❄️ AZEROTHS ICE AGE! - 11.0 - Raid/ST/Delves - 8/28/24

Hello love the macro, I have a question im using Razer Synapse for the macro and im trying to set up the delay.
what i have it set up now is
.12 ↓ Keyboard 1
.12 ↑ Keyboard 1
im not sure how to get the delay correct to run it between 175ms - 250ms
could some one who uses razer help me out please.
just trying to figure out how to set the correct delay

Ah apologies, I do not have any razer component. I use AHK for my macros.

Put the number you want in the red circle. 0.25s =250ms if you want 175ms put 0.175s
Hope it helps


Then make your own. I have no issue with this macro.

Hey Vinimagi, can you share your AHK script?

;; by Hadronox / Rezel
#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft	;; enabled only in WoW
While GetKeyState("1", "P") {
	Send, {Blind}{1}	;; blind mode to send modifiers
	Sleep, 250
While GetKeyState("2", "P") {
	Send, {Blind}{2}	;; blind mode to send modifiers
	Sleep, 250
#IfWinActive	;; disable WoW context sensitivity
^PgDn::Suspend	;; Ctrl + PageDown to suspend script (if you want to chat)
^PgUp::Reload	;; Ctrl + PageUP to reload script
^End::ExitApp	;; Ctrl + End to terminate script

Made it to 80. This is my macro so far.

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Great work! Your macro does excellent damage!

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great macro thank you but i think Frostfire Talents + Death Chill from IcyVeins do more damage

havent tried, will test and do an update if needed :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: In my sample testing, death chill and adding a point into Splintering Cold did increase DPS. Updated Delves/Open World talents in OP.

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i just get macro unable to be imported

only the last one called macro imports, and that seems to only fire frostbolts and glacial spike

Thats not the macro, you’re importing talents into the macro box there.

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Means you didnt copy the whole string

thanks mate got it working now

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Any way to add casting Ice Armor while out of combat? (for the start of a pull)
I tried myself but [nocombat] didn’t seem to work?

That is not possible :stuck_out_tongue:

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As Ice Armor is not a spell on retail, I’ll assume you meant Ice Barrier.

I can not see a reason why that wouldn’t work. You could add [combat] to all nomod spells and change the first line to something like what you see below, works fine. The only issue with it would be if you use it, leave combat and try to enter new combat with the macro within 25 sec as the spell would still be on CD.
Edit: Though you can just use the Alt/Ctrl modifier in those cases.

/castsequence [nocombat] Ice Barrier, Flurry; [nochanneling,combat,harm] Flurry, Ice Lance, Ice Lance

for some reason i cant seem to get shift mod or alt or control to work on the macro can anyone help i can seem to get blizzard off