Thanks for the quick reply and your work on this. Sending you a tip
Wow, thanks, I appreciate it.
Blood just got more work after someone reached out with good suggestions that I could implement.
wish I knew how, i want this to work so badly but I just cant get good results with this macro. Avg. like 250-300k on my 590ilvl DK.
can you share your talent build and any tips for getting this working better
mate my comment is in pre-path time now is correct macro no work very well
ahh right, im a new player so what you are saying is we need to wait for this to be updated for deathbringer and riders?
I am working on a new macro.
The main issues are twofold:
DPS opener
The GCD for Frost DK is quite high and affects multiple spells, with an average GCD of around 1.5 seconds.
So, the macro works better at around 300ms.
The opener is really crucial; doing it manually, I reach over 2 million DPS, and then I stay consistent with a minimum of 1.2 million.
While the Frost DK seems easy to make a macro for in GSE, it’s actually not that simple.
Hi Aerrek, the “@PoF+ERW[GA]” after update is not firing not sure how to fix it.
I’m not sure what this means.
This is a Pre-Patch version of Frost
Implemented a fix and added Reaper’s Mark
I fix the issue by changing the /m to the above one then problem solve.
(main issue is the castsequence [combat,nochanneling] before that was some random numbers with combat on it
is there a way to switch around?
Shift to AOE instead?
I’ve noticed this happening with several macros across multiple specializations, not sure why.
Going through and fixing.
GSE updated
Lmk if you’re still having issues
Yes, this is possible but not easy at all lol.
When I rework Frost for TWW I’m going to do what I can to avoid the “Hold to Deal Damage” mechanic
So far all are working flawlessly. The dps is matching my hand control dps. Is just slightly lower than the sim dps before all the buffs. I think is working out pretty good now including the Blood one
Good to know, I’m going to give Frost a rework in the future, this is still prepatch build (other than I added Reaper’s Mark).
I’ll try not to break it
I also cannot get the macros to work with GSE just spams my 1 key after making keybinds and reloading.
I would double check your configuration with the link near the top of the page, New User Help.
Sounds like you don’t have the modifiers bound correctly
suddenly im getting a “see conditions tab” error in WA
That is odd. I know where “See Conditions Tab” is used in the WeakAura but not sure why this would cause error.
Please update and try again. If you still see the error, try the addons BugSack and BugGrabber
i should clarify, its not an error per se, but it says it the whole time I’m in the raid. What do i have to do to fix it ?