Alpha Predator - Feral Druid

I didn’t change the Order of the macro - I just fixed it so it would work for everyone here.

Most macros will fall off at 2:30 to 3m because Cooldowns are about to be ready again for a burst window gaining back about 50% of what they lost, then falling off again. Nature of the Macro Beast -

Really the Nature of the beast with any rotation -


Hey guys,

this is a great macro, thanks to the creator.
I only have one problem, I currently only use it to level and it makes me angry that the macro casts regrowth every few seconds. Am I doing something wrong? Every time character goes out of cat form and casts the spell, why? Can you delete this spell? Or am I doing something wrong?

I would really appreciate some help. ^^

Your going to have to take it out of the macro for it to run proper.

It seems every so often when I’m hitting the macro regrowth is cast, and I am taking out of my cat form. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. Also holding shift and hitting the macro does anything differently I’m sorry I’m kind of new to this. I’m learning to play Druid at high lvl and the macro has really helped

Disable the part of the macro that contains the Regrowth spell block.

Blizzard changed the way this worked a few weeks ago.

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Good Morning, I’ve been toying with Feral of late and after being unsuccessful in creating a smooth one myself I tried using this one. I must say, you get my seal of approval. This works quite well. I’ve made the edits to remove the regrowth from the macro all together and a few other changes to incorporate mod keys to handle certain M+ affixes, but other than that, using as is.

Thanks for your fine work.

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which one are u useing the og poster or scary?

OG one that I slightly edited

Nothing to do with Regrowth, this is an excellent macro. Just one question, when editing I remarked several “null” that are red. I usually delete when it’s in red, is this normal?

were all looking foward to your macro here in season 4. you have a great macro here. i wanna say the best feral macro out. hopefully you are planning on keeping it updated.

I got a message that neither of these were specific to this game(imported anyway).

And was a bit confused when I was looking through my list of macros and could not find an AlphaPredator Single target(it is named Apex_predator)

The ST worked well in LFR…will see in Normal.

EDIT: It was not viable for me in Heroic :sob:

Tried your macro and it’s nice. However it keeps throwing GUI errors about some equipable and multi button, how do i resolve that since its very annoying to have it on half of the screen.

is this the only macro that you use that is doing it?

I main feral and use this macro i haven’t come across errors, you running the correct talents.

I get the same thing on multi GSE macros including this one. A once linked post mentioned it is caused when a talent is called but not known.

I am not sure what that would have to do with equable or not, and I have unchecked the auto-use trinkets options.

The suggestion was to look through every called spell to make sure it is in your talent build.

hey am getting huge box lua error when i changed this is there anyway to fix it ?

I really like the macro but I have one problem, I get spammed heal and it turns off my cat form.
spam Regrowth :- (

Awesome macro, thanks so much for it.

That’s because the CVAR for that is now protected, you had to go in and disable the cast regrowth lines. Right now nothing is working right because of the changes for TWW, I suggest GSE discord. I’m still working through the changes and I don’t think many of the old GSE macros will work until they are redone with the new rules for TWW.

Its totally broken, alot of stuff needs to trimmed out hopefully the creator is still around to update it.

All my macros go beyond 255 character limit.