🐻 Aerrek's UI: GUARDIAN // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

I recently went through and converted all of the sequences to work cross language.

I’m slowly making my way through the WeakAuras :+1:

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these still come in english :smiley:

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/cast should call out for the Spell ID :thinking:

Maybe in the future I will update them all but for now I have 17 specs and I can’t memorize all the SpellIDs. I have to know what I’m going back to read :laughing:

Hey first I must say love all of this the weak auras are just ‘chef’s’ kiss. The only issue I seem to be running into is the ‘nomod’ doesnt cast ironfur the shiftmod seems to do it fine went and banged on a target dummy for awhile and could just never get it to go off I dont have the raze talent so i thought the raze, ironfur, raze macro maybe wasnt working because I didnt have it selected but it didnt seem to fix the issue. again thanks for all your work!

please disregard I ended up fixing it! it seems like there was an extra space in the raze, ironfur, raze macro causing it not to work! Cheers!

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I seem to be having an issue, when perform the macro it just switches me to feral not guardian

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I figured it out that I had to add everything, my issue now is that it consistantly wants to shift back to cat form. Not sure whats going on there, I’m not in feral and its kind of annoying to a degree. My mouse constantly just says prowl.

hey so been using this for a little bit what normally happens if ur outside in a normal zone questing and out of combat it seems to swap u to cat form for the move speed. holding shift and the macro will then leap shred putting u in combat then going to bear form. if your in a dungeon you wont ever leave bear form. hope this helps!

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You will be in cat form when not in a group for a speed buff. I will enter bear form automatically in combat.

If you are the tank in a dungeon you will go to bear form automatically.

Your mouse is prompting you to press some modifier if you want to enter prowl


On Guardian I dont see the Talents in where the guide said to find them.

They should be on the talents page:

Reupdated GSE Sequences, just in case

Holy WoW!!! Lol First time trying one of Aerreks setup’s!!! So much stuff here by chance is one of these a 1 button for all I can start with cause this is mind blowing lol.

Happy to hear it it’s working lol,

You could make it a 1-button by adding the ‘modifier’ abilities to the GSE Sequences. Obviously, you’ll lose the capability of ‘maximum efficiency’.


I deleted the sequences and reimported and I see it now. Thanks works great.

Hi there Aerrek,

I finally got around to configuring and trying this out. It’s an interesting beast, I like it. Going to give it a real tryout today.

wasn’t that difficult to set up. Thanks for the cool way this is handled.

Hey Aerrek as always this is a banger! Guardian is most likely going to be my main in tww and this has been a life saver there is one thing I think is worth adjusting a bit tho:

So currently as the GSE works all your healing is on the alt mod which works great however the only issue is that because the mouse is set to turbo it can very easily cast regrowth without a Dream of Cenarius proc unshifting you out of bear form which in heroics results in half ur hp gone but as we get into mythics I’m sure will cause instant death which can make simply hitting alt to get a frenzied regen off a pretty scary ordeal.

There used to be a macro preventing this but around 02/2024 blizzard patched it to where ur no longer able to turn off the autoshift functionality of druid.

I think the best way is to simply have a WA similar to how you have renewal set currently and let the user manually use regrowths as they get procs.

As always thanks for all your hard work!

Again thank you for a detail response, it saves me literal hours of trying to ‘figure out’ what you are talking about

I’m also druid main so I’m happy to make updates


  • Removed Dream of Canarias from ALT
  • Added Regrowth friendly mouseover (full cast) to ALT
  • Updated ALT to heal allies in combat (full Regrowth cast).
  • Added Spell Icons to Druid Cursor Queue and Bottom Feed

I could be being blind, but it doesnt fire raze? do you not use this?

From what I saw, the top guides are staying away from Raze this season (so far). Back in DF this had Raze, I had to do a complete rework.

If there is a talent build you’d like me to consider, lmk

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hello, ive been using this and its amazing, but i started the raids today and somehow i keep stealing aggro off other tanks soon after their taunt, am i missing something?