DrCookies Frostscythe/BoS/Obli AiO 07.03.2021

Normally it should run, but no panic, tonight there will come a updated version of the macro, i worked the last few weeks on and tested it, running very good Sims in both obli and bos macro👍

Hey, love your macros and looking forward to the ST macro, any idea when it will be uploaded?

Thank you,:+1:
plan was to upload it yesterday, but then I found out about some problems between my wife and 1 or 2 or more bottles of wine, and thought that I should help her clear up the problems…so it could take a little bit more time to update🙈


Hey DrCookie, loving these macros! Only issue is the AOE one seems to not cast FrostScy for me? Any ideas?

Nvm found out Frostscy was not translated

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Glad to hear that you like it :slight_smile:

Yeah, most time it is cause it’s not translating it correctly, hope you changed it in the ST macro too, because there is also a frostscythe inside if talented.

Got some tests done yesterday, macro runs from 100-200ms very good now, minimalistic downtime, and if good timed, really long breaths (longest one was 36sec atm, and that’s nice for a macro).

hllo under FST i translated Frostscythe to english , and still doesnt seem to use it if talented

Yeah, because in fst it is only given one time, so it doesn’t use it much, only some times… Fst is written for mainly single target with little to no aoe, if you want more, you need to insert some more scythe into the rotation, or you take the aoe set, this will perform way better than fst in aoe👍

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okay i understand, do you recommend using FST during BOS being on cooldown ?

Great Makro, thank you for taking the time and effort to make this.

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Obli or fst, it’s the same in terms of rune power generation, you try to generate as much rp as possible, to have bos up as long as you can👍

Hi guys,

my question is, if i import a String the makro looks like this:

/click [button:2] FBR RightButton; [button:3] FBR MiddleButton; [button:4] FBR Button4; [button:5] FBR Button5; FBR

is that okay or something wrong ? @DrCookie kann ich hier auch in deutsch schreiben ?


Alles gut, das ist ja nur das makro so wie es in wow hinterlegt ist unter /m. Einfach auf die leiste ziehen und dann mit Tastendruck /ahk/makro auslösen :+1: