šŸ”¹ Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

@Rasconza highlight the overall weakaura, head to the actions tab and uncheck sounds :+1:


Are you sure you are configured properly? Make sure to /reload after setting your keybindings

hi, i have the problem on all of your macros that the abilitys u have writen into a basic wow macro just get skipped in the sequence i already tried al kinds of things but nothing worked to fix it sofar any idea what could cause this? for example on unholy death coil and scourge strike
or on hunter Kill command and cobra shot

Abilities that are not

Abilities that donā€™t show up as a modifier should be cast manually, for maximum effectiveness

Did a full uninstall/reinstall and issue seems to be resolved, working great now, thanks :slight_smile:

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Another big update to all WeakAuras and GSE sequences.

Most Noteworthy:

New Specialization: Havoc!

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Hey there i dont know why but all the time it shows me cast windfury weapon. How can i hide it ?

Hey @Ozzy92

image appears when your main hand is missing the buff. If itā€™s not working as intended, let me know :+1:


i have been using your sequences and leveled the 11 classes you have them available for to 80 with :slight_smile:
what i have to say is that they are really good but i have a note

  • it would be cool to have more explainations for the modifiers and the nomod rotations, especially for stuff like holy priest and resto shaman because they do alot of things that arent very easy to understand with only the text that the weakauras give at the bottom, i had to read the sequences to try and understand what exactly each modifier does

otherwise great stuff keep it coming :slight_smile:
hyped for when rogue and evo gets released

No. I used it an it still shows me i should use it idk.


:thinking: Try reinstalling. By chance, if you use a language other than English, you may have problems with this.

Otherwise, you can disable this visual on the ā€œLoadā€ tab like this:

I will be doing a big update to Enhancement soon

More Explanations

I recently updated all WLM posts which include a ā€œControlsā€ menu. This is long over due, especially for the healers.

As I rework the specs, I am considering the lazy/effectiveness balance, on-screen visuals, and everything else I can think of. Itā€™s a very time consuming process :sweat_smile:

Know that since the TWW 11.0.2 release Iā€™ve been improving and creating developing all of the specializations, while leveling.

Happy to hear you made it through leven classes, thatā€™s crazy.

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Ty . Plz comment again when u reworked it. Thanks for this big work. Luv it <3

Hello, I have the following problem. With the Spanish game, the macros with spell id do not work, only with the names of each spell. When changing the id for the name, many macros do not reach 255 characters.

What macro goes over the limit after you translate it?

I thought the whole purpose of using SpellID instead of actual spell names was to avoid language issues (and to avoid issues with more than 1 spell/ability having same nameā€¦in the past a player spell and a trinket proc or a proc from a current borrowed power system could have same name)? And there is no Spanish version of the gameā€¦you can choose Spanish as the displayed language in both the American and European client, but that does not change the SpellIDs.

/cast should store the spell as SpellID.

I donā€™t know why the in-game macros (/m) are not translating.

I could change each spellname to spellID but, please understand; I have 100+ macros over multiple specializations, I have to be able to read them lol

Yeah I wouldnā€™t go changing all your macrosā€¦cause youā€™re right, if you use ability names in your macros they get converted to SpellIDs. And no matter what language a player chooses, SpellIDs donā€™t change. According to their post they are converting from SpellID to Spanish namesā€¦well the client will still read the name as a SpellIDā€¦so apparently SpellID is working, contrary to what they say. I think itā€™s just a case of user error lol.


This import is encrypted You must enter the password or cipher key to decrypt it. What do I need to do? Was this information provided for the Weak Auras?

Sorry, additional features is not yet available but will be to Patrons in the future :+1: