Crude Augmentation attempt v3

Still hangs up on the charge abilities but for the most part works smoothly so far. Best Ive gotten it.

that what we need to put together to be good

So how does this work with different talents one for opener and one for augmentation? You have 2 different talent strings and 2 macros wouldnt the talents be the same regardless? Once your in combat you cant change them.

If you are basing this off details meter then its wrong as far I know they havent updated this yet to support Aug Evokers. Best to check your warcraftlogs and base it off that. I see Aug Evokers in Mythic raid doing 130-146k based on warcraftlogs.

Not sure why its showing two different builds. This is what I am using. BTW Breathe of Eons will goto where your cursor is, so be mindful of that. I have also taken the talent that will return you right back to your start posistion.


Right now im not really looking at DPS, more so keeping max uptime on Ebon Might.

i cobbled together a bunch of different macros and got this mostly from @Borland1891_2325 dev macro, so far I’ve gotten it to cast ebon might and prescience on cooldown the main thing is Living Flame/Eruption sometimes it goes off great other times it casts living flame more I’m still tinkering with it but I’m getting ~70% uptime on the target dummy.

i did some more tinkering and this almost there the entire rotation is almost automated except Breath of Eons which is on a modifier
edit: added @focus for prescience and /cast [noform:1] Black Attunement in keypress to swap back after hover


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can we add @focus for Prescience ?

You can you wanna let Blistering Scales auto cast (it will go on the targets targets if they have one). So if your targeting a mob without a target it’ll cast on you, if its on a boss it’ll target which ever tanks has it.

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I’ve made a few minor tweaks here and there. V3 updated up on OP

Added castsequence to a couple spells so it swaps back to Black Attunement after casting Hover.
Added all 1.8 min CDs into the macro. This was to maximize the Hover capabilities. You will be zooming around so be careful, feel free to disable the blocks if you prefer to use on your own.

Looking good keep up the good work <3

i tested it on +10 dungeon but i can’t tell a accurate number because it stopped working middle of the dungeon

edit: added @focus for prescience and /cast [noform:1] Black Attunement in keypress to swap back after hover

Hmm not sure why, mines never stopped working. Ensure your GSE is up to date, I know there was a recent update. Hopefully that was the cause.

My GSE is always up to date because i scan everytime for addon updates

some of us have newer versions because we support Tim. so the one on curseforge is 1 version behind what the supporters have. so not sure if this macro is using newest version of GSE or the version from curseforge. if its the newest, then that is probably the issue.

curse-forge I’m pretty sure, this site hasn’t been updated to have a section just for Augmentation Evokers !
On vacation , maybe its summer !

How many MS you running this Macro?

I was running it at 250 ms. No longer playing Aug anymore though. There may be better macros by others now.