🥶 Aerrek's UI: FROST // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [Pre-Patch]

🔹 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

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🔹 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

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Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.

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:cold_face: Frost

💻 Controls
:dagger: Combat :no_entry_sign: Combat :computer_mouse:+ Enemy :computer_mouse:+ Friendly
NOMOD Damage
📝 Notes

The default damage mode is area of effect damage. You will hold Shift to run the single target rotation. Essentially, by holding the modifier you replace Glacial Advance (if known) with Frost Strike as your Runic Power spender. In both damage modes, Killing Machine procs and Razorice are consumed along the way.

✴️ Talent Builds

Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.


:asterisk: I can add or update talent builds by request! (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling)

:arrow_double_down: Import Links

🖥️ WeakAura Import

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:globe_with_meridians: Use the Wago App for automatic updates!

🤖 GSE Sequences & Macros Import

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:white_check_mark: Includes all class specializations and recommended macros!

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In the Shift ST Cycle, it seems to lock up, Obliterate will not be used then. 150ms click rate.

Hey @Daniel_Siepmann



Obliterate is seqeunced is the same way in both the Single and AoE modes.

I would note that 150ms is slower than what develop my sequences with, although I don’t see that as being a big issue with this specialization (the sequences are very long).

It could be that obliterate is being over used and you have no runes, I’ll check it out either way.

hi mate, macro work very well, in AOE, I reached 2.4 million DPS.
But i think must split AOE from Single.
Holding down Shift for an entire boss fight isn’t the most comfortable, and Soul Reaper definitely needs to be included in the single-target rotation.

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There is an alternative option to make it work with 2 Buttons.

Bind SHIFT to another key or button, use it in place of anything that says SHIFT. What ever works for you, no biggie :+1:

Someone asked me why I did it this way on GUARDIAN Druid, the hold to single target way.

Here is the message, reasoning and insight on that system works systems ‘think’, and why I went with hold.

Druid’s AoE rage spenders are Maul and Raze. Their Moonfire proc is similar to Frost’s Howling Bast procs

  1. Each gets their own modifier.

This was an a extremely ‘busy’ user experience and left no room for other modifier casts. I would have had to put Moonfire (Galactic Guardian Proc) and Frenzied Regeneration as their own (non-sequenced) casts. I try hard to avoid having abilities off of the sequences/modifiers if I can help it.

  1. Make Maul or Raze the default rage spender; one sequenced and one on a modifier.

This didn’t work well because as soon as you got enough rage to cast Maul/Raze, the other had a chance to auto cast before you could get to the modifier. Also felt very ‘busy’.

  1. Use two different sequences. Each with Maul/Raze as default rage spenders.

This is the option I went with. I use the ‘enemy nameplate detection’ WA triggers to prompt the user to hold SHIFT to swap to the Maul sequence. I chose Maul (Single Target) to be the sequence with a modifier because I tend to develop for the most comfort in Dungeons over Raids; 80% of a dungeon is AoE Damage.

I also used /castsequences to incorporate Ironfur after two uses of Maul/Raze, so no more Ironfur modifier. This left two open modifiers for what ever I wanted, the best option.

Honeslty, it was the lesser evil if I wanting to maintain the system at the top of the charts. I try to find the balance in “Lazy” and “Maximum Effectiveness”, I tried both ways many times :sweat_smile:

BTW 2.4M in absolutely insane. I don’t test the damage, just that it is a replica of the top guides.

hello, bro if possible, please, translate your macros!!!

@finegorko Is it just the macros or the GSE Sequences that are not working, or both?

Macros are in-game (/macro). GSE uses sequences :+1:

I hadn’t thought of that, I’ll try binding Shift+key to the mouse and see how it goes. Yes, the DPS is really high, but we’re talking about a Frost DK (I’m in a pretty good spot myself) that will probably be one of the highest AoE DPS in the new expansion unless they do a nerf. If a Frost DK does less than 1.5 million in initial AoE (all offensive CDs at the start), something’s wrong. Let’s say you’re ‘low’ if you’re at 526 item level.

One last thing, I used this macro in AoE using the Dual Wield spec and not 2H.

I’ve been thinking about this comment…

I may swtich this to a two button system in the future. The reason I don’t do that is because none of the others are two buttons. However, every once in a while it would alleviate the holding the shift issue. :thinking:

I’d have to figure out how I want to implement that into the UI

I try to make the setup / installation as easy as possible for the new user experience

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Aerrek, I am curious what exact talent load out are you playing with to maximize damage?

My WeakAura triggers and GSE Sequences monitor what talents you have equipped and adapt accordingly

I believe I developed this one off of Icy Vein’s DPS guide.

I started building with the Mythic + talents. :+1:

Language and weakaura update

I am a Chinese World of Warcraft player, and when using your macros, they probably aren’t working because the skill names are in Chinese. I tried translating the skill names, but it didn’t work, which is frustrating.



Hey, I recently made an update to all Systems that should make them work in your language.

Please update and retry. If still not working, please let me know exactly what is not working (GSE Sequences or WeakAuras).

I want to fix this!

Hello, I am also a Chinese player. Using SHIFT doesn’t work for me, and I don’t know why only numpadplus can release two skills

I’m not sure what you mean by this :thinking:

Are the other MODs working?

First thing I’d do is to double check that your keybindings are setup properly with the two guides new the top :+1:

The key binding is correct, and the talent is based on the video points. When I was typing a single wooden stake, WA prompted Shift, but when I pressed SHIFT+NUMPADPLUS, there was no response. Then I found that after typing NUMPADPLUS for a while, CTRL+NUMPADPLUS could be executed, and the same was true for ALT+NUMPADPLUS. It seems that only SHIFT+NUMPADPLUS is not compatible

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Checking it out,

Also I’m abandoning the “Use a keyboard key on your mouse”.

With the new GSE, mouse button modifiers work fine for bindings.

Mouse Button 5
SHIFT + Mouse Button 5
CTRL + Mouse Button 5
ALT + Mouse Button 5

A unique thing about SHIFT on this system is that it won’t ‘disappear’ after you press it.

You will hold SHIFT whenever only 1 enemy nameplate is detected within 5m; it is the ‘Single Target Rotation’ button. What is actually happening is that SHIFT runs the full damage rotation with with single target Runic Power spender (Frost Strike).

TLDR: Open your Combat Log while holding SHIFT on a target, if spellcasting continues, it is working.

NOMOD rotation stopped working after the overall update today.
Is it just me?