i agree but for now to me the long macro locks up even with the 180 sec reset even with pressing alt modifier. pls test it some more or make it longer cause 180 means 180 secs of inactivity so it may reset. i beleave making it longer will solve my problem
[quote quote=5736]I noticed most arcane mages are using Nether Tempest so decided to do some extensive testing. Living Bomb and Nether Tempest cannot be macroed accurately because they have no CD and due to Arcane Missiles procs the refresh time gets messed up. This is especially true with Living Bomb because if it is refreshed too early you don’t get the time out damage. Living Bomb and Nether Tempest gave me at least 5-7 k min/max damage less than Frost Bomb. My original macro in this thread does for me min/max – 77k/82k. I just did 4 full hours of testing and concluded Ice Barrier is a huge dps loss – taking it out gave me an extra 5-7k dps. The following macro utilizes Alter Time and prioritizes Frost Bomb, I tried Frost Bomb in the 0.3 format as priority and it never casts as priority so this does. It does min/max 87k/92k. All tested on 1 dummy (obviously Bomb and Barrage hit all 3) for no less than 15 minutes each macro combo. Tested about 8 different macro combinations. Hotbar 1 /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=100/alt Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Alter Time,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Blast,Arcane Barrage
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 1,2,Mirror Image
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 1,Arcane Missiles
/castsequence [nochanneling] [combat]reset=0.3 Arcane Power
/use [nochanneling][combat]10
/swapactionbar 1 2
/targetenemy [noharm] Hotbar 2 /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 Frost Bomb
/use [nochanneling][combat]10
/swapactionbar 2 1 If down time between mobs is too long just hit alt while using the macro to reset it. Not too sure if 100 seconds is a good reset timer, any help is appreciated. [/quote]
What addon do you use that support more than 1000 chars ?
SuperDuperMacro supports the above macro - not too sure if it’s more than 1000 characters though. Never bothered counting them.
it is more than 1000 so i opened macro toolkit lua to change the number from 1024 to 2024
for how u can do this i have posted it in macro toolkit forum