[quote quote=50326]
What i want in this post is positive comments that help the warlock community, if you really want to help make a better macro and share it with the forum. I would like to people test the macro and share their numbers to see how this macro compare to the other macros, share opinions on how to improve it or what would like to be included with it to fill their playstyle.I initially posted a fairly unpleasant comment here that was more than likely a bit over the top. Instead of telling you how I really feel I will leave you with this: I tried to provide you with comments that would help the warlock community 4 of the 5 comments were made in an effort to help your specific macro be better for the community and make your life easier going forward, instead you chose to focus on the first part of my comment about giving credit for another persons efforts. Its pretty clear that you don’t want help, instead just want your ego stroked about how wonderful your macro is. I’m sorry I can’t help you there so have a nice day! [/quote]
He seems to be taking helping comments and/or constructive comments just fine to me. Yours however, Come across as very harsh and mean. Almost as if, You just looking for a argument?
Positive comments/Negative comments are always welcome. But when you come across as if you just wanna fight…That just not constructive and pretty much gets nobody anywhere.
If people just posted all the time “This macro is great” “This is the bomb, No others matter” blah blah. Then what we be the point of people trying to help each out. Let alone, They may be somebody out there who actually does come up a macro thats “The bomb” So as Enix as stated himself…It should be encouraged for people to step up and try. If all people did was just put one another down, Nobody would wanna share anything. As they would be too afraid of getting hammered for it?
I am not a moderator or anything of the sort. But I think all of us should help out when we can. There is no point of just one person’s macro. Just my .02 on the matter. Take it for what its worth.