Updated V2 with slight better AOE and ST damage. Hardly any down time if you use retreat and fel rush. Took out Felblade.
I tested both macro’s and V2 is very good.
Without retreat, there’s downtime. With retreat, it’s losing a bit of dps.
Hope you can improve it even more.
Thanks for the feedback, I’m always logging hours working on it after I get off work.
Yo, I gotta say v2 is a banger! Thank you so much for your work and continued work on this. Look forward to you making it even better.
I’m glad you like it, wasn’t sure if people would like that type of playstyle with Beam, retreat, fel rush on mod keys
V2 awesome. Would you be able to make a glaive tempest build for smaller pull and boss fights
I’m back to working on my Vengeance Macro, I suppose I could dabble into it once I revise the Vengeance Macro.
Deadly Havoc Macro V2.5 is out. Let me know good or bad, how it works for you. Happy Hunting!!
Great Macro, but im getting stuck on meta. Its something in my keybinds not your macro, one question…
Do you have/need “Lost in darkness” in the talent tree or was that an oversight?
I’ve removed it and taken precise sigils instead.
I don’t have meta on a keybind/mod key. I have it going off in the macro. These are the talents I’m using, no oversight. Not sure what Lost in Darkness is.
Be careful with precise sigils, it bugs out if you try to use macro with @player in other spec/talents.
Its a known bug and you have to remove precise sigils from everywhere to make it work back.
ah that makes sense, im having those bugged issues. thx
Just tested and V2.5 is great
Using V2.5 and using ctrl doesnt spam felblade
Check your keybindings in wow or an addon, something is amiss on your end. If you use Elvui that could be the issue.
Just tested 2.5 on an ilvl 395 with 2 piece tier, Aoe was impressive to say the least ! Great job!! Do you change much on single target? For me it was a drastic difference in dps (100k+ on Aoe to 35k on single) any help would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately I really on high AOE to make up for the single target damage. You could move talents around for a generic decent AOE and ST build. But, you won’t be near the top of the charts in overall damage imo.
Oh, ok that makes sense. Thank you for responding, much appreciated.
I’m glad you like it and it works good for you. I appreciate all feedback.