Is this a PvP setup? I’m just curious, also if you are trying to make the macro not use your trinkets in the rotation type /gse in-game then right-click on the macro where you see “Configuration, 1, New & WeakAuras”, click on the tab that says 1 and scroll down to the very bottom of the macro window you will see an area saying Use, below that you will see Head, Neck, Belt, Ring 1, Ring 2, Trinket 1, and Trinket 2, if any of those boxes next to them are yellow then they are active and will be used on cooldown, click them until they are blank and the macro will no longer use any of those areas on cooldown. Just make sure you hit save afterward.
yes thanks for helping me figure it out thanks
hallo you have update for unholy dk, for new GSE 3.2.16
couse your update before cant use now
Hey. I just downgraded the version and everything is fine.
I haven’t been on my computer in quite a while. I had surgery and I’m still recovering. Once I am better I will load up WoW and see what needs to be changed and fixed.
this macro has stopped working today 10/29/24
I am starting to be able to sit up better area of surgery was getting a lack of blood flow if I sat in a chair.
Anyway, I looked at the GSE that is now out. I will have to remake all my macros from scratch again. I will try and start remaking them tomorrow. I’m not sure how long it will take. I will have to toy with the macros to get them back to where they once were.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, and thank you for the work you do. I think we’re all eager to see the macro update come out, but health comes first, right?
Have a great day!
thank you sir, get better soon
I really appreciate your time and effort on these macros. Get well soon, and I’m really looking forward to your updates
The macro has been updated today.
Really appreciate you doing this. Hero status!
woot ty very very very very much did i say very yet wait ty very much
dang forsome reason my dps dropped alot with this update i think i might have to turn up my speed
missing icy touch a few times on new groups on trash i noticed
I’ve found this too with my UH build
I isolated the block with this cast sequence to see if it works and it seems (as with all other castsequences Ive tried) that it doesn’t.
/stopmacro [@playertarget,noexists,nocombat]
/castsequence [combat] Scourge Strike, Festering Strike
Anyone else having the same Issue.?
The only work around Ive found is to make seperate castsequence macros and call to them in GSE
The reason for the dps loss is the scourge strike festering strike cast sequences. That way to many festering strikes when i tested this. Also runic power get used right away i find jt hard pooling for garg or for when DT is up. I will try to build one that follow the rotation better.
I have a nice Weak Aura that alerts me to spam my IWin button at the earliest opportunity (depending on Cooldowns and RP). It means that I always have enough RP and always pop gargoyle when all my big cool downs are up. It never fails and the DPS spike is huge…
but yeah, overall DPS is bad… Im sure yr right about the festering strike. What would you say the right ratio is SS-FS?
I made some changes to the rotation today. It seems to work a lot better on my end, hopefully, it will work and be as smooth for anyone who tries it. I still keep trying to play with GS3.