BM Priority One Button Smash Macro


i tried out all the macros in this forum - some run - some don’t :slight_smile:
I came to the point where i want to make my own, priority based Macro.

I did a lot of testing and below you find where i ended up with.
For my tests - it gave me the hightest ST Dummy DPS of all the macros i tried.

There are some things to keep in mind:

  • Sometimes you have a lot of Focus, feel free to smack in an arcane Shot or a ST Barrage. I tried with another Arcane Shot right in the steps - but overall that lead me to a loss in DPS, so i decided to favor Kill Command and AMoC Casts on Cooldown

  • I added Focus Fire into the steps, feel free to put them on a different button and cast them when you think they fit most - i couldn’t find any significant difference, so i left it in.

  • Macro 8 has Dire Beast in it - i am NOT speced into it - so you won’t find it in the step order. If you like to use Dire Beast - feel free to change the Steps into: (7, 4, 5, 1, 8, 2, 3, 2, 6, 4, 1) - you may try if something else is working better for you.

My Talents are: 3,1,2,1,1,3,3

and here is the Single Target Macro (AOE will follow later!)

Sequences['BMCrowST'] = {
StepFunction = [[
 order = newtable(7, 4, 5, 1, 5, 3, 2, 2, 6, 1,5)
	 newstep = (newstep and (newstep % #order + 1)) or 2
	 step = order[newstep]
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

-- Macro1
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command
-- Macro2
/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot
-- Macro3
/cast [nochanneling, mod] Barrage; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot
-- Macro4
/cast [nochanneling] A Murder of Crows
-- Macro5
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot
-- Macro6
/cast [nochanneling] !Focus Fire
-- Macro7
/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath
-- Macro8
/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast
-- Macro9

Here comes the AOE Part:

Sequences['BMCrowAOE'] = {
StepFunction = [[
 order = newtable(7, 4, 3, 1, 5, 8, 2, 2, 8, 8, 6, 1, 5, 3)
	 newstep = (newstep and (newstep % #order + 1)) or 2
	 step = order[newstep]
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

-- Macro1
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command
-- Macro2
/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot
-- Macro3
/cast Barrage
-- Macro4
/cast [nochanneling] A Murder of Crows
-- Macro5
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot
-- Macro6
/cast [nochanneling] !Focus Fire
-- Macro7
/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath
-- Macro8
/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot
-- Macro9

Please try it out and let me know what you think of it and how it works for you and if there is any change that you would suggest!


There is no Glaive Toss / Barrage which is a huge DPS loss, and using it at 635 iLvl I spent most of my time Focus starved doing Cobra Shots. After the initial Focus dump I never got above 50 Focus again in a 5 minute test, barely held 11K. :frowning:

Thats strange as i had more than enough focus.
How are you using it? Autohotkey or manually pressing the key?

i did with AHK - and will give it more testing with manual pressing and also with Logitech and get back to you.
I was running around 19k, close to never starved on focus.

I forgot to wrote about barrage - i have it on a seperate button - it does more dps than glaive but you do not want to cast it in a macro :slight_smile:

Do I need to make a macro for each skill or just this one macro? I’m new to GS

Ok, this has been updated to include Barrage - you need to press a modifier key to set it of - use it wisely :slight_smile:

I still have the problem of too much focud from time to time, but when i add more Arcane Shots i get more delay on the Prio Spells.

Feel Free to toss the spells around.

I run over 20k @650 on the dummy - ofc kill shot is not working on him.

All you need is this Macro - no need to do more, as i said one for AOE is following.

Have just done a Brackenspore LFR - and beside from some spells that sometimes don’t fire off right after CD it works pretty good for me.

Below is a screenshot with a weighted by Bracket Rank. As you can se emy iLvl is 653 and i perform better than 92 percent of all players in the 648-662 Bracket (which are 9211 players with logs). I find taht pretty good taken into account that i am more to the lower end of the bracket. there are way better iLvl players below my 24k DPS and none is above. I will try the macro within a normal BRF Raid later this evening.


Also regarding the focus - as you can see in this picture i was neither nearly never starved nore topped with Focus. Only from 3 minutes plus it seems like i could have wasted a bit more focus - i will try to find out what happend there (or what not…).

It is handy if you have a Focus Dumb Button available - just in Case :slight_smile:


I Also updated the first Post with the AOE i am currently in Raid testing situation.

Thank you for your post.

Do i need to indent the cast part of the macros like over a tab in the more simple gs macros?

Not that i’m aware of.
In this one - as well in the other ones - i suppose it is only done to get more overview and not a technical necessity

Hey mike, first of all great macro…

But could you let me know what AHK Skript you use? cause no matter what i use, either AHK, Fingerspamming or my razor synapse… i cant get my 674 hunter above 20k on a dummy :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey mike, first of all great macro…

But could you let me know what AHK Skript you use? cause no matter what i use, either AHK, Fingerspamming or my razor synapse… i cant get my 674 hunter above 20k on a dummy :stuck_out_tongue:

Here comes my autohotkey script - you need to press scroll lock to activate / deactivate it.
Plus - i am still thinking about the delay time - so you should just try out a couple different setting.

It will spam button 1 to 5 with this - but you can easyly extend it…

#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
;ControlSend,,1,World of Warcraft
;sleep 75


  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
    Send 1
    Sleep, 30; Sleep for 20 msec
    GetKeyState, state, 1, P
    if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.

  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
    Send 2
    Sleep, 30; Sleep for 20 msec
    GetKeyState, state, 2, P
    if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.
  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
    Send 3
    Sleep, 30; Sleep for 20 msec
    GetKeyState, state, 3, P
    if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.

  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
    Send 4
    Sleep, 10 ; Sleep for 20 msec
    GetKeyState, state, 4, P
    if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.

  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
    Send 5
    Sleep, 10 ; Sleep for 20 msec
    GetKeyState, state, 5, P
    if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.


I am attempting to set up macros for my BM hunter. I sent you a PM. Itd be graet if you could help me out.

Thx for the AHK skript.

Tho it tells me that there is a fail in line 23, can it be that there is no space inbetween 30 and ; ?

And what are you running on key 1-5?

I have the ST on 3 and AoE on 4…

And still the macro only provides me like 17-20k on a dummy with a Corehound :S


[quote quote=23376]Hey mike, first of all great macro…
But could you let me know what AHK Skript you use? cause no matter what i use, either AHK, Fingerspamming or my razor synapse… i cant get my 674 hunter above 20k on a dummy :P

I am in the same boat as you. Simulator has me at an avg of 35k dps but its a constant 20k. If you figure this out id like to know

Tx so much for the effort and Im testing these:) Can you help me with one thing…how do i work with the mod key…I put:shift after it but it seems to do nothing:)

Please advice?

Happy Hunter:)

What you do is - you use [mod] or [mod:shift] if you like to bind it to a specific mod key. In this example i can use any mod key (shift / alt / ctrl) - but you must make shure that it is not used in your key bindungs. If so - just delete the keybinding and you can use the mod key. Most of the time it is already bound to an action and not regognized as a modifier for that reason. Just look into your game options > keybindings!

About the dummy - it will be way less than simulator - one reason being that kill shot is not working - don’t worry about the dummy - try it in raid!

Hope that helps

I like the macro’s very much. The AOE is very good. I can’t seem to get my dps up a little in the single target though. Im 681 and running 30K in Blackrock steady. Maybe Im doing something with the barrage wrong, I don’t know…

It sometimes is a bit RNG witht he focus - what i do is to keep the actual spell on my bars as well - so i would notice when it is not casted for some time (like barrage beeing to long off CD) - i than manually press the spell.

Overall i made the experience that everythin usually fires just in time when its off CD, and casts the ‘right’ spells.