ARMSPVPST - Potential HP Macrp

Arms PvP (Updated 9/26/16)

Sequences['ArmsPVPST'] = {
specID= 71,
author="Dash Deschain",
helpTxt="Talents: 2233311",
StepFunction = [[
order = newtable(6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4)
newstep = (newstep and (newstep % #order + 1)) or 2
step = order[newstep]

-- Macro 1
/run('Executing macro 1! (Colossus Smash)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 2
/run('Executing macro 2! (Overpower)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Overpower
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 3
/run('Executing macro 3! (Slam)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 4
/run('Executing macro 4! (Mortal Strike)')
/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 5
/run('Executing macro 5! (Execute)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat]  Execute
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 6
/run('Executing macro ! (Battle Cry')
/cast Victory Rush
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Avatar
/cast [nomod] Charge
/cast Focused Rage

PostMacro = [[
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

This is a good macro but if I add it to the set and someone goes to edit it ingame via /gsse it will break.

Need to rewrite it to use either Sequential or Priority based stepfunction. At the moment it is using a Sequential stepfunction but the events are all over the place.

I modified this to run even more smoothly, getting up to 145k DPS on target (ilvl 830)