😡 Aerrek's UI: FURY // Tracks Improved Whirlwind, Reckless Abandon, Recklessness, & MORE! Range Detection Triggers! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! The War Within! [11.0.2]


This is the code it runs more aoe instead of ST.

And what guide is this from, if any? So I can add it to the talents panel

EDIT: Fury is still a pre patch build, there are no approved talent builds for hero talents, yet.

I’m still leveling and working on many other specs but Fury is near the top of my list!

Its from Wowhead as the Aoe focus less priority on single target. There is i think 4 builds on wowhead this ine being near the bottom.
Also the ST build you have works amazing i consistently average 500k dps in heros without having 590+ gear.

I used the top “Raid” build for single target and the top “Mythic+” build for AoE.

I designed it so that the sequences and WeakAura work similarly with both.

Love it hear good damage! I put in lots of hours of testing before I post, but they’re not always perfect lol. Lots of moving parts with the WeakAura

HI,thankyou for your effort. But I cant find the talent string in the “talent” panal. where can I find it ? ty again

This is still the prepatch edit, any talents will work. Hero talents will not.

I seem to have trouble with Hold CTRL ability. As when it’s pressed it seems to go stuck in its rotation and the moment I release it continues like normal. Which makes me lose some dps while not being able to do so. Anyting I could do to figure out how/what is happening there and possibly fix it?

Going back to Fury there is a big update, shouldn’t take too long but I’m adding the hero capabilities and updating talents (again)



Fury Updated!

Find the approved talents on the talents tab of NOMOD.

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@Aerrek can you check WeakAura code? when I paste it in-game it doesn’t work. Nothing happens after I paste it in WA.

Edit: Solved, somehow managed to import it


Two thumbs up, and a foot five! :star_struck:
The fact that you still answer and guide people having issues, along with still updating your work for the public is amazing.

I’ve tried it out, and I have to agree with one of the earlier comments stating this is next level.
Compared to other imports i’ve tried this is the only one I have asked myself if I should keep and use.

I signed up just to leave this encouraging comment saying that I am really impressed with your work, please keep going! Not only because I’m actually gonna keep using it, but because it would be a loss for the people if this were to stop existing. Good work chief! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Thanks man!

You know, it’s funny. I’ve always been more into addons, macros, and optimization than the gameplay tbh :laughing:

I make these for me and I’m happy everyone gets good use out of them


Both WA and GSE updated to what’s on my screen, lmk if there are any issues :+1:


Heyo big chief, I’ve used it whilst leveling to 80 and recently normal dungeons/delves as well. I do have a couple of questions if you have the time.

1.) I’ve imported both the WA and the GSE seq. and I set it up as per your instructions in this thread, actually even using the same keybind NUM+ (great choice imo) along with Razer Syn. Turbo Click (20actions/sec). When using the keybind the initial seconds in the encounter (charge → burst rot.) feels very satisfying. However sometimes it feels a bit sluggish, like spells/actions are not popping off. Can you relate? is it something I am doing wrong? Is it just pure limitations/deal with it? Or am I just being mind tricked?

I can especially feel the sluggishness/non-popping running the CTRL(mod) + Sequence. It does seem to improve when tapping CTRL couple of times whilst holding the keybind. Got any tips or is it something you can relate to?

2.) Sometimes I hear a sound like a “beep” or “pling” in the middle of combat, usually comes when there’s a big mobpack and the sequence have been running for a while. Is this something you’ve added as a signal to do something special or what is it for? I’m curious heh

Last one, 3.) Out of curiosity. How time consuming/how much work would it be to adapt this towards a new talent tree/build.
For example:


And as I said in my last post. Big thanks for your work, it’s both very fun to use and very impressive. :clap: :grin:

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Man, I was using a single button sequence and it left me feeling pretty bad with the state of my warrior. The dps was utter trash, and aoe never would fire. Tried this one and it’s perfect. Not automatically firing everything off let’s me time things when I need it and my performance has greatly improved.
One thing though, is it possible to turn off the WA for other specs? It keeps bugging me when I go prot.

@Aerrek your macro works in other client languages too or just english?

What exactly are you seeing on Prot? I can turn it off

You can too on the ‘Load’ tab of the ‘button’ that is appearing in the weakaura. Check the box, [] Never. Usually searching for it will find it.


Hey @Van,

I try hard to make them as cross lanugage as possible (GSE sequences, WeakAura), but unfortunatly you’ll need to translate the /macro sequences.

Macros starting with ! @ # $ are used by the GSE sequences. They won’t work if they’re not translated, although to my understanding, /cast should translate to your language.

I have to be able to understand the text when I return to update them, I have 100+ macros across ~20 specs. They all do different things :eyes:

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Everything that shows while in Fury is showing for Prot. By default it is showing CTRL and flashing red. But will show to use BS and Thunderous roar, etc.

Aside from having to go in every time and turn it completely off, I tried setting class and spec to Fury, which kinda worked, but then the recklessness progress bar wouldn’t show anymore.

Hey @oneofthosety,
Answering your bullet points one at a time lol

  1. I can’t replicate ‘being sluggish’ . I made a macro correction that may address this

  2. The ‘Ding’ is the interrupt reminder (Pummel)

  3. Added your talent build to the approved builds. (+ Ravager and Thunder Clap)
