DreamKin 7.3 The Old School Way Updated 9/03/2017

Update: Adding my new lvling macro to this location as an option for a 1 button macro. It has better starting burst using all the cool downs to start it off. You’ll find it at the bottom of the post.

Update: altered the timings of AHK buttons
Update: while this set of macros work without GSE, the GSE AOE macro runs better allowing Starfall to be first on the list to be cast for faster aoe affect. added the GSE Version at the bottom of the list for those who want to use it.

After much Testing I have a new setup using the in game macro system no addon needed.
Still uses 4 macros in the same order

Tallents: 3,?,?,?,1,1,3

#showtooltip Solar Wrath
/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Sunfire, Moonfire, null
/castsequence reset=3 Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike
/cast New Moon

#showtooltip Starsurge
/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Sunfire, Moonfire, null
/castsequence reset=3 Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike
/cast Starsurge
/cast Celestial Alignment

#showtooltip Starfall
/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Sunfire,moonfire,nul
/castsequence Lunar Strike
/cast [@cursor] Starfall
/cast New Moon
/cast Barkskin

#showtooltip Sunfire
/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence Moonfire, Sunfire
Sequences['DreamKinAOE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.02.
  Talents = "3???113",
  Help = [[Use on 3+ targets. Best when used after macro DreamKinBurst, when you get a free Starfall from [Oneth's Intuition], or when at 100 Astral Power.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form",
        "/cast Barkskin",
        "/cast [@cursor] Starfall",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Moonfire, Sunfire, nul",
        "/castsequence Lunar Strike",

Here are my Auto Hot Key settings. using buttons 1-4 and using the macros in the order there listed. complimets go to.

Author: Backwardpawn, although it’s a pretty simple script I’m sure someones made it before.
Name: ‘Turbofire’ AutoHotKey Script
Date: 07/14/2009

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
if not GetKeyState("1", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^1
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +1
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !1
Send 1
sleep 100
if not GetKeyState("2", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^2
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +2
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !2
Send 2
sleep 300
if not GetKeyState("3", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^3
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +3
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !3
Send 3
sleep 300
if not GetKeyState("4", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^4
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +4
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !4
Send 4
sleep 150

New Lvling macro Let me know what you think.

Sequences['DreamKin_lvling'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.02.
  Talents = "up to lvl 74 213?---  /75+ 313?113",
  Help = [[lvl 1-74 use 213?--- gives you more burst dew to instant Lunar Strikes.
lvl 75+ use 313?113
You may also feel free to mix it up the only talents I don't include in this macro is the lvl 30,60 and lvl100 Fury of Elune
lvl 90 Blessing of the Ancients is a buff that you chose between one or the other.
IF your are wondering about the "Druids Go Boom" It just replaces a "Null " statment that stops the sequence.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Druids Go Boom",
        "/cast Warrior of Elune",
        "/cast Celestial Alignment",
        "/cast Astral Communion",
        "/cast Starsurge",
        "/cast New Moon",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath",
        "/castsequence [@cursor] Starfall, Moonfire, Sunfire",
        "/cast Solar Wrath",

I changed from the GS-E one you created to this one and it works all fine, great job thank you. :slight_smile:

I coppied your first four macros as specific macros for my balance druid. But I cannot determine when to stop using 1st one and when to start use 2nd and 3rd and 4th.

Is your Dreamkinaoe macro for GS uses all of your 4 macros?

[quote quote=53203]Hello, I coppied your first four macros as specific macros for my balance druid. But I cannot determine when to stop using 1st one and when to start use 2nd and 3rd and 4th.
Is your Dreamkinaoe macro for GS uses all of your 4 macros?

builder macro does just that builds astral power. when you have close to full switch to burner macro or aoe depending on what you want to do.

i added a gse ver of the aoe macro because it puts priority on puting down the starfall rings that do stack for more aoe damage. but if you dont want to use gse than the plain aoe macro works just not as good.

the 4th macro is just moonfire and sunfire in a loop. when killing a st boss you will have to reapply those dots and the 4th macro does it. the other macros apply it once. then it wont recast unless you change targets. hence the 4th macro.

can anyone help me install this into my game do i just create a regular macro in the settings?

[quote quote=53378]can anyone help me install this into my game do i just create a regular macro in the settings?
[/quote] all that you need to do is highlight the macro then right click and copy. when in game open up the in game macro window using esc then click macro. creat a macro then past it into the box using Ctrl+V then same it drag and drop onto your hot bar. and if you need help with Auto Hot Key.

download it here. Auto Hot Key

install then hit run. reboot computer.
on desktop right click go to new, you should see “AutoHotkey script” If not Reboot Again.
click on that, then copy past the script there and save. name it wow hot key or whatever you want. double click it to run. if everything worked you should see a green box with an H on it with the icons at bottom of your screen by the date and time.

if you still need help you can find me in game when im on. Gorimer or Firecurse realm:Baelgun

Sorry i tied doing this but am not that tech wise…

Am I to take every snippet and create a new macro by copying and pasting each element? or do I take it all and do import?

so I create a macro called builder , then copy paste this in?
#showtooltip Solar Wrath
/cast [stance:0/1/2/3/5] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Sunfire, Moonfire, null
/castsequence reset=3 Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike
/cast New Moon

and then create the other 3?

I want that to work first before i get into AHK :slight_smile:

thanks for the help

Everything below builder, for that is the name of the macro. Copy and past.

the macros seem to work great. I was just wondering what the autohotkey script does exactly.
I can set up macros on my keyboard and want to know if I can achiev the same effect with a macro as you do with autohotkey

If you have the ability to set up and use repeated key presses through keyboard or mouse then do that, it’s much better.
For those who can’t then AHK is an OK software based key repeater. It has it’s own flaws to be sure, but, works enough to get you by.

the sleep in AHK is that the amount of ms between each keypress you need to have? so where it says sleep 300, I set my keyboard to keypress 1 > keyrelease 1 > delay 300 and let it loop that cycle?


Sleep = delay in MS

Ok, so I JUST picked up Balance a couple days ago, and I am using these macros in that same order you have them listed (1 Builder, 2 Burner, 3 AoE, 4 Sunfire / Moonfire). I have a few questions, I know you stated use builder until near full then switch to Burner / AoE (depending on the situation) and then use Sunfire / Moonfire as needed. My first question is do I use 1 until near full, then switch to 2 or 3 (depending on Single Target or AoE) and never go back to 1, and use 4 as needed then go back to 2 / 3, OR do I do 1 till near full, then use 2 OR 3, then 4 as needed and return to 1 when I am low on AP?

NEXT Question is: The macro doesn’t seem to ever recast New Moon, (unless that is what going back to 1 is for) AND if that was the case is there a way to just have it reset Sunfire / Moonfire at the same time (like a time out reset command)?

Thanks in Advance… Krakr

this does not work as well, as before 7.3, hopefully someone can come up with something for balance that works in 7.3

[quote quote=54586]this does not work as well, as before 7.3, hopefully someone can come up with something for balance that works in 7.3
[/quote] saying it doesn’t work as well cant fix anything not knowing any information on how your geared or using the macro. i’m running ilvl 918 with weapon at 944 stats are crit/ hast/ mastery/ vers 18/ 21/ 65/ 7
have a 2 set for 30 astral power increase legendary head and wrist. get 700-800k dps on target tree in class hall and when i sim groth in ask mr robot it says i should get 850 but i also not running timewarp while getting the 7-800k. so unless you can offer any input, your welcome to modify my macros, make your own. one thing i do know is the moonkin druid was never a very burst dps spec. but in a long 3+ min fight it will always put out a constant stream of dammage non stop. and is mainly for boss fights. there are way to make it do burst dps but it will burn out like a comet in the sky leaving you with nothing to do but die in the end. its main dammage isn’t right at first its 15-20 secs into the fight, hence the macro name builder and burner. you have to build before you can burn. other clases, hunters, dk’s, fire mage, ect all have very strong start dammage. but i digress. and may be partly wrong, its just how i see it from my perspective.

[quote quote=54592]

this does not work as well, as before 7.3, hopefully someone can come up with something for balance that works in 7.3

saying it doesn’t work as well cant fix anything not knowing any information on how your geared or using the macro. i’m running ilvl 918 with weapon at 944 stats are crit/ hast/ mastery/ vers 18/ 21/ 65/ 7 have a 2 set for 30 astral power increase legendary head and wrist. get 700-800k dps on target tree in class hall and when i sim groth in ask mr robot it says i should get 850 but i also not running timewarp while getting the 7-800k. so unless you can offer any input, your welcome to modify my macros, make your own. one thing i do know is the moonkin druid was never a very burst dps spec. but in a long 3+ min fight it will always put out a constant stream of dammage non stop. and is mainly for boss fights. there are way to make it do burst dps but it will burn out like a comet in the sky leaving you with nothing to do but die in the end. its main dammage isn’t right at first its 15-20 secs into the fight, hence the macro name builder and burner. you have to build before you can burn. other clases, hunters, dk’s, fire mage, ect all have very strong start dammage. but i digress. and may be partly wrong, its just how i see it from my perspective. [/quote]

OK, I wasn’t trying to start a war, I just needed an answer to my question(s) about do I use 1 until near full, then switch to 2 or 3 (depending on Single Target or AoE) and never go back to 1, and use 4 as needed then go back to 2 / 3, OR do I do 1 till near full, then use 2 OR 3, then 4 as needed and return to 1 when I am low on AP? AND The macro doesn’t seem to ever recast New Moon, (unless that is what going back to 1 is for) AND if that was the case is there a way to just have it reset Sunfire / Moonfire at the same time (like a time out reset command)? I mean the macros seem to work solid, but I can’t get a gauge for the DPS because I am not certain on switching back and forth or keep on 2 or 3 :slight_smile:

my reply wasnt directed twards you krakr jack. but the macro is just that you need the AP from macro 1 to make macro 2 and 3 work. when you run out of AP go back to macro 1. If you switch back to 1 when you dont have enough AP for a Starsurge you get the most from the boosted faster casting solar wrath and lunar Strike. getting you to the next macro 2 faster for better dps rotation. and since your switching back and forth from macro 1 to 2or3. you will be spending those new moons to gain AP getting back to macro 2 and 3 faster. now about macro 4. the DOT’s will auto recast when using macro 1 2 or 3 when the target changes so unless your not changing targets your dots will run out fall off, like in a single target boss fight. so macro 4 was made to reapply those dots. one thing i like to do is when Celestial Alingment is rdy to cast i will build up to full AP use macro 4 to top off the dots so when i use macro 2 i run it till the buff is gone getting as many starsurges as possible before going back to the normal casting rotation.

Hope that clears thing up a bit for you.

[quote quote=54594]my reply wasnt directed twards you krakr jack. but the macro is just that you need the AP from macro 1 to make macro 2 and 3 work. when you run out of AP go back to macro 1. If you switch back to 1 when you dont have enough AP for a Starsurge you get the most from the boosted faster casting solar wrath and lunar Strike. getting you to the next macro 2 faster for better dps rotation. and since your switching back and forth from macro 1 to 2or3. you will be spending those new moons to gain AP getting back to macro 2 and 3 faster. now about macro 4. the DOT’s will auto recast when using macro 1 2 or 3 when the target changes so unless your not changing targets your dots will run out fall off, like in a single target boss fight. so macro 4 was made to reapply those dots. one thing i like to do is when Celestial Alingment is rdy to cast i will build up to full AP use macro 4 to top off the dots so when i use macro 2 i run it till the buff is gone getting as many starsurges as possible before going back to the normal casting rotation.
Hope that clears thing up a bit for you.

Thank you, it does, that’s the way I thought it was supposed to be but I was unsure since I just switched to Balance here about 2-3 weeks ago for the first time.

Oh I wasnt trying to upset you, Just was saying that your old macro worked well, and this one, does not even get above 500k… askmrrobot as me well over a million damage both ST and MT

I am 931 ilvl weapon is ilvl 961, Mastery 74%, haste 31%, crit 20%

[quote quote=54652]Oh I wasnt trying to upset you, Just was saying that your old macro worked well, and this one, does not even get above 500k… askmrrobot as me well over a million damage both ST and MT
I am 931 ilvl weapon is ilvl 961, Mastery 74%, haste 31%, crit 20%
[/quote] it appears on the surface you have the stat %'s close to my own and should be getting at least 700+ dps. what keyboard ms delay are you using for running the macro? is it the same as listed in the post for AHK if so there may be some sort of problem when hast reaches a certain point, as yours would be faster than mine. if your running the same keyboard delay try removing some gear to drop stats and see if the macro runs better, also what is your connection latency and do you get connection lag spikes or pauses in connection feed? i run off cellphone data some days are 70ms and other days at 300+. another thing are you using the same talents?