Diesel one button feral I use this for everything

Here is my feral macro I’ve been using for everything. Needs more testing. DOES NOT use defensives or trinkets right now I may add the trinkets later. I did some testing over the weekend in mythic plus and a normal raid and it did well. I’d like to get some feedback on this “true one button” feral macro any help is appreciated.



Yea i like it. You dont sit on the ressource for too long. I added this
in the first block type and also remove avatar so i can cast it manually.

/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/cast [nocombat] Rake

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I’m very casual, but this is working great for me. No hang ups, excellent DPS and very easy to use. I was using another macro, but it was hanging up frequently in instances and open world. This ran flawless and topping DPS with an ilevel below 610. If you want to add trinkets that would be great, but I’ll happily be using it as is.

Thanks for putting this out for use, greatly appreciated.

Noticed you dont have the talent Adaptive swarm but its in the profile.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [noform:3, nochanneling] Adaptive Swarm
/castsequence [noform:3, nochanneling] Rake, Brutal Slash, Shred, Ferocious Bite

Yea, I was doing some testing with it. It didn’t seem to affect the macro so I left it in there in case someone want to use it.

Ahh ok was checking if it was a mistake or not i usually talent it so ill leave it as is i go with Wild Stalker hero talents myself, the rotation works well.

No worries thank you for trying out the macro

Works great for me.
I routinely get around 90 % of sim on Dummys.
Did the Time walks with Feral and it was blasting.

That’s awesome glad you’re liking it. Thank you for the feedback

Did some testing i noticed it does kinda run out of energy alot its not that bad though i took the talent Tireless Energy over Double-Clawed Rake and Convoke the spirits over Incarn as i play solo alot.

Thank you for the feedback. Hopefully switching those 2 talents help.

well be trying this out today in time walking :slight_smile:

Same, got 3 more TW to do… will test this one out when doing them :slight_smile:

Edit* 3 TW’s later… this macro pumps :slight_smile: well done

You realize timewalking scales right ? So pumping in TW isnt exactly something you should judge if macro is good or not.

yep this macro slapss

Thank you for your feedback. Glad it’s working well you enjoy

Thank you for your feedback. Glad youre enjoying it.

I am comparing to my old macro, also dummies/LFR.

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diesel are u in processes or updaTE THIS MARCO WITH NEW THINGS THEY DID FERAL YET?