Celbone's WW Monk V2.1 * UPDATED 02-FEB-25 * - 11.0.7

Hi everyone,

This work is mostly to let people play, enjoy and find the way of the monk. I do enjoy playing underdog classes and feel how far it can performance when using a GSE Macro.

For starters:

Mod:Shift - Vivify with mouseover option
Mod:ctrl - Leg Sweep
Mod:alt - Touch of Karma and Earth,Watar, Wind, Heart, Go Planet!

Blizz standard Macro for Tiger and Trinkets:

/cast Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast 13
/cast 14



GSE Sequence Macro:


My Gear as of Feb-9th

The new ring

+6 Arakara

That is it, enjoy and let me know the results.

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I just started using this macro this afternoon and I am impressed with it so far. My gear isn’t great but so far it works well, great dps and no hang ups. I’ll keep playing for a couple of days and get back to you but so far it’s been great - thanks!

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one of the best out there. At 627il im standing at about 1.2m dps on the dummy. You dont sit on fist of fury for 2 long.


glad to hear that, still working on a few twiks here and there, the next version will fit for both hero builds.

hope you can pump harder on those dummies using the next version mate. Will add some keybinds for stuns and ring as well

Using my monk at 593 ilvl I was able to roll through level 8 delves without issue using your macro. The dps is really good but the monk feels a tad squishy to me so I used Brann as a healer and had no problems. Great job on this macro!

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hi @clip121, it felt that way for me as well during the levling and gearing, the issue is due to HASTE cap not be at least near 22%

Make sure you get your gear a bit more towards haste and mastery, that will solve the “gap” you are feeling. Down the road you’ll migrate to haste / versa / mastery, it will balance even more the rotation and making things top of art

The new version is based on haste mostly, as my gear got a bit more optimal

Nvm to my first, i fixed it xD

Any way, theres no single target sequence? I havent played monk in many years, the same for WoW. Its not needed or?

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glad you fixed what was broken for you ^^

There are St, AOE and Cleave sequences for Monk, but it does not change a hole lot talent wise.

My sequence will performe really close to the sim’ed talent builds out there and cover for AOE and ST and CLEAVE all together.

If you want more dps on M+, get any AOE talents from WOWHEAD or ICYVEINS or any other side out there, the script will run it smoothly as well.

same goes for CLEAVE builds out there.

The only specific rotation that my sequence will not cover fully, is the pure ST one due to some unique to the build talents, I always encorage people to change it a bit and play with the edits, so if you feel brave enough, please get it to the coding and fetch those rotation you need for your playstyle, let us know the results back here yah ?

Updated version posted, added a few more adjustments here and there. It will perform better now for raid and for mythic plus. Still not working with PURE ST build, that one I’m reserving a bit more time as I want it for pvp only (future project).

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