Do you have you mouse button simulating a keyboard key?
Once you do that bind the sequences to that mouse button
Do you have you mouse button simulating a keyboard key?
Once you do that bind the sequences to that mouse button
BRO I been off the site for a couple days and came upon your macros YOUR FUCKING CHAMPION its so good burst when need to then heal when need to and normal rotation i use this in pvp lol also id like to add this macro does a perfect rotation for battletrance when i look at battletrance directly on details its 1st and rising PERFECT MACRO !!
@Erwin_Liao1 Hype beast of the century
** UPDATE **
Never mind got it working. Just deleted and reinstalled everything from scratch. Guess third times a charm.
First off, thanks Aerrek! Your macros are next level GSE. I’m having a slight issue with this one though. I use the Razer Synapse and have everything setup, and working (so long as I don’t move). Although, I don’t use the mouse assigned key as you have yours setup. I run a Tartarus Pro Keypad and have 4 keys assigned to a few keys on the keypad; key 2 for ALT, key 3 for NO MOD, key 4 for SHIFT, and key 5 for CTRL. As mentioned everything works except when I’m holding down key 3 and begin moving the key stops working; once i stop and repress the key it works again but will not attack while moving. Any thoughts? I cant see there would be a different between assigning the NO MOD key to a mouse compared to the keypad key; although perhaps that is the issue. The keypad has a joystick which i use for movement, the keys are W,S,Q,E.
I have the razor naga and i went into the synapse addon to change 1-4 bound to numpad 1-4 and then bound the macro’s to those keys
First off, the Tartarus looks super fun to play on!
So you know: You can go into the Display tab on the WeakAura and change “SHIFT”, “CTRL”, or “ALT” to whatever you are using to activate those buttons.
I’m not sure why the NOMOD sequence is being interrupted when you move. It must be something to do with the way Razer sends out the last input?
I hope @Sandman 's comment helped
Lmk if there’s anything else you might need help with
I ended up getting it to work. Just removed everything and re-installed it for a third time, and somehow there’s no issue with movement anymore. Thanks for getting back to me either way, and its good to know that I can change “SHIFT”, “CTRL”, or “ALT” to whatever.
Hey ! i seem to have a problem. when i put in the Nomod and bind it to lets say F1 and then go and add the Alt one to F1 aswell as in the video. it replaces my Nomod. did i miss somthing? thanks =)
It sounds like when you’re pressing “Alt + F1” the game is not recognizing the Alt and only the F1.
I think this is because “Alt + Some F Keys” are reserved keybinds for windows or something.
My best guess it to try using activation on a different key
i will just copy your binds. thanks for the reply buddy !
Made some updates to the Sequence and WeakAura,
You’re going to see better multi target DPS
I strongly recommend you to use spell code instead by using spell names. Because some players are using different language wow client. In non-English wow, the spell name macros wont work. By the way, I have another issue that when i change your spell name in GSE macro in my language, all the mods works but the Hold CTRL(R.Abandon Cycle) doesn’t work. When I HOLD CTRL its just auto attack. Could you tell me how to fix this problem, or can you explain what is the code(@R.Abandon_Cycle) works. Many thanks, cheers!
Last night I made an update that did not include in-game macros. Try using the new import string
Thanks for your update, but the HOLD CTRL still dont work. I tried your new in game macro, it works well independently. But in GSE sequences still not working with this macro. I mean the in game macro can used by pressing this macro. When I hold CTRL, Avatar and Recklessness can be used properly, but the Rampage, Bloodthirst Macro still not working. It seems like the in game macro not working in GSE sequences.
Btw, when I imported code, its shows the in-game macros version. I didn’t find the no in-game macro version.
@kingscx ,
Yesterday I was flooded with no in-game macros after an update so I was mass replying to all the comments lol
I’m going to hop on my warrior now to see what’s going on with CTRL
First, are the other modifiers working? Are you sure it’s not your setup?
If you have Reckless Abandon talented, you will need to hold CTRL during it’s duration to continue to call upon the macro. The WA should remind you of this.
If Reckless Abandon is not talented, you do not hold CTRL.
I wish I could recreate the issue but it seems to be working smoothly for me
Here is the macro directly from my test:
/targetenemy [noharm,nomounted][dead]
/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2 Rampage,Raging Blow,BloodThirst
Thanks for your reply. I just solve all the problems by reinstall GSE. Cheers for your hard working:partying_face:
By the way, next time please use spell ID:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:because WOW has multi-language version. Spell name macro will not work in non-english version WOW. Many thanks.
@kingscx Did the sequence work at all or was it just the “@R.Abandon_Cycle” macro that did not work (because of your language)?