Cym's 7.1 WW Monk with Serenity + WDP

[quote quote=50219]i got the WW one to work now when i try to load the BrewFu one keeps saying (there is an issue with Sequnce BrewFu. it has not been loaded to prevent the mod from failing) any clues?

I am guessing you’re trying to import the 7.1 macro BrewFu1 ? It will suffer the same issue but it was version 5. The other BrM macro I posted up will work and was converted for GS2.x

I will alter this one too

Updated now to be imported

what would the speed for this be for ahk?

This macro is awesome, thanks!

Hi great macro, what speed do you recommended on synapse? Do you recommended using gcd for it? Thanks

[quote quote=50254]Hi great macro, what speed do you recommended on synapse? Do you recommended using gcd for it? Thanks
[/quote]I use 150 Milliseconds

Using 150 keeps Hit Combo up?

For me, there is no easy answer for the question about AHK and other software of the same ilk.

you have both energy and chi to play with and keep track of.

WW’s have a 1s cooldown like all rogues and feral so if you use AHK you would set it to that and off you go… however…

General rule of thumg is, if the skill is lit up you can key press. If it’s dark and Tiger Palm you would wait until you have the energy to use it. If it’s dark and not Tiger Palm you will skip it as you don’t have the needed Chi to use it.

The issue with the above is your skills then have different cooldowns that you can’t use a static speed and you would need to keep an eye on the icons or you may find very brief periods os standing around while waiting to use a skill you have resources for.

Go too fast however and miss skills, you may use Fists of Fury, skip RSK and then you dont have the required skills on cooldown for Whirling Dragon Punch.

Hello Cymiryc

Hawe you remove the other macros?


I removed the Serenity one as it’s not currently viable in this expansion as it was previously.

I have not made any changes itself, yet, to the WW one as i only updated it to work with the current Gnomesequencer so people could import it with little issue.

The issue i have atm is i am probably behind on any updated macros… i think i have over extended myself in trying to make macros for most classes… but this is because i am never settled on one class at any one time, It’s a curse of Alt-ism :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember too, this was a 7.1 macro which didn’t have a lot of feedback/comments so i was more surprised when it started getting used, so if you’re only now noticing its been removed well… :slight_smile: