Aggietallboy's MaxLevel BM - with version for Withered Training

So on Nythendra the other night, I beat out all the MM hunters because I realized we had way too much movement to be effective – Aimed Shot can’t be cast on the move any more, and that really hurts our DPS.

I used HiroYakamura’s awesome script and did pretty solid damage (the one of the four hunters who did better than me in the raid had 22 ilvls on my weapon, and 10 overall).

I noticed that the same script, while great for leveling, still had some weakness, particularly soloing and especially in the Withered Training scenario.

The challenge in Withered training is that it still thinks you’re in a group (oops)… similarly for a lot of the world quests, you’re just as effective doing it with hunter pets tanking as a “real tank”

I have set up a RAID (RA) and a SOLO INSTANCE (SI) version of each of these. After a few hours on the dummies, I finally have it so I’m not focus starved, and barrage, volley, AMOC all work correctly – but you’re going to want Barrage – even after the nerf for me right now it’s 20K DPS more than anything else – AMOC and Volley are neck and neck.

My overall ilvl is 846, 861 in titanstrike, I have 15 points in - pretty much all on the bottom line.

On the raid dummy – completely unbuffed – I’m pulling 130-140k with AMOC and Volley (2 minute run, complete AOTW cooldown cycle) and 155-165k with Barrage.

Burst at the beginning of the cycle is ~400-500k on barrage, and depending on RNG 300-500 on AMOC (there’s no real burst with Volley).

Now in true solo situations, you might be better with AMOC, since it will reset on kill, allowing you a lot more AMOC’s than Barrages.

The Solo/Instance version does not have the “autogrowl” shutoff – i haven’t figured out how to keep it on in the Withered instance.

Surprisingly the Mend Pet at the end of the Solo version does not seem to affect DPS (as in they were so close ont he 2 minute overalls, that it could have just been rng)

These are not “perfect” for raiding, but rather as close to lazy, while still being good as I’ve gotten so far - everything goes pretty much on C/D, and it works right with my G13 gameboard.

Sequences['RA_BM_ST'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "Aggietallboy (modified from HiroYakamura)",
helpTxt = "Single-Target - Talent: 2112122",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling,nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [nochanneling,@pet,dead]Revive Pet
/petautocastoff [nochanneling,group] Growl
/petautocaston [nochanneling,nogroup] Growl
/cast [nochanneling,target=focus, exists, nodead],[nochanneling,target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling, combat] reset=1 Dire Beast, Titan's Thunder",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Kill Command',
"/cast [combat,talent:6/1]A Murder of Crows;[combat,talent:6/2] !Barrage;[combat,talent:6/3]Volley",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling] Aspect of the Wild
/use [nochanneling,combat]13
/use [nochanneling,combat]14

Sequences['RA_BM_MT'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "HiroYakamura",
helpTxt = "Multi-Target - Talent: 2112122",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling,nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [nochanneling,@pet,dead]Revive Pet
/petautocastoff [nochanneling,group] Growl
/petautocaston [nochanneling,nogroup] Growl
/cast [nochanneling,target=focus, exists, nodead],[nochanneling,target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling, combat] reset=1 Dire Beast, Titan's Thunder",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Kill Command',
"/cast [combat,talent:6/1]A Murder of Crows;[combat,talent:6/2] !Barrage;[combat,talent:6/3] !Volley",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Multi-Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling] Aspect of the Wild
/use [nochanneling,combat]13
/use [nochanneling,combat]14

Sequences['SI_BM_ST'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "Aggietallboy (modified from HiroYakamura)",
helpTxt = "For SOLO INSTANCE Single-Target - Talent: 2112122",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling,nopet,nodead]Call Pet 2;[nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocaston !Growl
/cast [nochanneling,target=focus, exists, nodead],[nochanneling,target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling, combat] reset=1 Dire Beast, Titan's Thunder",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Kill Command',
"/cast [combat,talent:6/1]A Murder of Crows;[combat,talent:6/2] !Barrage;[combat,talent:6/3]Volley",
"/cast [nochanneling,@pet,dead]Revive Pet;[nochanneling,@pet]Mend Pet",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling] Aspect of the Wild
/use [nochanneling,combat]13
/use [nochanneling,combat]14

Sequences['SI_BM_MT'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "Aggietallboy (modified from HiroYakamura)",
helpTxt = "For SOLO INSTANCE Multi-Target - Talent: 2112122",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling,nopet,nodead]Call Pet 2;[nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocaston !Growl
/cast [nochanneling,target=focus, exists, nodead],[nochanneling,target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling, combat] reset=1 Dire Beast, Titan's Thunder",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Kill Command',
"/cast [combat,talent:6/1]A Murder of Crows;[combat,talent:6/2] !Barrage;[combat,talent:6/3] !Volley",
'/cast [nochanneling,combat] Multi-Shot',
"/cast [nochanneling,@pet,dead]Revive Pet;[nochanneling,@pet]Mend Pet",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [nochanneling] Aspect of the Wild
/use [nochanneling,combat]13
/use [nochanneling,combat]14

great stuff, ty

whats the point of way of cobra in the macro?
what Deletes Cobra shot from the rotation I dont get it

[quote quote=35075]whats the point of way of cobra in the macro? what Deletes Cobra shot from the rotation I dont get it
[/quote]Cast Cobra Shot manually at 90% focus. In a macro you will be focus-starved.