Dionysus37's Dark Ranger MM Raiding/M+ AIO 11.0.7

Casts Volley at the cursor, disable that block if you don’t like volley being in the normal rotation.
You must apply Hunter’s Mark manually.
I have it set to use the Troll Racial “Berserk”, you’ll need to change that to your racial if you want to use it.

I was getting 90 - 95% of sim on both single target and aoe. The only difference I’ve really noticed with this build and sequence between single and aoe is using multishot instead of arcane shot.

612 ilvl hunter:
650k dps ST
2.2m dps AOE
I’m still not sure that having volley in the normal rotation adds much to the overall dps, but I built the sequence around using it since a lot of people are saying that its good, and I’m still somewhat low ilvl.


CTRL: Casts Multi-shot instead of Arcane Shot

Marksman Talents
Sequence String

I will keep the original post updated as I make changes to this.

Question, why is volley in the rotation, when it is not a selected talent?
Edit: Same with Multishot
Edit 2: Also, the talents linked within the import are not complete, with 9 left to spend in the DR Hero Tree

If you’re using the talent import that was included in the sequence then that was the wrong one. I have removed that one since it was from when i was leveling up my hunter. The talent build in the original post is the correct talent import.

I have disabled the block containing volley since it doesnt seem to me to add any dps on single target, and even on multi target it barely added anything. The block is still in there so if you want to use it, just uncheck the box and it will still work.

Hello! This works great on ST, but for some reason the ctrl modifier for multi shot is not working for me :frowning: Could you make 2 separate sequences: 1 for ST and 1 for MT? It’s much more convenient this way, since i can bind ST to one button and MT to another. Thanks in advance!

try changing the part where it says mod:ctrl to mod:shift or mod:alt and see if one of those works for you.

you must have some setting that is messing with using ctrl as a modifier key for the keybind you’re using. The next changes I make to this macro will most likely be updating them for the next patch. I’m on the ptr working on my paladin right now so that I can mess with the new content, but after that I’ll be working on the MM Hunter changes for 11.1.0.

Simple rotation is not working, not sure why as i can see the it’s cast in the sequence. any ideas?

try deleting it and reimporting it, then reloading or logging out and back in.

not sure what it could be, it’s working fine for me.