fix them all at once.

@Aerrek FYI I had a similar SendChatMessage error with the Frost DK sequence today, never happened before. If i had to guess itā€™s probably something GSE needs to handle, I doubt your sequences can.