Been using this macro for pvp. Any chance someone can help me with it?

Disclaimer: I have absolutely no clue what i’m doing. I have been using this macro for pvp and pve. Opener seems pretty good. I have no idea how to improve it or if its a total flop but its been working ok for me. Would love some advise or criticism. Again, I really have no idea what im doing so flame suit is on…

Sequences['Sub_attempt'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "1231212",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast Nightblade",
        "/cast Cheap Shot",
        "/cast Shadow Dance",
        "/cast Symbols of Death",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast Cheap Shot",
        "/cast Shadow Blades",
        "/cast Eviscerate",
        "/cast Marked for Death",
        "/cast Eviscerate",
        "/cast Crimson Vial",
        "/cast Goremaw's Bite",
        "/cast Backstab",

Sigh…can’t figure out how to put it in the right format so you can copy and use it. Also, where would I put in the reset=target command?

Sequences[‘Sub_attempt’] = {
— This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
Talents = “1231212”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth”,
“/cast Shadowstrike”,
“/cast Nightblade”,
“/cast Cheap Shot”,
“/cast Shadow Dance”,
“/cast Symbols of Death”,
“/cast Shadowstrike”,
“/cast Cheap Shot”,
“/cast Shadow Blades”,
“/cast Eviscerate”,
“/cast Marked for Death”,
“/cast Eviscerate”,
“/cast Crimson Vial”,
“/cast Goremaw’s Bite”,
“/cast Backstab”,

not sure why it can not be imported. hopefully someone with more knowledge can help.

[quote quote=49955]Sigh…can’t figure out how to put it in the right format so you can copy and use it. Also, where would I put in the reset=target command?

There is a “code” tag button at the top of the edit window. Click that and it will insert a “`” press ctr+v to copy in your exported macro and the either press the “code” tag again or press the “close tags” button.

As for the Boxed version not importing, I can take a look when I get home.

Cant get it to work.

Try this. Just rewrote it quickly to make sure there are not any bad quotes or Syntax. Not my work just boxing up the OP. If it still won’t import I’ll to look at it when I get home.

Sequences['Sub_atempt'] = {
  Talents = "1231212",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
		"/cast Nightblade",
		"/cast Cheap Shot",
		"/cast Shadow Dance",
		"/cast Symbols of Death",
		"/cast Shadowstrike",
		"/cast Cheap Shot",
		"/cast Shadow Blades",
		"/cast Eviscerate",
		"/cast Marked for Death",
		"/cast Eviscerate",
		"/cast Crimson Vial",
		"/cast Goremaw's Bite",
		"/cast Backstab",

[quote quote=49967]

Sigh…can’t figure out how to put it in the right format so you can copy and use it. Also, where would I put in the reset=target command?

There is a “code” tag button at the top of the edit window. Click that and it will insert a “`” press ctr+v to copy in your exported macro and the either press the “code” tag again or press the “close tags” button. As for the Boxed version not importing, I can take a look when I get home. [/quote]

updated the original post. Thank you. Hopefully it will import now.

Dose anyone have a current death from above sub macro to share?

I would just delete the first eviscerate and marked for death, put in death from above, leave 2nd eviscerate to cast if dfa is on cool down.

Try Sublove macro it’s DFA…Let me know if you like it. Things are dying before it builds up Combo points to fire off the DFA Hehehehe