Best Ele Single for ME



Talents: 2211112

This macro contains 1 macro version. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.6.26 exportiert.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Erdelementar, Herzessenz, Feuerelementar, SturmhĂĽter

KeyPress: Flammenschock

Main Sequence: Lavaeruption, Flammenschock, Widerhallender Schock, Blitzschlag, Erdschock

Post Macro: Erdelementar, Herzessenz, Feuerelementar, SturmhĂĽter


Great macro! Hopefully, you will update it as we progress into shadowlands and also any thoughts on doing an AOE version?. Thx.

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This one is doing great for me so far… thank you


I changed your title a little bit as it can be misleading from “Best Ele Single” to “Best Ele Single for ME”.

Hope you’re loving Shadowlands and have a great day!

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Haven’t tried yet, but does this copy/paste over into GSE in English? I know it’s a rude thing to say, but I just don’t feel like wasting time copy and pasting then, having to delete if it doesn’t. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to be rude. D:

Hey Mate can you Tell us Which MS you use for this?