Azortharion's rotation sequence help.

Azortharion is one of the best best hunter in the world World of Warcraft

Here is a nice rotation that Azortharion uses is for sale | HugeDomains

I am currently trying to write a sequence based on his rotation (he got nice dps during streams).

Can someone help to write it based on some rules like “DELAY it at 5 stacks of Frenzy if there’s over 10 seconds and under 19 seconds remaining on Bestial Wrath.”?

Thanks for posting that, Been looking at the links you put up. They are 2 good people on the forums that has come up with some very nice macros. (Beef and OMGBerg.) Perhaps they can come up with something. But looks to me, I can use the one I am using currently and also use my focus fire macro for the stacks.

I also noticed that hunter is stacking haste rather than mastery, So I may try that as well. :slight_smile:

But I am sure they are people like me who always look and try and keep up with any macro’s being posted, So when you do come up with something? By all means share! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the reply.

Can I try out your sequence?

Azortharion here,

The only reason I stacked Haste was a rather specific and personal agenda. The guide advises Mastery and that’s what you should go for, copying my armory achieves nothing of worth usually (compared to reading the guide, anyways).

I hope @OP finds a way to WeakAura-ify the rotation although the nature of Hunter DPS will make it a difficult if not impossible task. Let me know what you get though.


Using Gnomesequencer to automate the specific timings from that guide would be near impossible. It would be best if cooldowns would be casted manually. The only help you could probably have for that is using PowerAuras or WeakAuras to prompt you for when the specific times are up.

As for the DPS Skills, then that could by all means be used in the DPS Rotation of the Gnomesquencer macro.

All for a GS macro that’s as close to Azo’s guide as possible. :slight_smile:

[quote quote=24429]Azortharion here,
The only reason I stacked Haste was a rather specific and personal agenda. The guide advises Mastery and that’s what you should go for, copying my armory achieves nothing of worth usually (compared to reading the guide, anyways).

Well I just thought, Hey if he was doing it sorta thing… heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a whole bank full of enchants. So it wasnt all that big of a deal of switching things around. (We was doing a off night anyways, Just doing an alt run.)

Oh yeah. Doing a manual rotation vs doing a GM macro…The DPS is most always gonna be bigger numbers with doing a manual rotation. The reason why I chose a macro to that is personal preference. It helps me focus better on the raid and not worry so much on trying watch my cooldowns, Etc. I mostly usually still in the top 4 in DPS tho. :stuck_out_tongue:

The DPS is most always gonna be bigger numbers with doing a manual rotation
Did that yesterday. Definitely higher when doing it myself during Darmac Mythic try (49 to 52K). The macros I tested were either super low (35K) or really high (54+) but very unreliable.