[Cata Classic] Survival Hunter Lvl 81-85 (GSE3) - ** Updated 04-Dec-24 **

Macro has been cleaned up for better easier importing for you all. 11/13/24

Hey Corgin! The addon works great, but I was wondering if you could implement the use of Arcane Shot? Especially with the Firelands 4-set, you get free focus, and I feel like you’re losing a chunk of DPS by not using Arcane Shot with all that free focus. I could just spam Arcane Shot, but I was wondering if there could be an easy solution to this issue.

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Updated the macro 12/03/24 -
Added Arcane shot as a modded key.
It’s recommended to use this ability only when you have excess focus available.

Thank you, as always, for the valuable feedback, everyone!


the current import button seems to be MM rather than SV the BM and MM ones import fine but SV imports the MM one.

My apologies, it has been fixed.

great thank you :slight_smile: and thank you for the hard work you put in doing all these. make it alot less stressful in the raids.

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You are very welcome, and thank you for your support. :slight_smile:

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