By the Light! PvP / PvE v1.4 (6/7/24)

I don’t like to have that in macro because it tends to cast in really odd spots.

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Updated PvP talents in OP, still works well. I’m going to also update my Fury warrior PvP setup.


Man your macro is the best macro for ret pally i’ve ever used. Thank you so much

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any chance we can see a raid focus version?! it works well in raid don’t dont get me wrong, but im also newer to ret and dont know much lol

Hey dude this macro is so crazy :slight_smile: Thanks a lot!

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Hi marco is great!
Im new with all of this…

Can some help me how i can get shield of vengeance in the marco?
I try put in watch a youtube video but dont work xD

Thank you

no ret pally runs with a sheild

Its a buff that give you a barrier you dont need a shield to use it…
i think you think i mean Schield of the Righteous thats needs a shield

but anyway i found it already :slight_smile:

Is this macro still running good? I really wanted a badass PvP macro for Retri

Yea sir it is. I play retail daily still and paladin is my main.

Man you’re my savior, I’ve been looking for a good pvp macro for pally for so long. Can’t wait to test it when I get home. Big up for you my brother

Is the talent tree in the macro up to date? If it isn’t can you share what talents you’re using at the moment?

Sure thing:


3v3 PvP

w/ Luminescence, Blessing of Sanc, Aura of Reckoning

Hi,never used a macro like this , what ms should i set ?

I make all of mine for 100ms.

How do you get these to work in dragon flight ?

Download GSE (GnomeSequencerEnchanced) from Curseforge and then import the string.

It always says to me this works only with an older version of warcraft

Quick question, why is the macro starting off the rotation with Wake of Ashes first and not blade of justice and judgement