Any gnomesequencer macro's for demo locks?

Is this possible? if so, can anyone share it? ^^


the problem with gnomesequencer and demonology locks is ‘hand of gul’dan spell’ it breaks the entire add on… i only have the most basic programming skills but it’s what i was able to ascertain after trying multiple variations of it

furthermore, you can’t cast spell by id… i tried that… if there is a work around on hand of guldan I dont have the programming skills to figure it out

From what I have read, gnomesequencer isn’t as strong/ideal outside of instant casting tank/melee types, for various cast mechanics that are not as predictable.

I use gnomesequencer happily on many characters - sweet addon =)

Unfortunately, I have not found anything too good for demonology.

I use the following two-buttons, however, that do work out quite well.

Macro 1 (non-demon form)

/targetenemy [noharm]
/use [noform: 0] Metamorphosis
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=target/10 Corruption,Hand of Gul'dan,Shadow Bolt,Shadow Bolt,Shadow Bolt,Hand of Gul'dan,Shadow Bolt,Shadow Bolt,Shadow Bolt
/castsequence reset=target/10 Twilight Ward
/castsequence reset=target/10 Lifeblood
/use [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat] 13

And, another macro for demon form.

/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=target/10 Doom,null
/use [noform: 1] Metamorphosis
/castsequence [nochanneling] Touch of Chaos,Soul Fire,Soul Fire,Soul Fire,Soul Fire,Touch of Chaos,Soul Fire,Soul Fire,Soul Fire,Touch of Chaos,Soul Fire
/cast [combat]Dark Soul: Knowledge
/castsequence reset=target/10 Twilight Ward
/castsequence reset=target/10 Lifeblood
/use [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat] 13

It seems to work pretty well, the only thing to be mindful of really is that corruption is up before switching to demon form, and demonology resource - which the name escapes me at the moment =)

But, try it out.

Oh I just realized, there is no twilight ward anymore =) you can take that out.

Sheesh! You can take out lifeblood to =) That doesn’t exist anymore either.

I guess it’s good to take a look at macros every now and then =)

I tried playing with it for a little while, but now I know what many have already figured out.

the apostrophe in Hand of Gul’dan breaks the addon.

I have tried “Hand of Gul’dan” which would generally work in many programming languages, however it doesn’t here.

Ohihr has tried by spell ID.

I will continue to try to find a work around.

[quote quote=19157]I tried playing with it for a little while, but now I know what many have already figured out.

the apostrophe in Hand of Gul’dan breaks the addon.

I have tried “Hand of Gul’dan” which would generally work in many programming languages, however it doesn’t here.

Ohihr has tried by spell ID.

I will continue to try to find a work around.

[[/cast Hand of Gul'dan]],