Beerboep Drunken Master

ALT= Leg Sweep
SHIFT= Fortifying Brew


Talents 1213121

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.07.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Blackout Strike, Ironskin Brew

KeyPress: Fortifying Brew, Ring of Peace, Leg Sweep

Main Sequence: Breath of Fire, Blackout Strike, Tiger Palm, Rushing Jade Wind, Keg Smash

Post Macro: Blackout Strike, Purifying Brew

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what MS speed do you use?

75ms but thats dependant on your world lag etc.

Used this macro and worked very well good work here. Only thing is that I’d like keg smash to go off closer to when it’s off cooldown.

Not sure if that’s just because of my stat weights (haste%) or what not.

@tom-krettler thanks, you might have to add another keg smash in the post macro section to accommodate your stats